
Transported as Lilith's Blood Bending Butler(DIABLO)

ORIGINAL FANFIC Our Mc wakes up in the world of Diablo, his not familiar with the games an is completely lost. Eventually he gets his bearings and tries to survive by using his power Bloodshed/basically blood bending, he gets these abilities in a very gruesome scenario so you'll have to read to find out. He eventually gets the attention of Mother Lilith and we'll......yeah (Caution: LOTS OF BLOOD, GORE, RAPE) Please bare with me, this is the first time I'm writing about this and this type of genre......and I never played any of the games..hehehehe I'm actually watching AngryJoeShow play Diablo to get information and some ideas so yeah sorry if this is a disappointing (* *) Please give me power stones, save this in your library and please support me on my p atreon, you can get early chapters on there :] p atreon.com/JoyBoyTheSun

JoyBoy2 · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

Chapter 1

The slap of icy water against my face was what roused me from the darkness of unconsciousness. Coughing and spluttering, I rolled onto my side as the bitter fluid was purged from lungs. Each ragged gasp sent needles of pain lancing through my aching body.

When the bleary haze slowly cleared, I lifted my head to take in my surroundings. Towering pines rose like sentinels in every direction as far as the eye could see, their boughs heavy with piles of glistening snow. A calming brook babbled by mere feet away, its waters so clear I could see silvery fish darting through their murky depths.

Groaning, I pushed onto shaky limbs and peered down at my unfamiliar form. Lean muscle swathed in tanned skin, clad in rugged leathers dyed forest green. Calloused hands that bore unfamiliar scars. This was certainly not my past body.

Memories surfaced through the throbbing in my skull - the accident, the swirling void, then waking in this strange new world. I had been reborn, But how and why, I could not yet say.

Footsteps crunched through the undergrowth, pulling me from tumultuous thoughts. Two figures emerged from the pines, boisterous voices carrying on the crisp air. "There 'e is, Barta, just like you said - fast asleep by the stream." The speaker was a stocky dwarf with a braided red beard, weathered face split in a grin to reveal several missing teeth. His companion, a lean elven rogue judging by his garb and graceful movements, merely inclined his head in response.

I straightened cautiously as they drew near, unsure of friend or foe. But the dwarf merely slapped my back heartily, nearly sending me sprawling once more into the frigid stream. "Good t'see yer finally awake, lad! Name's Grorim, this rake is Barta. We found ya half dead not far from here and patched ya up best we could."

Questions burned within but I held my tongue for now, simply nodding my thanks. These strangers seemed benevolent enough, but in this unforgiving realm one could never be too careful.

"Thank you for saving me, but where am I?" I asked trying to get information.

Grorim turned back to me with a shrug of his broad shoulders. "Good question, lad. Seems whatever knocked you out also addled your memory some."

I rubbed my aching head, fragments of recollection still swirling amid the throb. "The last thing I recall is...darkness. And cold."

The dwarf gave a thoughtful grunt. "Well, you're in the Korzic Woods now, just east of Wehrmack. I'd wager you took a nasty tumble somewhere in these parts."

My brows knit in concentration, but no familiar landmarks or people came to mind. As we walked, I probed further. "And where exactly is Wehrmack? What land is this?"

Barta spoke now, lilting accent soft yet assured. "You find yourself in Westmarch, boy - the northern realm of Sanctuary. Wehrmack is but a humble village, though it stands at a crossroads. To the north lie the Steppes and the Barbarian tribes. To the south, the imperial city of Caldeum."

I processed this new information as swiftly as my recovering mind allowed. Sanctuary...the name stirred distant memories of stories told long ago. Could it be?

Breaking from my thoughts, we emerged onto a clearing where a handful of sturdy cabins nestled among towering pines. Smoke curled lazily from their stone chimneys, scenting the air with mouthwatering aromas. My empty stomach rumbled in response.

Grorim threw his head back in a hearty guffaw. " sounds like it's time to fill that belly o' yours, lad! Come - Hilda's stew is the stuff of legends." He led us toward the largest cabin as twilight deepened its blue shades among the trees.

We approached the large cabin as dusk settled fully upon the woods. A cheery glow emanated from within, beckoning we travellers in from the night's deepening chill.

Grorim rapped his meaty knuckles upon the stout oak door. "Hilda, you old badger, let us in from the cold!" came his booming call.

Moments later the portal swung open to reveal a stout halfling woman, greying curls escaping her kerchief. Though worn by years in the wilds, laugh lines crinkled warmly around sparkling eyes. "Grorim, you oaf, must you announce to all the woods that I'm not as young as I once was?" she cawed, though smile betrayed her facade.

Her gaze turned to Barta and I, assessing keenly. "And who have you brought to my table this eve, pray tell?"

I stepped forward politely. "My name is-"

"Found the lad wandering dazed in the woods," Grorim interjected gruffly. Ever the loud tactless dwarf.

Hilda tutted, taking my arm in a motherly grasp. "Well come in, come in dear, you look half frozen! Let's get some warmth in your bones."She ushered us into the cozy main room, where a roaring hearth lent dancing light and heat.