
Extra An apology from a brother Part II

Other than himself, Ouyang Feilong was the other subject of his love that made Ouyang Hongxian human. Ouyang Feilong’s love was of the utmost importance!

Today, he summoned his brother and son to hear Bai Yu’s thoughts. He wanted to see how they would react, as Bai Yu would surely marry either of them. The conversation continued until his brother kneeled.

Unexpectedly, his little boy kneeled and asked for war that he had always loathed.

Ouyang Hongxian asked him again. Whether Ouyang Feilong truly understood or not, because of Bai Yu, he would immediately enter the fight for the throne. Yet his brother insisted that he would only be his younger brother.

If Ouyang Feilong did not want the throne, then Ouyang Feilong could not be with Bai Yu!

Because ‘Bai Yu’ was the woman who was born to be the crux that decided the next emperor. He and Mother, including Bai Han and Yue Mei, all knew what this woman was born for.