
Sometimes, it is your own actions that dictate your fate Part I

Two shichens passed before Yue Nan’s help came. Bai Yu and Ouyang Feilong safely snuck into Da Chu, with the help of the person sent by Yue Nan. Currently, Bai Yu, Ouyang Feilong, and Yue Nan’s men were at a valley near the border.

Due to Da Chu’s mountainous topography, settlements could be found in the valleys. This valley where they were hiding was secluded and unpopulated, making it a prime spot for a hideout. It was Yue Nan who had sent men to bring them here.

However, Bai Yu did not meet her older cousin there. Ouyang Feilong seemed to have predicted it already, he immediately called his and Yue Nan’s men to a meeting in order to form an escape plan after obtaining the magic hare.

Bai Yu did not join the meeting. Apart from the location of the magic hare, she knew nothing. Furthermore, she was restless unlike how she outwardly appeared, so she excused herself to go outside and wait until they had a plan formed.