
Travelled through time (Reincarnation of the princess in modern world)

A princess whose whole life was surrounded around the idea of being a proper lady and a kind princess for the kingdom was suddenly given the opportunity to travel through the time to enter the modern world...but the modern world was a bit different from our world. Will she be able to live the life she desires and gain her freedom or will she lose her sanity and fall deeper into the abyss of loneliness and pain created by her own? "It doesn't matter what he did it's your duty to take everything he does and tolerate what he does!" "I do not wish to have the same relationship as yours and my fathers!"

Artemis4u · ファンタジー
10 Chs

Accident? maid? mother?...magic!?!?! (ch-2)

Amaris opened her eyes to find herself in a white room filled with strange devices that she had never seen before. At first she guessed that these must be the new "equipment" that the kingdom wanted too add to their inventory but suddenly realized that she was no longer in her kingdom but to God knows where...or should I say spirit knows where.. either way she couldn't care much about those equipment for her kingdom anyway as she was never informed about the political matters of the kingdom.

She was lost deep in her thoughts when suddenly a lady walked in. She was wearing a lavender colored skirt and a frilly white crop top. She didn't look too wealthy nor of high status but seeing the purple colored dress...the princess was a bit impressed.

The lady rushed towards Amaris and exclaimed with happiness and relief, "ma'am! I'm so glad you're awake!"

Seeing her Amaris tried to gave a reply to her but when she tried to speak the words failed to escape from her throat. The lady help her sit in a comfortable position and poured her a warm cup of water.

With a long sigh the lady spoke, "ma'am the doctors told us that you had a huge brain injury which is cured now thanks to the doctor but you still have some effects of the injury...chances are high that you may have lost your memory and will suffer from lots of other effects...wait..do you even remember me?"

Amaris remaines silent for a decent amount of time before speaking, "I'm afraid no... please forgive me dear, would you be kind enough to enlighten me with your identity?"

That lady was caught of guard by the way that Amaris was speaking but she ignored that part and calmly said

"It's me ma'am. your personal maid, ruri..seems like you forgot a lot after all you forgot the maid who has served you since ages"

Amaris spoke in a gentle and soft voice, "oh! Dear, if it's not much of a trouble would you be kind enough to tell me who I am and where am I?"

"Of course ma'am!..you're name is Amaris and you're the daughter of top business family...as of where you are right now...you're currently in hospital because you got in a car accident recently." Said ruri with a guilty face

Seeing ruri's face Amaris asked her, "ruri? What's wrong? Is there something else you wanna tell me?"

"I..I am so ..so sorry! I couldn't take proper care of you even though I was supposed to! I am your personal maid!" Cried ruri with tearful eyes

Amaris consoled her and spoke in a gentle tone, "dear, I don't remember what happened earlier but I'm sure you aren't to blame and even if you were I forgive you..." She hugged her and wiped her tears

After a while ruri pulled herself back together and said in a weak voice, ".. you've changed a lot ma'am..."

"Changed?" Asked Amaris a bit nervously.

"Well ...I shouldn't be saying this but you always used to throw tantrum and get angry at everyone if you were not pleased by them..." Said ruri remembering some bitter moments with her

Both remaines silent for a while just staring at either the floor or the ceiling. One was thinking about how she should stich her blabbering mouth and other was thinking of how she can settle in her new life when she can't comprehend half of the words the maid was speaking such as 'car'.

After an awkward moment of silence as Amaris was about to speak further, she was interrupted by the door opening. A strict looking woman walked inside the room. She looked strict that's for sure but she had that elegant charm and a stern look in her eyes that was screaming dominance. For a second there Amaris could have sworn she saw a glimpse of her own mother but brushed it aside for now ...

The lady dismissed the maid and went near Amaris. Amaris was confused and a bit nervous thinking the lady was going to scold her like her own mother but when the lady came and hugged her tightly she was met with an overwhelming feeling...which was good. She didn't know what to do so she just sat there barely moving as the woman weeped.

After what seemed like an hour to Amaris the lady moved away from her but not too far just far enough to give her some space to breath.

"My baby!! I'm so glad to see you doing fine! You wouldn't believe how much stress I was in these few days ....I was so close to making the doctors quit but that over now! I'm just glad to see you doing good again...wait are you hungry? Did you sleep well? Are you feeling uncomfortable?do you need water? Maybe some entertainment? Huh? Tell me! Tell me!" The woman was almost in the verge of panicking and causing her own blood vessels to pop but Amaris calmed her

"It's alright...um...what's your name? Sorry that lady- I mean ruri said I am suffering from some bad memory loss so I can't recognize you .." Amaris said with a guilty face

The lady looked as if her whole world just collapsed. She took a breather and called ruri in. She sighed heavily and went near ruri. "Little girl...my baby lost her memory meaning she doesn't remember me! I think I am gonna fait hold me!"

