
Chapter 1(An emergency)

The shrill ringing from my phone resonated throughout the room.Upon hearing that sound,colleagues looked at me sternly as if telling me to turn that thing off.I reddened in embarrassment and gave an apologetic look before grabbing my phone and leaving the sales department room to answer the call.

When I left the room,I looked at the number on the phone.It was my mother.Why would my mother call me at this hour when she knows I am at work?Could it be something that is important?Having no clue what my mother is going to say,I answered the call. "Belle!This is an emergency!Your father just had a heart attack again!Come quickly to the hospital near your office!"My mother spluttered with just one breath.I froze momentarily and was as pale as a ghost.

I recalled briefly that the last time my father had a heart attack was about three years ago.It had left him mute and his legs were paralyzed.I panicked with fear.What if?What if?Many thoughts raced through my mind and it sent chills down my body.I dashed back into the sales department room and grabbed my handbag.Just before I left,I was stopped by my manager. "Where are you going at this working hour?"Without answering his question,I pushed away his hand that was obstructing me from passing and I ran off.I could hear the faint sound of my manager yelling at me and calling for the security guards.But I did not care.What it concerns now was my father and not anything else.

Hello!What do you think of this first chapter?I think that it is a little boring for a start but please continue reading!I promise that it will get better soon!


Belle_Crystalcreators' thoughts