
The Powerful Queen

Today, Prince Mahisa taking the king and queen to visit their people in the traditional market area. There are so many people in the traditional market area. The situation there is almost the same with the kutaraja market. But they sell some ethnic clothes and pottery which different designs. They have different cultures with kutaraja people.

The smell of spice and food makes them hungry. All people looked busy in there. They have also heard the sound of a blacksmith working in there. This is a view that Tania will never see in the 21st century. She feels lucky to have this experience.

"Wah, I just know that this is a real view of Kadiri in the Singhasari era", said Tania who was surprised by that view.

"Queen, you said it like you were born before the singhasari era?", asked the king.

"No, I was born in Pak SBY era".

"Who is he?"

"Pak Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, he was the former president of Indonesia who selected by Indonesian people for the first time", Tania explained to the King about President SBY.

"Selected by people, that so interesting but as I know you were born in my father's era, and I don't recognize who is president SBY?"

"Up to you lah, I am tired", Tania left the king.

"Hei queen, I need more explanation, who is president SBY?"

Tania looking for a beautiful traditional dress. She met a nice seller that offered her the cheapest price. But when Tania takes her money from his wallet, a pickpocket steals her wallet. But Tania runs quickly to catch the pickpocket. She takes a jug then she throws it to the head of the pickpocket. She is successful to stop the pickpocket. Royal police came to check there. There were so noisy and crowded because people are there for seeing the queen's action.

"Mahisa, look at that, what happened in there?" asked the king.

"I don't know brother, let me check there".

Prince Mahisa went to see the commotion, while the king is looking for the queen.

"Where is the queen, is she angry with me?"

The police said thank you to Tania because she helped the police to arrest the pickpocket. Prince Mahisa arrived and saw that the queen is there with the police.

"Excuse me"

"Your highness", the police give their formal salute to the prince.

"Sister, what are you doing?" asked Prince Mahisa.

"Sister?" the police look confused.

"She is our queen"

"Forgive me, your majesty".

All people kneel to the queen.

"Oh my God, why singhasari people have a hobby to kneel everywhere", said Tania.

Tania asked them to get up, but King Anusapati came to them.

"My queen, are you ok?" asked the king.

"This is his majesty king of singhasari", said prince Mahisa.

All people kneel again.

"I just asked them to get up, why they kneel again?", said Tania.

"Sister, brother, I think we need to back to my palace", said Prince Mahisa.

"Yes, I think it better"

"Mr.Police, please make this situation conducive again", ordered Prince Mahisa.

"Yes, your highness"

Prince Mahisa, King, and Queen left the market. People in the kadiri market speak to each other about their opinion after saw the royal family in Kadiri.

"Why his majesty king visit here? I always curious about politics in the palace"

"I think his majesty want to make sure that his people live happy in this area"

"But as I know, King Ken Angrok was choosing Prince Mahisa to become crown prince, rumors that King Anusapati killed King Ken Angrok to take his throne"


"Stop, it will be dangerous if someone heard your conversation"

After that, all people back to do their activities again.

Tania was telling the king and prince Mahisa about what happened to her in the kadiri market. She told that she caught the pickpocket who has stolen her wallet. King Anusapati was proud of her.

"Great job queen, I don't need to be a worry in the future, you can survive. I love you so much", said the king.

"Huuuu bad Ivan!"

"Ivan again???"

But King feels curious about the situation in Kadiri. Kadiri's area is not too safe for his people because there was a pickpocket who stole the queen's wallet. He needs to check the royal police officer in Kadiri, he wants to ensure that the royal police will work better instead of today.

King Anusapati asked Prince Mahisa to invite all of the head police to meet the king tomorrow in the Kadiri Palace Hall.

"Before I going back to kutaraja, I want to ensure that all people in kutaraja safe from a pickpocket, any thief, robbery, and all"

"Yes, your majesty", said Prince Mahisa.


In kutaraja, Prince Toh Jaya just back to his house after meeting in the palace. His new butler who was sent by the prime minister starts to get the prince's heart. He is already preparing for Prince Toh Jaya's dinner.

"Welcome home your majesty", said the butler.

"Your majesty?"

"Oh forgive me, your highness"

Prince Toh Jaya entering his room. He saw his face in the mirror. He talks to himself in the mirror.

"Your majesty? Yes.. I will become your king! haha.. hahaha"

Prince Toh Jaya sits in the pavilion inside his house. His new butler came to serve him for dinner.

"Hei you! I forgot to ask your name, what is your name?"

"My name is Prono, your highness"

"Ok, then you can leave me. I want to stay alone here".

His butler left him alone. Prince Toh Jaya drinking a glass of ginger drink to warm his body. He saw the sky and he remembers his childhood life with King Anusapati and Prince Mahisa. They were playing together, laughing together, and sleeping together. He misses his childhood life. He speaks in his heart, "can I finish this grudge?"

Prince Toh Jaya sleeping in the pavilion. He feels so tired and lonely now. He has a lot of money because he is part of the royal family, but his money means nothing when he feels lonely.

"I hope all I did, and all you did, it just in my dream. I miss you brothers"