
Chapter 68: Sugar and Snow 1

"What are you planning to do?"

Princess Mi Amore Cadenza frowned at her cousin as she dragged him to a private corner of the castle.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" Blueblood asked with a scoff as he readjusted a Velvet red suit.

"It looks like you're taking Raven Inkwell for a night out is what it looks like," Cadance told him with furrowed brows.

"Then I must congratulate you, for your Eyesight is immaculate," Blueblood smirked as he turned to leave the room.

"Not so fast, You are telling me everything," Cadance stopped him, a shimmering pink barrier blocking his way.

Blueblood stared at the barrier with an amused glint in his eye, "You think something as paltry as this would stop me from leaving the room?" He asked with a widening smile.

Cadance stared blankly at her cousin, "Does Cosmos know?" She asked with an unamused voice.

All sense of humor evaporated from the Prince as those words left her mouth.

"She does," He told her, "We had a talk about it a few nights ago, As long as I end up with her once she's freed, I'm allowed to go around with more casual relationships."

"You will be telling Raven," Cadance didn't even ask him, she ordered him and they both knew it.

"Of course I'll tell her, I've been dragging her by the nose for long enough, She deserves to know," Cadance nodded at that answer.

"Good, As long as we're both clear on this," Cadance said and the room fell into an awkward silence.

"...Listen, Cadance," Blueblood started speaking before his face contorted into a hideous grimace as if he was physically forcing himself to speak his next words.

"Yes?" The Princess of Love raised an eyebrow at her cousin.

"I need your He-" His voice cut off as he struggled to get the next words out, "Your He- Hel- I need your hel- I require your assistance in something private!" He finally spit the words out, his face covered in sweat as the struggle to let the words out calmed.

"What is it that you require cousin dearest?" Cadance asked with a coy smile and an innocent look in her eyes.

"It's in regards to Cosmos," As Blueblood spoke those words, Cadance became serious once more.

"What is it?" Cadance asked Blueblood, the soundproofing barrier around the room strengthening.

"I have a lead that might take me to another shard of her gem," The Prince explained, his leg moving to hold the necklace around his neck, the half-broken gem held inside a locket in the middle, "I need to contact the Deer, specifically a white deer dressed in gold, from one-thousand years ago,"

Cadance held her head at that information, "You want me to get Auntie Celestia or Princess Luna to fork over information regarding the Deer?" Blueblood nodded at her.

"I'll do it," She smirked at him, "You can count on me!" Her smirk turned to a bright smile.

"What type of toothpaste do you use?" Blueblood asked as he hid his eyes from the blinding shine of her teeth.

"I'll show you later," Cadance said, "But I want to speak with her," Cadance said seriously, her horn starting to glow a light blue.

Seeing his cousin aiming her horn at him, Blueblood couldn't help but sigh. "Very Well, Just keep it quick, will you? I need to leave in an hour,"

"Don't worry, You won't miss your date," Cadance smiled at him, and with a blast of blue magic from her horn, The Prince Collapsed.

And when he once more opened his eyes, it was with eyes tinted yellow and a subtle glow of green.

"Cady!" The Prince said happily, his front right leg dragging him to a sitting position on the nearest sofa.

"Cosmos!" Cadance smiled and pulled the Prince's possessed body into a hug.


"Really? Again? What is this, The third time this month?" I scowled as the voice of my 'Uncle' entered my ears.

"Good to see you too," I told him with a roll of my eyes as I stood on the empty nothingness of Limbo, turning my head to see 'The Pony of Shadows' draw a silly face over one of the rainbow crystals illuminating the space.

"I met with Tirek," I told him as I walked over to stand beside him, looking at the fuzzy outline of the pony inside the Crystal.

"Hate that guy," Uncle said as he drew a swirl inside the eyes of the face he was drawing.

"He knew about Cosmos," I told him and he stopped drawing on the crystal, turning his large head to look at me, eyes of glaring white staring at me.

"I am telling you now because I don't want to see anypony but myself ending your life, Tirek has no information that you will find useful to your Quest, Do not trust him," he said, his voice as serious as the empty space around him.

"Of course I don't trust him, He's the reason Tartarus was built in the first place," I scoffed at the mere idea of trusting that creature.

'Uncle' Simply hummed at that, and the two of us fell into a calm silence.

"Do not die before you release me," His voice broke that calm as he finished adding the finishing details of his silly drawing of a pair of googly eyes and a beard.

"It's nice to know someone cares about my health," I rolled my eyes at 'Uncle's words.

"That's what family is for, I can't kill you if you're dead," He said as he moved to the next Pillar of rainbow crystal.

I rolled my eyes at his antics again.

And as soon as some sort of calm returned to the little slice of Limbo he was trapped in, I broke it with a question.

"What do you know of the Deer?" 'Uncle' blinked his glowing white eyes at my question before his smile almost turned feral.

"I know what you're trying to do Dearest Nephew, But I'm not telling you anything you don't already know," He said as he towered above me, "King Aspen is a coward who'd rather hide away in the Everfree than face the wider world!"

I stared at him blankly before smirking up at him.

"Why are you smirking?" 'Uncle' asked, "Why aren't you saying anything?"

And as a pull of magic grabbed hold of me and dragged me back to the world of the living, I smiled widely as realization hit 'Uncle' in the face.

"You didn't know his name was King Aspen, or that he was in the Everfree... drat."

Reminder, There are only 97 chapters of this story, and we are quickly catching up.

Next chapter is the funny number.

Netapelcreators' thoughts