
Three days

~Two months later

Allison who was fully dressed for work opened the door to go out, only to be met with an excited looking Grandma.

"Good morning grandma. I didn't know you were coming."

"You should expect me, your wedding is in three days. Don't tell me you are going to work."

Allison shrugged.

"No, no young lady. No work for now."

"Grandma if it was left to you, I am sure I will sit home all day and not do a thing."

"But it's your wedding Allison. After all you have being through, you deserve this, you really need to sit and relax while others do the work for you."

Allison laughed.

"Come with me."

Grandma held her by the arm and dragged her back inside. She followed her helplessly.

"Where is my grandson?"

"He was behind me. I think he went to get something that he forgot."

Allison was surprised that grandma dragged her to she and Calvin's room. She looked at her questioningly, and grandma just smiled.