
Traveling To The Past

***DROPPED***______________________________________________ Peng Mingzhu came from the future to the past in order to learn more about her favorite subject in the world: the history of ancient China. Wei Kangnuan was the man that fell in love with her at the first talk, but could not understand why Wu Kennai was unwilling to marry him even when they were close, friendly, and in a good relationship. One person held so many dark secrets that they could not forget about the past and another person held so many emotions that they could only imagine the future. Would the love of the two people blossom like the flowers in spring? Or be frozen in the winter? ________________________________________________________________ Backing Peng Mingzhu up against the wall, Wei Kangnuan placed his arms on both sides to block her from running. He knew that with her tall height, she would have a hard time trying to duck in order to get away from him. "Y-you...w-what are you planning on doing?" she asked with an incredibly nervous voice. Moving his face closer to her face, he shifted his lips to her forehead. *Chu* He gave her a kiss on the forehead. Shocked at the kiss, her eyes instinctively opened wide and her jaw dropped as she stared at his face - feeling as though the forehead kiss was just an illusion. Ignoring her surprise though, he moved his lips down towards her lips, and just a second before placing them together, he asked back with a smug grin, "What do you think?" The moment that his lips landed on her own, her eyes opened even wider while her thoughts ran rampant, 'WHAT THE HELL! MY FIRST KISS!! HOW COULD HE STEAL MY FIRST KISS!?!?!?' However, as though he did not notice her eyes that grew red in anger, he placed his right hand behind her neck and impassioned their kiss further. By the time she could even protest and show her anger at getting her first kiss stolen, her body was already limp and weakened from the breathless kiss. "Zhu'er, I really love you..." Wei Kangnuan stated with a deep long sigh before giving her another deep kiss, still forcing her up against the wall. ________________________________________________________________ Link to my Discord server: https://discord.gg/KsKDDcVwka *Art does not belong to me. All copyrights go to the original owner. **If original owner would like me to not use their art, please message me in Discord. My username is: Supremely Innocent#5820

Supremely_Innocent · 歴史
96 Chs

Headmaid Yang

Peng Mingzhu forgot that in ancient China, any lady older than 18 years old was considered an old lady. In the old times, a woman got married at 14, the youngest, and 16, the oldest. Any later than that and only a man who really wanted the girl for whatever greedy reason they had would want to marry since they were considered too old by then.

"Headmaid Yang," Peng Mingzhu said with a smile. "In my place, us women are only considered old spinsters when we have not yet married at the age of 30."

Headmaid Yang was surprised to hear that, but still strongly continued her questioning session, "Where is Miss Peng's family?"

Hearing that question, Peng Mingzhu froze up.

In this world, there were many questions about many topics that she was willing to answer without a care. However, there were also questions about one topic that she did not want to talk about at all.

"Headmaid Yang," Peng Mingzhu once again called with a gentle smile though her eyes were incredibly dark. "I think it's better if we move onto another topic, don't you agree?"

Even though Peng Mingzhu was asking a question, her voice held a force that made Headmaid Yang agree despite the answers she wanted to know.

Just when Headmaid Yang was about to ask another question, Peng Mingzhu heard the footsteps of Butler Cui, so she decided to end their conversation abruptly, "I was born in the year of the tiger, in the ninth month of the twenty ninth day. Now then, since Butler Cui has returned I shall leave now. If His Highness has any more questions to ask, please tell him to just ask me. I am someone who really minds her privacy."

Even though Peng Mingzhu was outwardly saying that the questions was something Wei Kangnuan wanted to know, Headmaid Yang knew that she was saying something else: "Don't ask me any questions about my personal life if you are not the prince."

Only after having this short conversation with Peng Mingzhu did Headmaid Yang start to approve of her though. Headmaid Yang knew that Peng Mingzhu had a backbone and her weak appearance was false.

The girth in her black eyes, the dangerous look on her face, and the threateningly kind voice… Peng Mingzhu was an incredibly good fit for Wei Kangnuan.

There was only one worry that Headmaid Yang had though - Peng Mingzhu was a tiger and Wei Kangnuan was a dragon. There was a saying, "Lions were rulers of the ground and dragons were rulers of the sky."

'Would His Highness and Miss Peng not kill each other if they continued to get to know each other more?!' Headmaid Yang internally screamed out her worries.

However, Peng Mingzhu completely did not care what Headmaid Yang was thinking as she did not even stare at the face of the middle-aged lady.

"Miss Peng, Mo Nianzu here will take you to Verbatim Bookstore," Butler Cui said while showing her a small boy that looked incredibly familiar to her for some reason.

"This boy…" Peng Mingzhu mumbled with her hand on her chin.

"This boy is the younger brother of Deputy Commander Mo," Butler Cui stated as he saw her look at the small boy with intrigue.

"Ah, that's why I thought the boy looked so familiar to me," Peng Mingzhu remarked with a smile.

