

Mason thought he heard her wrong, so he decided to ask;

"What did you say?"

"I said that I am tired of this hell hole of a marriage and I want us to get a divorce!" Kate yelled.

"And what made you think that I will let you divorce me?"

"Aren't you tired of this Mason? Are you that selfish? I'm not happy here, but you don't fucking care. All you care about is yourself and your stupid company. I don't want to be with you, you don't want to be with me, there is nothing to hold on to." she yelled.

"You are going nowhere Kate." Mason calmly stated.

"Why, tell me the reason."

"You already said it."

"Because of our alliance?"


"So you would choose your company over your own happiness?" she asked in disbelief.

"My company is my happiness."

"I can't believe you Mason, I just can't." She went to sit on the bed in frustration, then covered her face with her palms.