
Traveling universes with God’s daughter as a system

Onmyo was your average male humanoid, or that’s what everyone thought, but in his own mind he knew he was not like everyone else. People around him clearly felt everything from love to hate. But Onmyo didn’t know why, but he always didn’t feel much of everything. Don’t get the mc wrong, he wasn't some sick psycho, but instead he just felt a toned down enough version of emotions to just not even show it on his face. He also had a version of memory loss where he can barely remember anything. The most he remembers from his childhood even is just random quick snip its of his memory’s. If you were to combine them all it wouldn’t even take a totally of 1 hour to replay all of them unless it’s preictally engraved in his mind he will remember. He also can’t focus for more than 30mins because losing focus. Also, he was lazy on a whole new level. Basically, you could call the mc retarded, but only retarded on certain parts only. The main reason he was called Onmyo was his eyes. That’s because he has two different eye colors and the pupils were black in his left eye and white in his right. (But enough talk about him, let's talk about the main reason.) On Christmas day he killed himself. The main reason was that he just felt why not, literally the mc killed himself on a whim *facepalm*. That’s when *cue the cliché scene* he meets god. But he started to question God, and his motives for reincarnation him for free and managed to impress God so much that God gave him an intelligent female system to join him in his adventure in the new worlds and wishes if they were heaven-defying. Now join Onmyo and his system on his journey to find family, love and also to find something to appease his boredom. ____________________________________________________________ Wow, ok so I think I wrote the synopsis too much. Welp. Anyways this is my first time writing a book and even worse I’m only a freshman so don’t count me to be a good author or even have stable updates. This is more of something for fun and if I manage to get a good amount of people reading this book, I might consider doing daily updates. Oh well enjoy the book. I also would love to improve so please rate and tell me anything I need to improve on. *ALSO CAREFUL I WILL BE ADDING A SHITTON OF CURSE WORDS*

FrozenNeko · その他
3 Chs


Onmyo started to wake up, *five minutes later* Onmyo finally starts to get up and looks around his surroundings with a blank look on his face. (A/N: For inner dialogue, I will be putting ' ')

'Hmm, obviously I wasn't captured, as for why else would I be able to move my hands and feet then probably' *CLICK* 'Ohhhhh, I remember now, I killed myself hmmm, then I will probably meet god anytime soon. Also, this is kinda a shitty god, like who the hell makes his own dimension an endless black void. Like wtf.' While all this was happening in our MC's head on the outside, he still has his same blank face as ever. 'Tch, hurry up you shitty, slow-ass, lazy fucking god.' Almost as if his thoughts were the trigger words, God suddenly appeared in front of him, God like any cliche Gods, he was an old man and has a sage-like look.

God: Hello there young soul, I will be the God reincarnating you into your next life. As for the world, you can pick whichever world you want and yes even anime worlds too and also I will grant you 3 wishes, And grow in power young one and become a god and transcend to heavens realm in order for me to see you again.

*Tch* 'I knew it, this God doesn't even have one hint of pride or arrogance that it's almost unnatural. For a God.'

Onmyo: Hmm, I got a couple things to ask before I reincarnate is that ok? And are you capable of reading my thoughts?

God: No, even I have my rules that I have to go by so I cannot read your thoughts. And yes, of course, ask away.

'Even more obvious because he almost seems like he would be a grandpa talking to his grandson. Instead of someone who is supposed to view me as something even less then an ant.'

Onmyo: So first of all whats your motive for reincarnating me, And are you just reincarnating me because I'm an otaku and also are you just reincarnating me just to prepare me to find some kind of demon army and you decide to build your own otaku army to fight against them?

As his words were like triggers to a trap God suddenly burst out laughing and simultaneous releasing a prideful and arrogant look on his face and also an arrogant aura around him.

God: HAHAHAHA, How did you know and also yes we gods are just reincarnating otakus and basically grooming them to become to fight demon army, how you figured out young soul?

Onmyo: Obviously, you don't have one pit of an arrogant or prideful aura to you, And one would expect a God to have an arrogant attitude because well, he's a god after all. Also, there's no reason just to randomly reincarnate someone.

God: GOOD, GOOD, GOOD, GOOD. I LIKE THIS ONE. YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY CORRECT AND BECAUSE I HAVE TAKEN A LIKEN TO YOU I WILL GIFT YOU A FREE SYSTEM! Do you have anything else to ask before I send you off to grow in power and dominate your new world!

'Wow, Jesus fucking Christ, Mother of Shitty Mary, holy shit I was correct' *sweatdrops at the idea of being groomed into a fucking soldier to fight against an army*

Onmyo: Ok so, could tell me the rank of the total wishes I could have.

God: 'wtf is this soul and how can he know so many things.'

God: Impressive of you young soul, how did you know that there were rankings for these wishes.