Butler Cui chuckled to agree with what she was hinting at, "Indeed. Deputer Commander Mo and his little brother really share the same looks. Everyone in the estate believes that once the little boy grows up, he will look even more alike to Deputy Commander Mo."

"How old is he?" Peng Mingzhu asked, staring at the tiny frame of the small boy.

"10 years old," Butler Cui answered before turning to Mo Nianzu. "You remember my instructions?"

"Yes," Mo Nianzu nodded seriously as he walked up to Peng Mingzhu. "Nice to meet you, Miss Peng. I am Mo Nianzu, and I will be your pager from today and onward. If you need me to do any tasks for you, please just order. I might not have the same abilities as my older brother, but I can promise you that I can still do many things for you."

For some reason, seeing the serious face on the small boy made her very happy. Seeing him, reminded her of herself when she was younger.

Lowering herself to meet his eyes level, Peng Mingzhu said with incredibly soft and gentle eyes, "It is nice to meet you. I am Peng Mingzhu. Please take care of me today onward."

As Mo Nianzu did not expect her to do such a thing, he accidentally stepped back and fell backward onto his butt. Immediately, his cheeks turned red in embarrassment.

Peng Mingzhu chuckled at the scene, however, only for a short while before she stretched her hand out and offered, "If you don't get up, we won't be able to go to the bookstore today."

Even though he was still very embarrassed at himself for falling onto his bottoms, he still grabbed onto her outstretched hand.

The moment that he felt her hand though, he could not help but to remark in his mind, 'Her hand is very soft and warm.'

Feeling a hand that he had never felt before, he looked up at her face, mystifying the surrounders.

"What is it?" Peng Mingzhu asked when she saw that Mo Nianzu was not getting up.

"Your hand...is very warm…" Mo Nianzu shyly commented. "Like...my mother's…"

Peng Mingzhu was surprised but she got rid of her face that showed her surprise and instead chuckled while saying, "My hands are not warm. They are very cold. Very...very cold…"

Only she knew how much she hated her pair of hands. These hands of hers that had committed a sin she did not want to recall. A sin she could never forget no matter how much time has passed.

Hearing her statement, Mo Nianzu instantly shook his head in disagreement, "No, your hands are warm. They are...kind, gentle, and relaxing… That...I-I don't-"

Chuckling, Peng Mingzhu said, "Alright, I know now. Let's go now, shall we?"

Mo Nianzu quickly nodded his hand in agreement, "Please follow me, Miss Peng."

Shortly after that, Peng Mingzhu was led to stand in front of a huge building with people flowing in and out books and scrolls in their hands, many of them being mostly scholars.

Since many people could recognize all the people from Er Wang Estate, they knew that Peng Mingzhu was with the estate since Mo Nianzu was leading her in. Not only that, they knew that she was definitely an important figure if it was Mo Nianzu leading her since the small boy was the younger brother Mo Yuanjun, the most trusted subordinate to the second prince.

As the pair entered the bookstore, a worker came up to them and asked while facing the small boy, "Young Master Mo, Miss, welcome to Verbatim! Are there any collections you guys are particularly looking for?"

Hearing his question, Mo Nianzu did not say anything but only gave the worker a stare that said, "She's the master here. Talk to her."

Understanding the stare, the worker immediately turned to Peng Mingzhu and questioned, "Miss?"

Instantly, Peng Mingzhu wanted to say that she wanted all the texts on the history of the continent and country. However, she then changed her mind to say something else instead.

"I want to buy a copy of every book you guys have in this bookstore," Peng Mingzhu said with a smile. "Would that be possible?"

Shocked at the immense amount that she was asking for, the worker stood still in shock.

He could not even calculate the expenses! He definitely had to go ask for the manager!

Peng Mingzhu stood confused as she saw that the worker was not responding correctly anymore, like a broken robot.

"Sir?" Peng Mingzhu called out.

Hearing her call out for him, the worker realized his mistake and apologized before saying, "Please wait. Let me get the manager. The amount you are asking for is too much for a worker like me."

"I understand," Peng Mingzhu nodded her head.

"Uh, please follow me to the private room," the worker led.

Following the worker, Peng Mingzhu was led to a room with a small table to set tea and snacks with elegant mahogany chairs surrounding the circular table that had intricate narcissus designs carved on it.

"Please make yourself comfortable while I call the manager, Miss," the worker said respectfully before he left the private room.

While they waited for the manager, Mo Nianzu asked in an innocent voice, "You want to buy an entire bookstore?"

Peng Mingzhu chuckled, "No. If I wanted to, I'd be buying every copy that the bookstore has."

"Why do you need so many books?" Mo Nianzu asked, interested in her actions.

"Knowledge," Peng Mingzhu shortly answered. "Don't you know? Knowledge is power."

"Then, what about wisdom?" Mo Nianzu asked straight away.

"Wisdom is experience," Peng Mingzhu answered even though she knew the small boy would not know what she meant until he probably grew up.

"The hand that once wouldn't let me go, abruptly let me go, and now I don't know where to go."

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