
Into the internet

"AHHHHHHH!!!!" Emily and Elton screamed as the portal tried to suck them in. They grabbed anything they could. "HOW DID A PORTAL APPEAR OUT OF THE TV?!" Elton yelled. "THREE WORDS!:" Emily answered. "I DON'T KNOW!"

They fainted from fright as the portal sucked them in and regained consciousness while falling mid-air. They got close to each other and screamed as loud as they could. "HEEEEEELLLLLLPPPPP! WE'RE FALLLLLLIIINNNNGGGGG!!!!!"

They landed on the ground with a thud. A note appeared on Emily's palm and a map on Elton's. "Uggghhh...." Elton got up and helped Emily up too. They noticed their surroundings the first time. It was blocky and everything was in blocks. The grass, the trees, the ground, the-- "Wait- isn't this Minecraft? Elton interrupted. "M-minecraft? We're stuck in Minecraft?!" Emily fell to the ground then picked up the map and note they had dropped.

They read the note first. "Emily and Elton Charming, you do not appreciate the internet and thus, you will be punished. Now you are in Minecraft survival. You will hop from game to game until you reach the end. You must finish each game (read the map to know how,) and you can only go home if you win every single game. Beware: Each game carries a boss and monsters." Emily read out loud. "B-b-but..." She started crying. "We'll never, ever make it out!" They read the map quickly and found out to win, you need to survive and find the boss to defeat it/him/her. If the map glows, it means the boss is near you or in the same place you are.

"No...no...." Emily curled herself into a ball and started weeping. "NOOOO!" she sobbed desperately, hoping perhaps someone would save them and bring them back to their sweet, big home, even though if it was too unreal. "Am..I dreaming?" she asked her brother and pinched herself on the cheek. "Ow! I'm not dreaming...b-but it feels like I am..." tears filled her eyes.

"R-relax," Elton tried to calm her down, even though he was crying and sobbing too. "We just have to survive and defeat the bosses, like how we play on the TV." his lips trembled and looked away, guilty that he was as sad as she was and he was lying. How in all the world would they possibly make it? "I'm surprised we're not dead yet," he mumbled.

"Elton, I'm hungry. We haven't eaten lunch." Emily heard her stomach grumble. "Well, how do you eat in Minecraft?" Elton tried to remember. "I forgot cause we haven't played this game in a long time." "Erm...well, I kinda remember. You can either eat wild fruits and vegetables, search for a village and steal food, kill animals to eat their meat, plant your own food, collect wheat to make bread or get ingredients to make your own food." Emily summed it up.

"Raw meat? From animals?" Elton almost fainted. "Ewww!" "Welp, we're lucky we've still got other options. I'd rather kill myself than eat raw meat." Emily said and looked around. "Geez, I really, really wish we were back home. I think I'm gonna starve to death."

"Wait! Do you see that village?" Elton pointed to a blurry brown colour on the top of a mountain. "Yeah! A village! Let's go!" Emily clutched the map, ran towards the mountain and started climbing it. "Wait! Emily!" Elton yelled. "There might be something dangerous living up there!"

"I don't really care!" Emily yelled back. "I'm gonna starve to death anyways." Elton went pale as a huge bear came out of a mountain-cave and headed towards Emily. He was too shocked to move or shout. All he could manage was a whisper.

Emily heard sounds behind her. She looked behind to see a bear. "AHHHHHH! OMG! OMG! I DON'T WANT TO DIE! SHITTTT!" she ran down the mountain to her brother. The bear followed. "SHITTTT!" they both screamed and fled to a forest.

They hid behind some trees while the bear was trying to sniff them out. 'TWACK!' an arrow came out of nowhere and hit the bear in the neck. Red blood rushed out of its neck and it fell down after it roared in agony. Hands came out of nowhere and covered Emily and Elton's mouth. They were knocked out and were brought to an mysterious place....