
Mighty Beastman

The first victim is a small patrol at the edge, near some tents right after the traps.

The bonfires in that area are very sparse and the next one can only lightly light the area of the patrol.

The perfect spot for a surprise attack.

Beastman have because of their nature and evolution better nightsight than other races.

Some more, other less. In Jägers case he can, with the scattered bonfires, see nearly everything in the camp.

And what he sees, makes him shudder.

°Although the humans are weaker than us, they shouldn't die that fast.

I mean... dad just nearly cut this guys head of, and uncle John rather crushed this guys body instead of cutting. And i did not hear a thing. Such effective killing.

How many battles do i have to fight to kill with one strike, while remain silent and not to alert any nearby forces?°

The Beastman, after killing that patrol, split up.

One went back in the direction of the forest to set up a new ambush. They hide in some of the pitfalls, after confirming they are safe to enter. Some have short and pointy spears in them, but not all.

Either because of a tight schedule, or the lack fitting materials.

Arthurs group consisting of now 10 rushed in the meantime to the tents closest to them.

Four of them drag the corpses towards the camp.

Two tents close to each other with a weak burning, mostly glimming bonfire. No sound other than soft breathing escapes from the inside.

After hiding behind them and some fast hand signs between the infiltrating group, they counted of three.

A bloodbath happens next.

The six Beastman surprised the sleeping soldiers, killing the first without anyone noticeing.

Just as one of the humans awakend, his head gets crushed by a swing with a clump of bone.

The guy with the tail of an Ankylosaurus made short process with him and used one of his innated weapons.

Arthur comes out and signals the four Beatman to hide the dead inside. At least for the moment they won't be discovered.

The only problem is the blood. It can be hidden by throwing some earth on it, but the smell is too strong, so the group does not waste the time.

The next ambush is likely the last.

Its pretty suspicious when a group of people don't report, or show their faces before the other guards.

The tents may be designed to hold many people, but in human standarts. Beasman are larger and wider. And with the corpses, they can't hide in them.

So they have to disguise themself somehow behind the high tents. Some inside, other crouching behind.

Crossing the way to hide by the other group would be risky. They could be discovered by guards or other patrols.

After waiting for about five minutes, another patrol enter the area, right between the two groups.

The Beastman hiding inside the traps was about to pounce on them, but a shout rang out from the humans.


A Human readied his spear, while pointing to the tents.

"What? Where?"

"Is that a tail?"

Even while puzzeled, the Beastman didn't waste anymore time.

While the group in the traps charged to kill the patrol, Arthur and his man rushed towards the main tent.

The human did not expected the surprise attack from the group, and quickly fell and died under the claws and horns.

Not even fighting back, they get sliced and impaled.

"Hiding is over, my friends! Close the distance and cover us! Its time for our plan!"

Arthur yells and runs towards the noble. His man killed some slower Humans on the way, by swinging their tails, charging head on into confused guards or throwing some sticks on other tents they picked up, after igniting them in bonfires.

Jägers heart is pumping hard in his chest when his father rushes through enemy lines.

Veronice came silently next to him and whispered in his ear:

"Don't worry, he is strong. They all are. We just have to get ready and catch every one who tries to escape."

Jäger wants to retort her that he is not worried, but the words won't come out his mouth.

He then nods, and watches his father killing a human that ran at him, spear waist high and roaring.

Arthur just swept the spear away, and tackles the foolish soldier with his shoulder. He grabs the spear with his other hand and makes a 360° turn.

That guy flys a meter, but before he even lands, Arthur already uses the spear with the momentum from his turn and throws it with a shocking speed at a bowman, who was about to nock his arrow.

After landing on his back, the soldier gets kicked with Arthurs feet. The claws there may be shorter than at his fists, but combined with the force of the motion.

The kick penetrate his jaw and wrecks his face. The concerned did never budge again.

Jäger observed the less than 3 second engagement, and his mouth opens unnoticed.

He says almost inaudible:

"Wow, what strenght. And the insight over the battle, incredible."

In his eyes, the always nice and caring father transforms on a battlefield into a ruthless killing maschine.

°I want to be that strong!° That resolve forms in Jägers mind after witnessing the burst of power from this group.

The commotion reaches the whole camp.

Arthur arrives at the target, and is now fighting with the others some guards.

They were better armored, with steel-strengthend armor, which covers almost their whole body.

With large, door like shields and heavy one handed axes they rooted them in the spot.

"Shit! They have {Mana Heart } arts."

Arthur growls under his heavy becomming breath, while dodging an arrow fired from the sides.

Then, Winston is calling from some distance, crushing the head of the archer with a thrown cooking pot.

"Arthur, go in, before we get encirclet! Even if we win this fight, we will have too many casualties!"

Arthur, already knowing that, commands:

"Kyle! Saskia! Biscar! John! Help me here!"

The four, after getting rid of their enemys, engage with the guards, opening a path for Arthur.

Kyle throws a tent over two guards, restricting them. Even fighting arts can't help them in that situation.

Saskia fights another one, wounding him with a bodycheck with her massive body.

John and Biscar both distract the other guards, either by fighting, faints or throwing weapons, which they got from the dead humans, at them.

But, next to all that heavy fighting, a burning arrow, wraped with an oil-cloth, was shot when the group arrived by the main tent.

That arrow was shot from the depts of the forest, around 80 to a 100 meters from the camp.

That arrow was almost unnoticed on the battlefield. The guards are formidable enemys after all, Arthur is in the tent looking for the noble, and the others are busy to prevent the soldiers from surrounding them.

Almost unnoticed.

Jäger and Veronica, still on the lookout for escapees. They see that arrow and instantly know that their plans destiny is ruined.

While Veronica is considering what to do, either inform Arthur or escaping, Jäger is already running.

Where is he running to?

Right towards the Human camp.