
She’ll be damned if she could not do whatever she pleases! Part I

Bai Yu’s silhouette disappeared from Ouyang Feilong’s sight. He was aware of his own action, still, he did not know what compelled him so. He was a soldier, he had been on the battlefield ever since he was young, he had been trained to be alert and logical, always conscious of his decision. This was the first time that Ouyang Feilong could not find a reason for himself.

Even though Bai He had already warned him…

He kneeled down to pick up the small pouch left behind by Bai Yu. Large hands slowly untied its knot to reveal the gift. There were a needle and a spool of black thread inside.


If he had not kissed her, he would have been indirectly told to learn how to sew by her. In his heart he was frustrated. Feeling both guilt and joy. The corner of his mouth slightly lifted.

It seemed these hands that only knew how to swing a sword would have to start picking up sewing.

“Commander general, sir.”

He lifted his eyes to look at the source of the voice.