
Trapped With An Alpha Boss

Julia Sims never thought her life would end up in such a tragedy. She got married to the great Victor Bush?! That guy who made her entire being burn in anger?! The person who had never talked to her with a gentle face? The man famous for flirting the girls around? The person who had made her high school life hell?! No way! The two people were so incompatible that not a single quality of their match. If one wanted to go West, the other would head over to the East! Even the color of their wolves differed! How would they ever even imagine falling in love? *** Victor Bush, an Alpha of the Emerald Pack had a condition: He would end up dying if he marked his mate. He never found one and got married to a girl who wasn't identified as his mate. When she came of age, he was just unfortunate enough to have found out that she was his mate! How?! Why this girl?! Why was he so damned unlucky?! PS: The cover pic is not mine. If the owner wants me to take it down, reach me on my discord!

Pinkyprincess · ファンタジー
21 Chs



This chapter has mentions of blood and murder. Read with caution. If you can't read it, I'll summarise it here: The captured spy revealed a clue to Victor, who changed into wolf (a giant black wolf with dark blue eyes), ready to kill the criminal. He said there was a man close to Victor who had done this, and the Alpha killed the criminal.

That's it. See you in the next chapter~


Victor continued to stare at the man as he unbuttoned his shirt. His dark eyes shone brighter at this time as if some energy had passed through them. The round orbs changed into an oval shape before gradually becoming narrow in the vertical direction.

He squinted his eyes as every pore of his skin grew black-colored hair. His skin transformed from fair to black in the blink of an eye as he continued to stare at the blond man without blinking.

By the time he undressed, he had already transformed into a dark, giant, and cruelest werewolf anyone had ever seen. As he growled, his sharp canine gave the blond man a dangerous feeling. If those things dug deeper into his skin, it could tear him apart in a few seconds!

The blond man finally knew what terror meant. He had heard rumors of this person having the biggest and the most dangerous wolf ever. This person's name was even written down in the Guinness World Records for having the biggest wolf ever!

After seeing the dangerous wolf growling in front of him, the blond man trembled. He backed away slowly as he spoke. "Do-Don't kill me."

The wolf couldn't speak, but when he growled, everyone could understand what he meant by hearing the powerful roar that echoed in the dark, empty room. He wouldn't let this person go today.

The blond man trembled even more as a layer of sweat formed on his forehead. His lips moved as he took deep breaths, but no matter how much he tried, he couldn't calm down.

His heart jumped again and again after seeing the black wolf that stared down at him as if he were the prey hunted by a monster. The blond man covered his head and screamed. "Don't! I did nothing! He forced me to do it! Nothing is my fault! He did this! Leave me. Leave me!"

He kept repeating the last phrase as he clutched his hair tighter.

Victor didn't stop. After changing into wolf form, he would always reveal the deepest and darkest desire. At this moment, he wanted nothing more than to tear apart the man in front of him. The words that this person revealed were important, but Victor also knew that if he continued to keep this person alive, the blond man might divert their attention by presenting false evidence.

But still, he slowed his pace down as his tongue licked his sharp teeth. He gazed at the man with dark blue eyes that shone brighter and made him look even more dangerous.

The blond man saw that Victor had no intention of stopping at all. He backed up until he hit the wall. "Please, let me go. I'll reveal everything. Let me go."

The man begged as tears poured down his cheeks.

Victor nodded as if he were ready to let this person go, but he didn't move.

Noah, who had seen the Alpha changing into his wolf form many times, wasn't surprised when he noticed the top of the wolf's head reached his chin. He glanced at the blond man and asked, "Okay. I'll give you one chance. Tell us everything."

The blond man took a shuddered breath as he tried to speak in between gasps. "I-I never wanted to sell the company information. H-He forced me! He blackmailed me, saying he'd tell my wife about my affair. What choice did I have? I didn't want my family to break!"

"Who is he?" Noah noticed the fear in the blond man's eyes while speaking about that person. He continued to look at the man while recording everything.

The latter opened his mouth and spoke: "I don't know….I have never seen him, but he's someone closest to Victor."

Noah's eyes narrowed when he heard this. "How can you tell that?"

"How can I not?" The blond man chuckled as if he had turned mad. "I've never seen him have a trace of emotion in his eyes no matter what he did! I even angered him once, but the tone of his voice didn't change at all! Instead, he sounded calm and composed even after I did that. It's just that when he spoke about Victor, I could feel a trace of anger lacing with his words. All the damn time!"

"How was he dressed?"

"In a black cloak. I couldn't even see whether that person was a man or woman." The blond man tilted his head. "But considering his voice, he should be a man, right?"

Noah said nothing as he stepped back and looked at the Alpha. "I've asked everything I wanted to." He turned off the recorder. "This spy is all yours."

The blond man was shocked as he looked at Noah with widened eyes. He wanted to rush and grab the man's legs to beg for his life, but seeing the big black wolf, he stopped as his legs trembled. "Y-You lied to me! You said you'll let me go once I reveal everything!"

Noah ignored the man as he walked out and closed the door behind him. He stood right outside with his hands folded on his chest. Soon after that, an ear-piercing scream echoed in the background, coupled with a roar of the most powerful and cruelest wolf alive.

The man with medium black hair stood there without moving. Even his expression didn't change as he continued to stand there as if nothing had happened.

The scream quietened down soon as a moment of silence followed after that. Noah knew that the blond man was killed, and the Alpha had probably changed to his human form. After thinking of that, he opened the door.

What was revealed to him was a familiar man wearing only pants as he picked up his purple shirt from the ground. Putting it on his right shoulder, he used the cloth to wipe his fingers.

Even though his canine could have killed the man sooner, Victor didn't want to do such a gross thing. But because he had killed the blond using his claws, bloodstains were sprinkled on his fair, smooth skin. His body looked similar to that of a model with eight packs.

Such a perfect figure was only ruined by bloodstains on his stomach.

Noah wasn't surprised seeing this scene. He had watched the Alpha doing this almost every time a criminal was caught. He looked around at the dead body and said, "I'll get rid of this body."

Victor's dark and deep voice sounded as Noah moved aside and made way for the Alpha. "Send me the recording."

Did you like the giant wolf? Who wants to move their hands around the smooth fur of that big black wolf?!

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