
Let benwang handle it for you Part I

Even though Bai Yu had said so, the other person showed no sign of moving away. Instead, his embrace tightened, almost melding the two bodies together.

“Benwang doesn’t allow you to go.”

“But Wangye was the one who chased me away first.” Bai Yu ignored his soft whisper. She tried to peel his arms off her waist but was unsuccessful. It was not because Ouyang Feilong was fighting her; it was only that she could not fight his strength.

“Xiao Yu.” There was a sigh, then followed by the nickname. “This place is full of danger. You should not be here.”

“Then I will leave.” She understood the meaning of his words, but still, she could not help feeling hurt.

“Benwang is worried about you.”

“I’m also worried about Wangye.”

Ouyang Feilong paused. His strong arms suddenly let go. He put his hands on her shoulders and turned her back to face him. Golden eyes studied her face without saying a word.