

A man who's a 7 out of 10 is walking down the street he walks into the nearest convenient store to buy something for his mother and a pack of cigarettes for himself he brought gallon of milk and a roof of bread and two bag of chips and slim Jim's and bottle of whiskey to the counter the cashier start to ring it up

James: can I'm see some I'd sir

Liam show his ID to the cashier

Liam: can I'm also get pack of cigarettes two James

James: what kind of cigarettes sir?

Liam: Newport one hundred green James

James looks for the cigarettes finds them that the top grabs a pack and rings it up

James: that will 95.67 sir, will this be all?

Liam: yes James and can I get a bag two?

James grabs a bag and start picking Liam stuff inside and Liam takes out it credit card slips it picks in his pin then James gives the bag two Liam then Liam walk out

30 minutes later

Liam walking down a street stop that of a two story house and walk up the pathway to the door then opens it then walks in then closes the door

Liam: mom, I'm got what you ask for

Clara: Li it took you less time than I thought just pick it on the table

Liam: okay mum, how you have been? It has been a month since we have seen each other

Clara: I'm been okay Li, how you have been? You got a girlfriend yet I'm want grandchildren!

Liam: I'm just got over a relationship mum

Liam then picks the stuff he got her beside the whiskey it is on table

Clara: I'm didn't mean to imply upsetting thing's son

Liam: its fine mum I'm almost over the break-up


Liam heard screams that sounded liked two little girls's from an alley near him, he ran near it to see a group of delinquents trying to force themselves on the kids. He walks down the alley

Liam: leave the kids alone now you scumbags

Delinquent leader: I'm give you a chance to leave while you can man

His gang: yea

Liam:no I'm wont

He then spins kicks the close delinquent send him a good amount away a cracking is heard he palms strike the other one knocking him out, and he punches like below the jaw of the next one knocking him out two one pulls out of a knife rushes him he got cut on his chest he breaks the delinquent neck

Liam: go kids

Delinquent leader: they are ant going anywhere and either are you

He pulls out a pistol shoot Liam in chest Fatality wounding Liam uses a martial art checking up to him snap his neck two and falling down

Liam: leave girls they are gone now they can't hurt you anymore kids

They start crying then heard sirens someone pasting by hide and call the cops and emergency service Liam die as soon as they checked up on him seconds later he wakes up in a pitch black void

Liam: where the hell am i