Onmyo: I'm an otaku, what else do you suspect from one *smirking, while secretly sweating balls inside for being this daring with a fucking god of all things.*

God: HAHA, Very well from least to top the rankings go: Low Mortal, Mid Mortal, High Mortal, Ascended Mortal, Low Earth, Mid, Earth, High Earth, Ascended, Earth, Low Heaven, Mid Heaven, High Heaven, and Ascended Heaven and the rest you are currently not qualified to know. And the because you interest me so much I will use my once in a life perk as a reincarnation god to give you the perk of being able to wish things up to a High Heaven level. Also, know that I'm placing a lot of hope into you of being doing this. And if you fail I will use all of my authority and power to strike you down when you get into heaven if you fail to impress me.

God: ' Shit what the fuck am I doing being able to give him a wish ranking this high will surely give me a high chance of getting banished down from heaven. *sigh* Just because of my God Instincts that almost never trigger and they have never roared at me this high to do this for him, hope you impress me, young one.

Ohmyo: 'Holy shit, ok what do I want hmm *thinks for a good five minutes and still can't think of anything worthy.* Ok fuck this what about an ability to create anything and also skills and also able to revive a dead person ok let's see if this is enough. If too little I will add more and If too high I will lower let's just use this as a test'

Ohmyo: Ok God what about an ability to create everything including skills and ability and also the power to revive the dead.

God: '*sweat dropping af rn* Fuck, does this kid want to instantly be a God at this point. Ok, let's see if I could grant him the same wish but toned enough to High Heaven rank.'

God: Hmm, your wish is a bit too high for your max wish rank so I will have to tone it down bit, so for you create anything you wish as long as you have enough energy and yes chakra, ki, qi, mana, aeter, or any type of energy source as long as you have enough for the item and also you have to have seen this item before or at least know of it and also for the skills and ability part yes you can create them, but they will be sealed until you have dreamed to meet the requirements of said ability and skill and for the revive part you have to have a lot of mana depending on how strong the person is and also you can revive them anytime as long as you have a piece of their DNA with you. And that total would be amount to a high heaven rank. And will that you will be reincarnated, and good luck young one.

Ohmyo: Hmm I will forgive for not telling your true purposes as I don't wanna have a grudge with a god and also I thank you for the system and the abilities and If I deem the demon army as bad as people believe demons to be that I will either help eliminate them or go neutral or if heavens are bad then I will eliminate the heavens, but I'll mostly go neutral. Sayonara goOOOOODDDDDDD, YOOOOOOOU BIIIIIITCH *WOOSH*(A/N ' Sound effect for opening something)

A black portal sudden opened beneath the young soul and suddenly sucked him in. *Portal silently closes*

After he disappeared another black portal opened up behind God and instead of another old man, A beautiful, mature, sexy lady covered in a simple white dress with gold outlines on the dress , but this simple yet elegant dress somehow manages to catch the lady's S like curves and her plump and bouncy ass with her massive boobs that are almost are E cup that somehow manages to defy gravity and are plump and not even weighing down in the slightest, with her elegant and sexy thighs that are covered with white leggings, and with an even more perfect face with blond hair that flows down to her waist. She walks out of the portal with a tried face that says I want you to end my suffering and also an accompanying long sigh.

Mysterious Person: Do you understand what you have down is against the laws of heaven and punishment is banishment from heavens and stripped of all your powers, God of Instinct? Not to mention you are also current left to reincarnate people for the next million years as punishment for randomly erasing lower tier universes for being drunk? *sighhhh*

God: *chuckles softly* I understand, and I will gladly take the punishment for it Chief God Overlord, but this time he not only manages to impress me to a good amount, but also he figured out our plan of grooming people in preparation of the demon war and also figured out that there were wishes rankings and not only that but my God Instinct were practically roaring at me to allow him more powers?

Chief God Overlord: Your God Instinct's were telling you, you sure because those haven't gone activated in 2.5 million years and the last time you thought they were 'active' were just you drinking that Wine God's wine and just gone drunk?

Instinct God: I am sure, not only that, but I will give him my blessing *chuckles*

CGO: Fine, As you were once my comrade in war, so I will trust you, but you punishment changes from reincarnating people personally to now watching over souls that enter the Reincarnation Gate, for the next 5 million years.

IG: Yes, Sir.

While CGO is in the process of turning around, she suddenly snaps her head around and directs a shit ton of pressure towards IG that is enough to destroy worlds and is proven by the fact that the dimension is slowly crumbling on itself and after she releases the pressure and leaves with a loud hmph.

After CGO leaves IG turns around to stares at the spot Ohmyo left and lets a long and defeated sign. You better impress me or else you'll wish your soul never came into existence for leaving you with one of my daughters, the high heaven ranked gift, and also my blessing. Or else my punishment will be for naught and my help towards you will go to waste. Good luck young one.

First ever chapters so I hope you guys can leave feed back and help me out on ways to improve

FrozenNekocreators' thoughts