
Traveling Through Worlds (Multiverse)

Lin Yi has obtained the ability to traverse through countless realms and dimensions. Regardless of the world's timeline or the type of protagonist, anyone who obstructs his path to becoming stronger will be killed. = This is a Harem FanFic where the MC is thrown into various anime worlds, embarking on missions assigned by his system. The missions don't have any time limits and the MC is free to do whatever he want. The system serves as a means to travel between worlds, and the MC doesn't rely on it to become stronger. Additionally, the MC is genuinely intelligent and competent, unlike some authors who portray intelligence by diminishing the IQ of other characters. = Current World: Attack on Titan Worlds: Tokyo Ghoul -> Attack on Titan -> Dragon Nest -> Akame Ga Kill -> Dragon Raja = Check my Patreon and read upto 50 Chapters ahead! — Patreon.com/Bleam

Bleam · アニメ·コミックス
176 Chs


Regarding the arrival of the three individuals, Professor A and Professor B remained calm, indicating that they had probably received the news early.

Lin Yi was somewhat surprised because he recognized a familiar face.

Kimi Nishino, dressed in a white work uniform, her hair tied in a ponytail, and wearing black-framed glasses, was assisting Professor A and Professor B in recording experimental data.

The two exchanged glances, and Nishino's eyes were filled with longing and affection.

"Bang, bang... Prepare for the experiment," the two Professors noticed first and couldn't help but tap the table with their pens, giving instructions.

"Yes," Nishino blushed and hurriedly ran downstairs to prepare for the experiment.

Professor A couldn't help but sigh. How could such a talented girl be distracted by love? It was truly a waste.

Initially, when Lin Yi introduced Nishino to him, he thought she was just there to gain some experience. Although Professor A and B continued to teach her, they didn't pay much attention.

However, both professors were soon astonished by Nishino's talent. She had many imaginative ideas about Ghoul-related knowledge, and she quickly grasped the taught content. Even Professor A and Professor B, who were considered geniuses, felt inferior to her progress.

If Lin Yi knew what the professors were thinking, he would definitely find it amusing.

Putting aside Nishino's inherent talent in Ghoul knowledge, which was already demonstrated in the original work, Lin Yi had provided her with the lifelong knowledge and experimental data of Akihiro Kanou in advance. Since the day she received them, Nishino had been studying tirelessly.

That's why both professors were so surprised by Nishino's performance.

Now, they indeed had the idea of considering Nishino as their successor and were diligently teaching her. She assisted in all the experiments.

"Everyone, please look. This is the latest development of our Countermeasures Bureau, the emerging 'Arata.' We owe it to Nishino for her initial idea," both Professors introduced as the three individuals approached the laboratory. In front of them was a large transparent glass panel.

Through the glass, they could see a spacious experimental area, and an experimenter holding a white briefcase was already prepared.

"The experiment begins," with both Professors' command, the experimenter immediately activated the briefcase, and threads of Kagune instantly spread and wrapped around the experimenter, transforming into a pitch-black, glossy armor. Strangely, the edges of the armor were still moving like tendrils.

The experimenter's face showed signs of pain.

"Open fire," this time, Nishino picked up the intercom and spoke.

Soon, the walls on both sides of the laboratory opened, revealing two openings, and guns appeared without hesitation, unleashing a hail of bullets.

Only after the bullets were exhausted did they see that the new Quinque on the experimenter remained undamaged.

"It's amazing. With this Arata, we can indirectly offset the defense gap between humans and Ghouls. During combat, we can truly unleash our full potential," Shinohara sincerely praised.

Iwao Kuroiwa also nodded in agreement.

The biggest disadvantage in human-Ghoul combat was the fact that Ghouls could endure countless injuries and recover with strong vitality. On the other hand, as humans, no matter how strong they were, once they suffered a fatal injury, they would undoubtedly die.

"For now, the new Quinque shows sufficient performance, but it also has a fatal flaw," the professors didn't seem too pleased.

For him, as a genius scientist, the 'Arata' was just a defective product. If it weren't for the impending war, he wouldn't want to use a defective product in battle.

As soon as Professor A finished speaking, Shinohara's expression changed.

He saw the experimenter in the laboratory suddenly writhing in extreme pain, and both sides of the laboratory doors opened. Medical personnel rushed in and helped the experimenter remove the Arata.

Immediately, everyone saw numerous wounds on the experimenter's body, resembling bite marks.

Kuroiwa didn't know about Jörmungandr's situation, but Shinohara looked towards Lin Yi.

Because of this situation, he couldn't help but think of Jörmungandr.

"You've all seen the current issue with the 'Arata.' Due to the excessive activity of the RC cells, it instinctively harms the user. So unless absolutely necessary, I hope you won't use it, and the usage time should never exceed five minutes," everyone nodded.

"The production of the 'Arata' is still incomplete, and the materials are scarce. Currently, there are only three pieces. Each of you will receive one," ordered the professors as they handed the three briefcases to Lin Yi and the others before preparing to dismiss them.

He wasn't a combatant, so he had no interest in external matters. His whole focus was on overcoming the difficulties of the new Quinque.

Shinohara and Kuroiwa left after receiving their Arata.

Only Lin Yi remained in place.

"Do you have any other business, you brat?" Professor A asked annoyed. After all, he now considered Lin Yi a scoundrel who had disrupted his well-disciplined apprentice.

This unreasonable old man couldn't even distinguish between what came first and what came later.

Clearly, Nishino was his girlfriend first, and then she became his apprentice.

"I want to ask the two professors for permission to conduct a new experiment, combining the 'Arata' with Jörmungandr."

The professors were stunned. Both the new Quinque and Lin Yi's unique Quinque were extremely precious. If the experiment failed, there was a high chance that both weapons would be destroyed.

However, Lin Yi was confident. He alone understood his control over Jörmungandr. If things didn't go well, he could simply let it devour the 'Arata.'


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- Andrew Smith

- João Pedro França

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