

It had only been two days since Calvin, Allison and Naomi returned home from the ancestral home when they had an unexpected visitor, Jerry. Calvin had ordered that he shouldn't be let in, as he did not want Allison to see him and remember her traumatizing experience with him. Jerry stayed for a long while, causing a fuss at the gates. But after a while, he left.

Calvin was thankful that he left, only that he did not expect him to come the next day. Just like the previous day he ordered that he shouldn't be let in, but Jerry stayed at the gates disturbing the peace of his home, accusing him of killing his parents.

After a while, Calvin finally decided to come down to let him in. But only because Allison wasn't home, as she had began to spend all her time with Delia since she heard she was pregnant. Naomi wasn't home as well.

Jerry rushed towards Calvin the moment he came down, ready to throw a punch or two at him, but he was quickly held by one of Calvin's men.