
Trap Boy

A man reincarnates this in another body. He's going to take over the galaxy with one tool, a frabication facility.

Maizena1 · SF
2 Chs


The first version of my story was a test. Now I'm going to create a whole new story that will make even more envy and with more content. Enjoy!


I woke up in a room, black without clothes, completely lost. I got up and looked at my body. I had the body of a woman that everyone wanted, without imperfections. I looked at my body for a few minutes until I noticed a little thing in the middle of my legs. It was medium sized, without pubic hair, besides my armpits also had no pubic hair.

An image appeared in front of me. A is also right in front of me, staring at me. For a few seconds, she did not speak

"Hello! I'm the AI of the Star Forge. I will lead you into the early stages of creating your galactic empire. We'll start by detecting if you can use force"

'Why is she talking about strength? Does she think she's in Star Wars? '

A mechanical arm came out of the ceiling and came towards me. He scanned me with some kind of remote control and a screen appeared in front of me.

"Scan of the subject: Completed. Force-sensitive subject"

"All right, you're sensitive to the Force, so we'll get you a master. We're going to start your genetic modification. We'll implant you as soon as nano-machine. They will be used to protect you and treat you when needed, and can remove any unwanted beings in your body. We will change your constitution so that you are even more perfect and your whole body will feel the rose. A few other changes may be made later."

L'AI didn't even give me time to think that I felt a pain in the arm.


I woke up in a room, in a bed. Apparently I was still in Star Forge. I know that name very well because I'm a big Star Wars fan. I got up and, clothes was potion on the iron table, the only piece of furniture in the room except the bed. A short skirt, pink panties and a top were placed on the table.

So I got dressed and as I walked to the room, I finally got to see my body in a mirror. I had completely clean brown hair, deep brown eyes, indiscriminately and a skin so white that I could hide in the white.

I got out of the room and noticed the AI, waiting on the side.

"Hello, today we're going to do a ride out."

"Okay but I never said yes to come"

"Follow me"


So here I rewrite my story, trying to improve it but this time in the sci-fi universe, with a can of Star Wars ;)