
Trapped With An Alpha Boss

Julia Sims never thought her life would end up in such a tragedy. She got married to the great Victor Bush?! That guy who made her entire being burn in anger?! The person who had never talked to her with a gentle face? The man famous for flirting the girls around? The person who had made her high school life hell?! No way! The two people were so incompatible that not a single quality of their match. If one wanted to go West, the other would head over to the East! Even the color of their wolves differed! How would they ever even imagine falling in love? *** Victor Bush, an Alpha of the Emerald Pack had a condition: He would end up dying if he marked his mate. He never found one and got married to a girl who wasn't identified as his mate. When she came of age, he was just unfortunate enough to have found out that she was his mate! How?! Why this girl?! Why was he so damned unlucky?! PS: The cover pic is not mine. If the owner wants me to take it down, reach me on my discord!

Pinkyprincess · ファンタジー
21 Chs

Getting Ready~

Julia entered the office with a dark expression on her face. Her assistant, Rose, followed her with her head lowered and a bag of make-up kit at hand. Even though Julia knew that this wedding was just temporary, she wanted to look her best.

After all, the world would know that she was Victor Bush's wife, and she didn't want to make her image terrible in the eyes of her fans. No matter how much she detested the man, she still had to care about her public image.

The moment she entered the dark and dull office, she glanced at the familiar man with blue eyes raising his head to look at her with a cold expression. Her expression also became darker when she looked at his face.

The two of them continued to stare as if they were having a staredown about who would have the coldest look in their eyes.

The assistant didn't dare to breathe loudly for fear of attracting the attention of two wolves in the room. The room became colder and colder until Rose shivered. She took a deep breath and uttered in a low, timid voice, "Le-Let's go, boss."

Only then did Julia glance at the girl behind her. The coldness in her eyes decreased as she took a deep breath and nodded. Neither Victor nor Julia said another word as he gestured at the bag placed on the couch. Even though they were a married couple on the paper, it seemed like they were strangers who hated one another.

The assistant decided not to mind it and pulled out the make-up kit.

Victor's eyes narrowed as he ordered, "Call the make-up artist."

"I have my assistant for that." Julia's hands that were busy opening the bag paused as she frowned. "Why should I call her for such a small thing?"

"It's the wedding photos, and I don't need any compromises. You better do the job mentioned in the contract." Victor scorned. It seemed as if he weren't talking to his wife. Rather, he was ordering a criminal to do this or that.

Julia's anger flared at how he acted, but what could she do? She had already signed the agreement and became in wife in the name. She took a deep breath to suppress her emotions as she said, "Call her."

Rose instantly pulled out her phone and got out of the office to talk to the make-up artist. At this time, only the two remaining people had no intention of talking to one another. One sorted out the wedding dress while another typed something on the computer without glancing at the beautiful girl in his office.

The artist arrived soon after that as she took the bride to the inner room of the office. It took them an hour to get ready, and until then, Victor had also changed the dress and applied the make-up. He was still working, but his expressions were even colder at this time.

When Julia walked out of the inner cabin wearing the beautiful dress, it didn't change the guy's expression. He taunted, "Take a few more hours. Go ahead, and I'll reduce a million for the time used."

Julia understood that the man was irritated and had started saying sarcastic words. She ignored the man completely as if he wasn't even present in the room and walked toward the door.

Victor pressed his fingers to his temple. "Do you even know where we're going?"

The girl stopped in her tracks as she cursed under her breath at her stupidity. Her expression became indifferent again as she turned and said, "Lead the way."

The two of them walked through the corridor without saying another word. At this time, the office was filled with people from different fields. All the singers, PR employees, and others walked through the same corridor.

Never in their dreams did they think they would witness such a scene in front of their eyes.

Julia Sims, a famous singer who had released ten albums in ten years, was wearing a wedding dress and walking beside Victor. Even the Alpha looked like a groom because of what he was wearing.

The employees and others stopped in their tracks as they stood frozen, staring at the faces of these two legendary people.

What the heck? Why were they wearing wedding dresses and walking in the corridor?! And why the hell did they have such cold expressions on their faces?!

A few small singers and actors who had just joined the company pulled out their phones and snapped a pic of Julia and Victor walking in the corridor as they posted it online. As soon as the post was made, it went viral. One after another, people commented beneath it that sent the entire post to the trending section of the social media platform.

LovelyJulia: "Are they getting married!?"

Hearttoheart: "The above person, they're wearing wedding dresses. Why would they wear it if they weren't getting married?"

Soldierofheart: "Um, photoshoot?"

LovelyJulia: "You're kidding, right?! How can they have a photoshoot?! Julia never shot one, and Victor wasn't interested in the past!"

Myalpha: "How can an Alpha like Victor marry someone as rude as Julia?! I would never believe it!"

Julia'ssweetheart: "What the f*ck did you just say?! Repeat it! I will hack you to death!"

The comment section, which had turned messy just because of one harmless post, didn't disturb the protagonists of it even a little bit. They entered the hall that had been prepared for the shoot beforehand. As they entered, the assistant closed the door and blocked the view of the people.

The people standing outside sighed. They wanted more gossip!

Victor glanced at the old photographer standing in front of a screen created out of white and red flowers. He announced, "Start the shoot."

The old man's eyes lit up as he glanced at the two of them before nodding. He gestured to the two of them to come in front of the screen. He opened his mouth and grinned, "Let's start with a kissing scene!"

"What the heck?!" Julia yelled in unison while Victor squinted his eyes as a displeased expression appeared on his face.