
Beauties usually come with sad backstories Part I

Amidst falling snow and winter wind, one man and one woman gazed at the banquet below in silence. Only a sound of a breeze that brought coldness to their skin was heard. Nothing was uttered between them.

There was nothing left for Ouyang Feilong to say to her. After this, it was up to her. He could only stand quietly beside her and let Bai Yu sink into her reverie.

A thick white coat was put on her small shoulders. “Thank you, Your Highness.”

“Before the snow gets heavier, you should not remain here too long.”

Bai Yu pulled her gaze back from the scenery below. She adjusted the coat that protected her from the weather as she tried to peer deep into the golden eyes that were still looking at the banquet …Today was the first time she could carefully study him.

Ouyang Feilong, feeling her gaze, turned to meet her eyes. When their sights collided, they both immediately looked away. Bai Yu hurried kneeled down to pick up her hairpins that were thrown away a while ago.