
Boss Battle Ended.

"SCATTER!!..<SWOSHH!!>…Annoying bastard got magic barrier…".

Seeing the tide of battle started to tilt to our disadvantage, I had to step up my game. With the covering fire from Alehandro, I managed to advance. Still, the firepower of my rifle alone wasn't able to deal with the buffed succubus, I use my the Head Hunter once again and turn it into Cherry petals that cut everything in front of me, but as the petals reached the Elder Eye of Beholder, it was reflected by a magic Barrier.

[That Barrier is a Level 4 Spell [Sheild of Force]..just like it's given name a Physical attack won't get past it..no matter how hard you hit…use Magic Attack Spell on it..it will get through..]. (T.A.S)


What T.A.S said is true my petals can kill anything but due to the blasted barrier not a single tentacle was cut, frustrated I shouted at my squad, I knew at least someone knows a little magic or two. A second later 2 men come to my side, I made all the petals for a cylinder-like tornado protecting me and the 2 private in the middle.

"You 2 know any magic attacks?..what spell you have and what tier?..".

The 2 nodded at me.

"Yes sir, I know [Fireball ] Spell it's a level 2 attack Magic...I can cast them 5 times..". (Private Elias)

Elias is an Elf, with very pale complexions. He's from the infantry division.

"I got [Light Beam] spells..it's a level 5 attack magic..but I can only cast them once…and the casting time will take me 5 minutes….sorry about that Sir..". (Private Guro)

With a tall stature and protruding fang, Guro look at me embarrassed when he said that he can only use it once. Guro is from the Special Forces division and he's a young Orc Shaman.

"It's okay there's nothing to be embarrassed of...okay here's the plan…As soon as I dispersed these petals… Private Elias, you will wait for my command, when I ordered you will cast the spell and attack that Eye….Private Guro, you will stand behind me, start casting now..when the spell is ready tapped my left shoulder and I will give you a clear sight of that Boss..understood?..".

The game plan is set.


All of a sudden multiple screams echoes in the boss room. Shouts of pain and orders started to come from my men.

"SIR!!!… THE ENEMIES IS PUSHING BACKK!!!….". (Corporal Alehandro)

As I dispersed the cycling petals, I can see the succubus was changing from busty babes to some blob demons, their bodies started to bulged, their skin turns red, they started to push back on us. I can see my guys started to drag their injured comrades who still shooting at the ugly blob succubus despite their stomachs were split open.

"Tsk!!…..<SWOSSH!!!>…..<ZASS!! ZASS!!>…now you started to pay attention huh bastard….ELIAS FIRE!!..".

I was angry seeing the state of my man, with the move of my hand all the petals started to dance inside the boss room cutting every succubus to pieces. Everything that passed the waves of cherry petals was sliced mercilessly, just as the carnage got even bloodier, the Elder Eye of Beholder, finally started to move, sending its thousands of tentacles whipping at me. But it's futile, just like him any attacks he launches against me were cut to nothing. I attack the Eye, causing it to stop at its tracks, then order Elias to attack.

"[Fireball] single cast!!…FIRE!!…<BBBOOOOMMM!!!>..". (Private Elias)

Just like artillery fire, a 2 meter large [Fireball] shots straight at the Eye of Beholder, the attack exploded in contact knocking back the Eye several meters back.


Seeing the Eye was shaken, I send another wave of cherry petals at it, making it unable to have clear views of where it's should launch an attack.

"[Fireball] Triple Cast!!…..FIRE!!!…FIRE!!!..FIRE!!!…". (Elias)

[Incoming!!..]. (T.A.s)

Three consecutive [Fireball] set off flying, bombarding the Eye. The [Fireball] explosions finally show some changes to the Eye of Beholder {Shield of Force} the greenish glass like orb around it, started to crumble away. But as the {Shield of Force} disappeared, instantly I saw a flash of pink beam shot out from the Eye, it was so fast that I was unable to use the petals to brunt the sudden attack, can't move away as it would interrupt Private Goro casting, so I steel myself for the incoming pain.

"....…(T.A.S why is nothing happening to me?….is there any change in my body?..)..".

I waited and braces myself to see if anything happened, but nothing happened. I know the pink beam that entered my body is odd, as I am currently occupied, I had to ask T.A.S.

[Congratulation master…you just got a permanent curse…thankfully it's just something minor..it's okay, just go ahead and kill that boss…]. (T.A.S)

Since the time is of the essence right now, I heed T.A.S Advice and focus on the boss in front of me, Elias once again fired his last [Fireball] then switch to use his rifle to cover for us, at that time Guro finally tap my shoulder.

"All Clear!!!… Guro go!!..".

I moved aside giving him a full view of his target.

"[Light Beam] Single cast!!…FIRE!!….<ZZZZHHOOONNNNN!!!>..".(Guro)

Just like a laser beam, Guro with his hand aim at the Boss, blasting the beam with full power, the [Light Beam] made a hole right in the middle of the boss, but clearly, the boss still got some fight left.

"Just drop dead already!!…..<SLAASSHH!!!>…".

Instantly I leap in front of the boss and swing my sword in full strength at the defenseless Eye, splitting it into 2 killing it instantly. As the Boss finally dealt with, the buff that made all the succubus crazy buff subsides, the hard fights now turns into a massacre, in just 2 minutes all the mob was killed. As always after clearing a dungeon, 2 things will appear a golden chest and a teleport crystal. I touched the crystal as my men grab the chest, instantly were teleported outside the dungeon.

"Good job boys….Alehandro send the battle report to HQ, and send the news to the waiting team at the 14th floor..the rest help the injured sent to the med bay!… Private Elias, Private Guro…great job...I see you guys later…..".

After praising the men for their good job, I left and headed to the F.O.B command camp, the Maidens were already swamped the place, all worried about my well being, as I got myself treated for all the scratches, I took a glance at my status.


Sai Mies






High Human


The Last Emperor of High Human

Status Attributes:-









Special Abilities:-

World Travel (Lvl. 3)

Mini Map (N/A)




Intimidation (Mid)

Identify (N/A)

Martial Arts (High)

Heightened Sense (High)

Weapon Mastery (High)

Physical ++ (High)

Versatile Works (High)

Thousand Cherry Blossom

Emperor Aura (N/A)

Special Traits:-

Calm Minded

Limitless physical growth

Modern Man

Perfect Specimen

Lust Overdrive {Permanent Curse}

"Ohh..fucking hell…".