
Do you have someone you like? Part I

Today at the throne hall, the news of citizens’ poor living conditions was reported to Ouyang Hongxian by the court officials. Citizens had fallen sick because of the harsh cold, though luckily, there was no sign of an epidemic happening again. Furthermore, there was a mysterious doctor constantly treating and examining people’s health, preventing the problem from worsening. Ouyang Mingxian then assigned Ouyang Wenrou who was adept in healing to find that doctor in secret.

Apart from that, there was also a problem that both Da Yang citizens and merchants faced alike. It was the snow bandits who had started advancing their raids more and more. Although he had already sent Ouyang Mingxian, the Emperor still could not rest easy. And when came news from Ouyang Feilong, informed directly by his black dragon unit, the two golden eyes siblings continued their discussion even after the morning meeting had ended.

“There’s someone behind these bandits?”