
Chapter 33

"A vacation?!"

I almost spit my water on Eli's face as he said it.

"Yeah, time for ourselves. I mean, we haven't had exactly a time to vent and have fun because of the whole shenanigans so I think why not have a vacation."

I looked at him shocked.

"Are you sure you're not mad at me?" I cautiously asked. Because I can't sleep every night. The deal is eating me alive. I'm being guiltier every day. Heck I'm being guiltier every second that is passing.

"No baby, I'm sorry. If I just assessed the situation more it would've been better."

I look at his eyes finding nothing but sincerity and love in it. Speaking of his eyes. The day I told him the deal, instead of golden specks it became red. Maybe its part of the demon genes Lucian is talking about.

Speaking of that. I haven't told him yet.

"I have another thing to tell you Eli."

I stated nervously swallowing the lump in my throat. What if he gets mad again and we're back to square one?

"What is it? Tell me."