
What could her magic do? Part I

Bai Yu decided to escape from the situation by faking a faint. She closed her eyes and braced herself for the pain when she hit the floor, in case that no one could catch her in time. However, a loud voice interrupted before she could do as she had planned.

“Make way for the Emperor.”

Thank heavens! Wait, no. Thank Son of Heaven!

“Blessings to the Emperor. May you live and reign for ten thousand years, tens of thousands years, ten thousand of ten thousand years.”

The mind game between the two pillars of the inner court was interrupted by the monarch of Da Yang. The figure clothed in gold arrived with Taizi, Qin Wang, and Wei Wang. It seemed they came after the royal meeting at the throne hall had concluded.

Bai Yu hid a sigh of relief. She lowered her head, staring at the hem of the golden clothes worn by the Emperor who had unknowingly saved her life. This royal garden was located between the throne hall and royal study, so it was not unusual for the Emperor to encounter them.