

Allison's eyes fluttered open the next morning. She looked around, this wasn't her room. It took her a moment before realization dawned on her. She was in Calvin's room and she was still in her party clothes. She tried to remember the events of the previous night but her memory stopped when Delia was kissing Leo. Right! Delia! She is here. She had asked Leo to bring her along. And why was she in Calvin's room instead of hers? Where is Calvin? Maybe he has gone to work. Just as she thought of him, the door of the bathroom opened and he stepped out.

He just had a towel tied around his waist. His hair was wet and dripping. His broad chest was fully opened for her to see and she couldn't help but stare. Why does he look so delicious?

"Good morning." She greeted shyly. He caught her looking at him.

"You like what you see?" he asked teasingly.

"You are okay." She replied clutching the bedsheet tight as if it will dispel her shyness.

"Why are you shy? You were so bold yesterday." he smirked.

"What.... what did I do?" She asked in embarrassment

"you really want to know?"


He walked towards her and climbed the bed hovering above her and she beneath him. Her face burned.

"You got drunk and made me carry you. You even refused to let go of me when we arrived and that's why you are here. You will have to pay for that you know." he smirked knowingly and her face turned a deep shade of red. "We made promises to each other Allison."

"What? Promises? what promises?

"You promised to make me cum." Oh! She remembers that. "And..." he leaned closer, their lips almost touching "...I promised to f*ck you." She clenched her thighs involuntarily.

"Why would you promise that?" she asked.

"Because you asked me to. Or rather, you begged me to. You begged me to f*ck you Allison. I'm ready now."

"No please. I was drunk."

"It doesn't matter."

"I'm ready now, so open your legs, let me f*ck you."

She reluctantly opened her legs and he chuckled.

"Go to your room, your friend is sleeping there."

Wait! Really? That was all? he was going to let her go? just like that?

"Really?" She asked surprised.

"It's like you really want to be fucked."

"No no, I was only surprised. Please... I need to get up."

It took him a moment to realize that she can't stand because he trapped her beneath him and he got up. She immediately sprang up like the bed has needles all over it and she dashed to the door. Suddenly she paused and turned back.

"Um...Do you have hangover medicine? My head aches badly and I think Delia will need them too." She asked shyly.

"Ask Ellie to give you some."

"Okay. Thank you." and she dashed out. Calvin chuckled. She looks cute when teased.

Delia was in a pretty bad shape when Allison entered. She just threw up for the third time.

"Here's some hangover medicine." She said handing her the medicine and a glass of water. Delia took it.

"Thank you Ally."

"Just how much did you drink yesterday?"

"It doesn't matte.r"

"Didi... You really need to move on. Mason doesn't deserve you. I know that there was still a glimmer of hope in your heart that he will come back to you before he got engaged. Didi I want you to accept the fact that he's never coming to you and move on. You deserve someone better." Allison said softly.

"I will try Ally. I will really try this time." She said and gave Allison a smile to stop her from getting too worried.

"So who was that guy you were making out with at the club?"

"Oh! I don't know, I just met him there" Delia said nonchalantly.

"I thought you had your eyes set on someone less than three weeks ago."

"Oh! I broke up with him four days ago"

Allison's eyes widened.

"So you mean to tell me that you already asked him out, dated him and broke up with him."

"Of course." Delia replied with a nonchalant shrug and Allison face palmed.

"What? I only have one life to live." Delia replied while taking the medicine. Allison could only shake her head.

"You need to shower." Allison said.

"I know and you too but I will shower before you." with that she sprang up and ran into the bathroom and Allison laughed.

"Whoaaa! this bathroom is exquisite. It's even bigger than Mason's. This boyfriend of yours is one rich bastard." Delia shouted from inside. "I could stay here all day." Delia continued. Allison could only shake her head, that was the dramatic Delia.

Moments later, Delia came out from the bathroom naked.

"Ally, I need to borrow some clothes. And hope you have some unused underwear?" Delia asked.

"They are in the closet." Allison said pointing to the direction of the closet.

She then entered the bathroom for her own shower.


Allison heard Delia screaming her name. She immediately grabbed her towel and ran out of the bathroom in a panic, she had lather all over her only for her t to come out to find Delia looking at her sexy lingeries.

"Why do you have so many sexy lingeries? And why are they all so provocative?" Delia asked with a smug smile.

"Was that why you screamed my name like that? You scared the heck out of me"

"Woooow! This one can kill a man." she said picking up one black thong totally ignoring the annoyed Allison.

Allison just watched the overjoyed Delia going through her clothes. Would it ruin their friendship if she smacked her head with a hammer?

"So these are all because of Calvin. He must really be having it good every night"

Allison just turned around and went back into the bathroom. Listening to Delia was a total waste of time.


Allison and Delia were already fully dressed and were heading to the dining table for breakfast. Isaac had informed them moments ago that breakfast was ready. They arrived at the dining and met Leo there. He turned to look at them and smirked when his eyes met Delia's.

"You." Delia suddenly pointed. "What did you do to me last night?" Both Leo and Allison were taken aback.

"I should be the one asking that." Leo responded "You were all over me last night. Thank your stars that I'm a gentle man, if not, you wouldn't have been walking this well." Delia's face burned.

"What did I do Mr?" She tried to appear brave.

"It's Mr sexy stranger." Leo responded smirking. Allison could hardly stop herself from laughing at their bickering. She remembered how Delia clung up to him and was calling him 'Mr sexy stranger'

"Basically, you sexually assaulted me but due to how kind my heart is, I won't be sueing you for it, you even insisted that we sleep on the same bed, I only managed to peel you off me when you were asleep. How needy." Leo teased.

"How dare you?"

"Don't threaten me Missy, I saved your life."

Delia suddenly felt guilty, she was supposed to at least thank him.

"Thank you for bringing me here and for taking care of me." She suddenly said apologetically. He didn't want her to apologize yet, he was enjoying their bickering.

"See how innocent you look right now, people won't know that you are a pervert"

"Hey Mr whatever..." Delia began

"Sexy stranger" Leo cut her off

"Just because I apologized doesn't mean you can go about running your mouth, I beat guys like you." Leo and Allison started laughing.

"Guys can we have our breakfast in peace?" Allison said, trying to hold back her laughter.

"You guys heard her. We need a quiet breakfast." Calvin suddenly intruded. No one saw him entering and he was dressed in casual home clothes and with a plate of food.

"Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be busy at work?" Leo asked curiously.

"I'm the CEO, I'm only busy when I say I am." Calvin said and took a seat. Leo could only shake his head. Proud Calvin!

With that all them began eating their breakfast quietly.

Allison was eating peacefully until she felt something on her legs. Oh no! Not here. Calvin was moving one of his legs up her own. She looked up and saw him innocently eating like he wasn't doing anything. She almost wanted to believe that he wasn't the one doing it but she knew that he was the only one who is seated there that is capable of that. Why does this guy tease her with any chance he gets? She hurriedly ate her remaining breakfast before she does something that she isn't suppose to do while eating breakfast with people as Calvin's big toe was already poking her entrance. She stood up and ran quickly into the kitchen with her dishes and he smiled naughtily.