Ruri knew this was bound to happen so she quickly went near the lady and caught her before she fell to the ground.

"Lady carmilla, please hold yourself... I don't think I'm capable of holding you any longer"

"Huh?! Wow...are you calling me fat, little girl? hmph! Whatever you just can't handle this glamour ~" said that lady and got up on her own legs and headed to Amaris who was watching the scene with obliviousness written all over her face

The lady headed next to Amaris and caressed her face gently, " I'm your mother,dear...the one and only woman who took care of your dirty diapers and snots, the one who taught you to beat the shit out of your bullies and the one who was by your side when you got your heart broken by reaven millions of times..ugh..I hate that boy"

Amaris looked a bit embarrassed even though it wasn't her own story. As the lady was doing her dramatic show ruri jumped in middle

"Ah no! My mom was the one who changed her diapers,wiped her snots and I taught her bullies a lesson and was by her side throughout her heartbreak...and ugh I hate that reaven guy too!"

By this Amaris knew that the lady wasn't great of a mother...but she could she that the lady was trying and that's what mattered for now... especially to her since it's her life now.

"Oh little foolish girl~ I was there with her emotionally. It's called emotional support" said that lady as she started to bicker sweetly with ruri when suddenly a man in black suit walked inside

"Madam the car is ready to leave. The formalities are done and now you need to bring miss Amaris to the mansion according to sir" the man who looked like a bodyguard said to the lady

"Ah? That was quick! Well ruri pack our princess's stuff we are taking her to home sweet home" ordered the lady and headed out with the bodyguard

"Ruri...is ...my mother? Always so...lively?" Asked Amaris a bit overwhelmed with all the sudden incident

"Ah...lady carmilla?" She chuckles as she starts to pack the fruits and other stuff "well...if you ask me, lady carmilla is a very kind and fun person but when she is around others let's just say she loves to assert her dominance...due to the stress of work sometimes she is stern and cold with her words with us too but when she recovers she quickly makes it up for us ...though due to work load we never see her much"

"She ...sounds like she tries to be a good mother" Amaris says as she remembers the bitter memories with her mother

"Huh? ...yes she does try her best after all every mother loves her kids no matter what..that's just mother nature, isn't it?" Said ruri after completing her packing and ready to go

Amaris was silent and stuck for a while...did her mother love her too? Was 'mother nature' even true? If so then why was this thing called 'mother nature' not in her mother... She brushed her thoughts aside and quickly followed ruri to the car.

Inside the car lady carmilla was on a call with a frown on her face but as soon as Amaris entered the car carmilla gave a soft smile to her and again continue to scold someone named 'antonio' on the phone. Amaris was confused on why carmilla was talking to herself or a small device but choose to ignore it

The phone call continued till the end of the ride. The whole ride Amaris was amazed by everything around her the outfits of people, the architecture of houses and building, the restaurants, the vehicle...she connected he dots that car are just like CARriages, a means of transportation but fast and with more features .

After a while carmilla got off the car and began to walk inside the mansion with fury as ruri and Amaris followed her like chicks. As they were walking Amaris asked her

"Ruri, what is that device mother is using? She has been talking to it for quiet a while"

Ruri looked a bit concerned and said, "hm..the wound was severe huh...well that called phone or mobile with which we can talk to other person even if they are miles or countries away"

"Wow ...that sounds astonishing! Also are we some royalty because this adome is really massive, almost like a palace but designed a bit different "

Ruri chuckled at that and claimed that no they are not royalty but Amaris parents are really wealthy so they can afford this type of mansion without too much of sweat.

After having their sweet talk they walked inside the mansion to find lady carmilla scolding a handsome man sitting in armchair reading a newspaper and blocking out lady carmilla's words

"Antonio! Listen to me, idiot! How many times have I told you to visit your daughter when she was in hospital! I was not here for two months and she was admitted in hospital if I was away for your whole life what would you do?!" Shouted lady carmilla hurt and angry

Antonio put aside the newspaper and got up from his chair, he got close to carmilla and said, "darling, dont ever say such words again! You're my life and our daughter is the love of our life I would never let anything happen to any of you..."

Ruri and Amaris coughed at the same time to interrupt their intimate fight and flirt. Ruri signalled Amaris to try out what she taught her. Amaris quickly ran next to lady carmilla and hugged her

"Mother! Please forgive dad? He loves us both ...please for me??? Your sweet little daughter?" Said Amaris making a puppy eyes which carmilla couldn't resist

"...fine but only cause you two are my life.." said carmilla and hugged them both. Ruri watched them from a bit far with a smile

After the sweet moment ended her dad, Antonio said, "princess, I have arranged you to the new school as you wanted"

Ruri exclaimed with joy, "wow! I can't believe it ma'am! You're gonna be able to join the winceria school! It's the school where all the great sorcerer graduated from!"

Amaris exclaimed with surprise, "sorcerer?! You mean magic and witches?!!"