
Traveler's Travel Guide

A young man named Artorius found a necklace from the side of the road. It turns out to be an artifact that lets you travel between worlds. What's more, he can travel back to his world with his powers retained from his travels.

EstoriaLumina · ファンタジー
6 Chs

The Travel Guide


A young man sighed and continue to walk back home from school.

The young man's name was Artorius Everglow. He was a top student in Rosaria Primordian Academy which is the most prestigious school in the whole world.

"Hmm? A necklace?"

Artorius found a necklace that looks like an antique one.

"Did someone lost it? This seems pretty expensive."

The necklace seems to have a golden gem as it's centerpiece and had rust-like embellishments in it. The chains are shining blue that seems to be high grade mithril.

"Should I wear it for a bit?"

Artorius hesitated for a moment but he decided to wear it. Suddenly, a robotic voice was heard.

"New User Identified. Proceeding to Identification Recognition."


To his surprise, the necklace suddenly talk and a hologram like cylinder started to scan his body.

"Please state your name."

"Eh? Astorius Everglow."

"Person recognized as Astorius Everglow. Now downloading the systems required."

His calm personality allowed him assess the situation, showing no signs of uneasiness.

"Putting the skill, [Appraisal] on Astorius's left eye."

Astorius felt a sharp pain in his left eye. The feeling was like someone gouging it and putting a new one. It seems like it lasted for a few minutes but in reality, it was only a few seconds. He panted heavily to that experience.

"Systems complete. Welcome, Artorius. I am the Travel Guide. You can call me Travy for short. Would you like to proceed to the tutorial?"

Artorius seems confused for a second.

"Travel Guide? Like traveling between countries?"

"Not just countries. Between worlds."

"Worlds? Huh?! Worlds?"

"Yes. For more information, please start the tutorial."

Artorius thought about it for a while. He decided to walk back home first. After a few minutes, he arrived at his mansion where he lived along with his servants. He decided to hole up to his room and started the tutorial.

"Welcome to the Tutorial. I am Travy who will assist you on your travels. First, please say or think of the word [Menu]."

He thought the word [Menu]. A hologram appeared in front of him.

"This is the [Menu]. On the upper left side it shows your name and Adventure Level along with the experience points. on the upper right side the [Travel] button can be seen. this will allow you to travel between worlds. Since your Adventure Level is only 1, you can only travel to a single world named Eiras. On the bottom left side you can see the [Status] Tab which can make you see your Status like HP, Mana, Level, Strength, Intelligence, Agility, Vitality and skills. Would you like to ask some questions?"

Artorius thought Travy was like a Game system of some sort. He then started to ask questions.

"Hmmm... how should I raise my Adventure Level?"

"Adventure Level can be raised by completing Quests, Side Quests when traveling. Also, [Status] Level and Adventure Level is different."

"Hm? What's the difference then?"

" Leveling up your [Status] Level will boost your stats, while leveling up your Adventure Level can unlock more worlds."

"I see. Does my Basic [Status] randomly generated?"

"No. This is what you accumulated in your life."

"Now that I think about it, my [Status] matches up to my real abilities."

"Yes. you can boost your [Status] by leveling up or training."

"I see. Next question then. Will other people see the [Menu]?"

"No. Only the user will see it."

This will be very convinient for Artorius. He thought that if people saw him using the [Menu] can put him in danger since it was very unusual for this world and he might be experimented upon by the country.

"I will continue the tutorial. On the bottom right side of the [Menu] you can see the [Inventory] button. This will make you see the equipments, materials, and money that you have. For now, its empty."

"I see. Is currency exchange allowed?"

"Yes. You can convert the money you earned to a different currency including this world."

"Final question then how does time work in different world and here?"

"When you come to another world then go back here, the time was still the same as you left."

"I see."

This is also a convenient thing for him. He didn't have to worry even if he was out for a few weeks in another world.

"Then if i go back to another world, the same applies?"

"Yes. The time is still the same when you go back to another world. The first batch of tutorial is finished. Rewards: Leather Plate, Leather Leggings, Leather Gloves, Leather Boots, Copper Sword. Please check your [Inventory]"

He checked his [Inventory] to see if the rewards were really there. All of the rewards are in his inventory.

"Would you like to start traveling to Eiras?"

Artorius thought about it for a while. He decided to do it tomorrow since it was the weekend.

He then started to prepare for his first travel.