
Trapped With An Alpha Boss

Julia Sims never thought her life would end up in such a tragedy. She got married to the great Victor Bush?! That guy who made her entire being burn in anger?! The person who had never talked to her with a gentle face? The man famous for flirting the girls around? The person who had made her high school life hell?! No way! The two people were so incompatible that not a single quality of their match. If one wanted to go West, the other would head over to the East! Even the color of their wolves differed! How would they ever even imagine falling in love? *** Victor Bush, an Alpha of the Emerald Pack had a condition: He would end up dying if he marked his mate. He never found one and got married to a girl who wasn't identified as his mate. When she came of age, he was just unfortunate enough to have found out that she was his mate! How?! Why this girl?! Why was he so damned unlucky?! PS: The cover pic is not mine. If the owner wants me to take it down, reach me on my discord!

Pinkyprincess · ファンタジー
21 Chs

My Wife~

"Let me read," Julia uttered those words and walked out of the office. When the assistant saw her singer's condition, she tentatively applied for leave.

Even Julia didn't know how she managed to return to her apartment. She sat on her couch for a long time as she stared into the blank screen of the television set for a long time.

What just happened?

Why did Victor choose her out of all the people he could find?

Her glance darted toward the file that she had placed on the central round table. She picked up the file and started reading the terms and conditions.

"1. No intercourse." Julia raised her brows as she continued reading. "2. Marriage in the name only. Don't think you're going to be Mrs. Bush from now on. 3. Don't bother changing your name. 4. You don't have to live with the CEO. Just be ready to accompany him when asked. 5. You will be married for a year and then file for annulment. You'll receive a compensation of ten million dollars," wait a min, Julia read it again as her voice trailed off, "ten million dollars...."

Julia's eyes widened. Why was this person giving her ten million for a temporary marriage?!

Her eyes narrowed as she remembered the time when Victor's parents had died all of a sudden two years ago. Winston Bush, his father, had been alpha of the Emerald Pack for almost fifty years. People had assumed he would rule for a few more years before handing down the command to his son.

Emerald Enterprises is one of the branch companies that Winston had opened during his youth. Back then, it was just a small company that had started with only a handful of employees. Later on, it became so big that it almost killed all its competitors.

So now, the condition was, if you wanted to enter the world of fame and movies, you'd have to join Emerald Enterprises. If someone joined a small company, they wouldn't get the breakthrough needed.

That was why Julia joined the firm almost ten years ago to become a singer right after graduating from the high school. It wasn't like she wanted to be a singer, but she had nothing else to do other than singing, and she was good at it. She even lost interest in the subject field of her studies, and she ended up choosing the entertainment industry because of her mother, who had been a famed dancer in her time.

Even though her father was also a famous director, he lost all his vigor when he got into gambling. Julia had no choice other than continuing her career in Emerald Enterprises.

Julia's eyes glanced at the paper in her hand. Should she sign? Could she dare to sign this?

She had no other choice even now, and Victor probably knew this too. Julia sighed and picked up the pen placed on the table and signed the document.


Victor stood in front of a giant window made out of tinted glass. He could see the world from here. The sky filled with clouds as birds flying through them was also a scene to behold, but he wasn't in a mood to appreciate it.

His assistant stood behind him with her head lowered. She was well aware of this person's bad temper. So she didn't dare to move a single bit.

She heard his voice, "Did you prepare the banquet?"

The assistant tilted her head, doubting, "Banquet?"

What was the purpose of preparing for something that might never happen? Was the Alpha so confident that Julia would sign the document?

"Yes. To introduce Julia as my wife," rasped Victor.

The assistant's body trembled as she heard his cold voice. She felt his voice getting icy when he uttered the last word. Her lips parted, "Okay. I'll arrange for it."

"Get out," Victor uttered those words without looking back.

The assistant also didn't dare to stand there. She turned and bolted out of the office. Only when she left did Victor pull out his phone and call someone.

The other person picked up after two rings. An old voice entered his ears that calmed down his nerves. "Son?"

"I have good news, grandpa." His voice softened when he heard the old man's tone.

The old man rejoiced, "Did you find me a daughter-in-law?" his voice had a hint of excitement.

"En. I did." Victor's voice carried a shred of coldness when he spoke, "Her name is Julia."

"That's great! We'll have a big ceremony! I want a big wedding. Oh no, I have to invite a lot of people for both reception and wedd-"

"Don't bother, grandpa. We got married in court. Her father had gambled away all her money. So she's saving and wants to postpone the reception to next year, but we will organize a small banquet."

"Really?" sighed the old man. His voice carried a hint of disappointment. "Nevermind then. I'll get ready for the banquet!"

Victor said goodbye to his grandfather and hung up the call. Just as he was about to get back to work, his phone rang again. This time, it was an unknown number. His cold eyes narrowed.

He picked up the call. "You made a decision."

"Yes." Julia's voice echoed from the other end. "I signed it."

"Good." Victor's free hand was in his pockets as he stared outside the window. "Come to my office. Right now."

Julia hesitated, "Wh-What for?"

"Hmm? What do couples do after signing the marriage agreement? You don't even know this?"

Julia's face changed colors as she became angry. "You just said no intercourse!"

"You sure have a lot of dirty thoughts floating in your little head, my dear," Victor smirked. "I was talking about wedding pictures. Be sure to come. I have a wedding dress prepared for you already. Don't forget to bring your assistant. You'll need her," and he hung up the call.

Julia stared at her phone for a long time without blinking. Her face flushed all of a sudden as she remembered what she had just said to the man!

Damn it! How could she even think of that?!

She rubbed her face and called her assistant.