
9th Lifetime

Ah, I died again.

This is probably the ninth time I died. And I always die miserably.

I ask to myself, "why me? "

But there's no one to answer my question.

Here I am, in my spirit form as I watched my murderers frantically crying and stabbing my dead body.

These murderers, well, I got entangled with them in my previous lives. And in this lifetime, they remembered it, every single one of them.

"Zhenzhen, why did you do that to me?! To us?! "

"Zhenzhen, why did you leave me? "

"Zhenzhen, come back to us... "

"Zhenzhen... "

I wryly smiled. These men really remembered our past affairs. They certainly know as well how I died badly Because of them.

I closed my eyes, reminiscing the previous lives that I experienced and my entanglement with my current murderers.

The third prince of my own kingdom, Prince Chen. The Prime minister's son, Yan Jun. The medicine valley's godly doctor Zhao. The crown prince of Tian kingdom, Tian Qi. The Demon general Xu. And, the Duke Zhong's third son, Zhong Chun.

They were giants amongst men. Powerful, wealthy, and handsome. Many women want to be their companions.

But to me, they're my nightmares.

"shh, don't cry now... Am i really that bad creator...? "

Huh? What..? Why is there an unfamiliar woman staring at me?! And why are we in a meadow?

"Dear, I know you are confused of what is happening. I heard you plead for help. "

"who are you...? "

"me? Well you could say that I'm the creator of this universe. "

The woman smiled brightly at me.

"If you're the creator, where were you when I plead for help?! "

She smiled sadly at me.

"you were... My test subject. "

"test subject? What's that? "

You don't need to know—" she shook her head, "—you want to end this reincarnation right? Well, I have great news for you. This tenth time, it will be your last. "

"what? Are you speaking the truth? " my body starts shaking uncontrollably. If that really the case, then...

Can I be finally be free?

"yes, and I wish you all the best.— "

She giggled. "—but, do you still love, my dear? "

"love? I have already forgotten love because of my murderers. " I sneered.

"they claimed they love me but they're really just want their ego to be stroked.— "

"—And because of them, I never get to see my children of my previous lives to grow! Because of them, many jealous women and men wanted to harm me! After all, I'm just a lowly woman who does not have a power so I cannot defend or even fight back...."

"you can take advantage of your rebir—"

"HAVEN'T I ALREADY DONE THAT?! I have tried countless times to change my fate but it's still the same. I will always have a miserable death. " My previous demeanor gone, only a sobbing mess is seen in me.


"if you're really the creator, then can you give me a request? In my tenth life, give me a peaceful death by old age and let me see my children grow... "

Her face twisted in a conlict of pain.

"if that what you are wishing then, I will grant it.—"

Giving a serene smile she said to me, "—Maybe, I will gift you something too. "

"what i do not understand what you mean... "

"you find out soon. Goodbye, I will send you of to your next life. "

And the she flicked her fingers as my consciousness fades away.