
63. Are you a Futanari?*

Read the following two chapters before commenting or dropping the story.

{The form Thyra had taken was that of a male. So, from now on, I will denote Thyra as 'he'. I will revert to 'she' after Thyra undo the skill.}

Thyra just stood there with the others. Although he couldn't see what was in front of him clearly, he could still see guys standing on both sides. These guys were dressed similarly.

"Tell me, what did you do to convince the mother to let you have a client after running away for two days? Did you lick that old hag?"

'Old hag? Is he talking about the mother? But she might not be more than thirty-five.' Thyra wasn't sure and could only think of it as the only possibility. He had no idea who this guy was or why he started talking out of nowhere. So, he chose to remain silent.

"You didn't make love with her, right?" His voice lowered a lot as if he whispered just to let him hear, "They say she is as old as your dead mother."

'What is this guy trying to do?' Thyra had no idea. He understood that he was trying to agitate him, but he didn't know why. 'Like, what will you gain if I beat you?'

However, Thyra couldn't let this guy get a hand over him. "Did you fall in love with Mother or something?" He, too, said in a low voice, "Are you being jealous of me because Mother loves me more than you?"

"You…" The guy was about to scream out loud but was calmer than Thyra had thought. He controlled himself just in time.

Unfortunately, Thyra wasn't done yet. "I am telling you because you are my friend, but I heard jealousy could shrink your dick. And you know if your dick shrinks more than it already has, no one will hire you. After all, our clients don't like small pp."

Thyra could feel intense heat and glare coming from that direction, but he stood there without moving a muscle.

'Whether it is this world or his last, nothing hurts man's ego more than his pp's size.' Thyra was aware of it. And now that she, too, has one, she can understand why.

However, before their argument could escalate, the door opened. All the men dressed in red underwear straightened their backs. A noisy bunch of women entered the room, with Mother in the lead.

"Oh! As expected from high-end establishments."

"I am a young girl, yet their skin was softer than mine."

"What do you expect? While you train with sword and stones, they take care of the capitals' flowers."

"But do they even have the stamina to do it all night?"

"Esteemed guest, these are the finest men of the establishment." Expectedly, Mother exaggerated, adding, "Any one of them can satisfy all of you for the entire night."

"Oh! That's exciting. Which one should I choose?"

"Leader, I need two of them. I don't think one could satisfy me all night. You will be paying, right?"

There were many excited women actively giving their opinions. Although Thyra couldn't see them, he could still see some women touching the guys standing closer to the door.

"Give them whatever they want. I will pay the bill."

"They will serve them until they are completely satisfied, so Your Majesty, you need not worry. And if they aren't satisfied with the service, we won't ask your highness to pay."

"No need. They are important friends of mine. Just serve them like you serve me."

"Have you heard them?" Mother asked, and Thyra noticed everyone around him answering in unison, "Yes, Mother."

"Leader, you should choose first."

"There is no need. You guys can choose first." Thyra could tell from her comment that the so-called royalty cared about her sisters.

"No need, leader. You choose first."

"Please take the one you like most." The girls, too, support their leader similarly.

Then Thyra heard her say, "Why are they hiding their faces?"

"Remove your head cover." Mother ordered, and as they did, she explained, "Some noble ladies don't like other men looking at them."

"There is no need for that."

One cheeky girl added, "We all know that the leader loves boys with cute faces. What if I choose the cutest one by mistake?"

Thyra removed the face covers, as Mother had ordered. He could see the girls now. There were a total of seven of them.

One of them was really muscular, towering over the other girls. Thyra was sure it was the one who had requested two men.

Then there was a twin, a shy girl with bangs covering her eyes, one normal-looking girl, and a short one.

One look, and Thyra was sure it was the leader, who might be somehow related to her. The girl was wearing knight's leather trousers and a leather corset.

Although she didn't have much muscle, she still had a well-trained body. The colour difference on that part of her body confirms that she spends much time outside. But what stood out most was her thighs stretching leather to its limit.

It was difficult for him to deny the allure of her legs. But the choice was not up to her.

And there was one more thing that attracted his attention. She was wearing a veil. He couldn't guess whether she was related to him, even if he wanted.

As she continued to check the others, Thyra was almost certain he wouldn't be selected based on the cute criteria. After all, his normal looks weren't suited to the adjective 'cute.'

Although he now had a different face, the presence of that face still remained. If anything, she could be called different but not cute.

"What is your name?" Yet, the leader stopped in front of him and asked.

"Who? Me?" Thyra wasn't sure she was asking him.

"Why aren't you answering, her majesty?"

"Th…" By instinct, he had almost said his real name. "Verlan." he said.

"You can always depend on the leader to sniff out the cutest one." one of the twins said.

The other twin added, "Really, this one has a charm to him. He is a boy, but part of him feels like a girl."

"Leader, you should check down there. I am sure that is not that big." The muscular one was added.

"Why would she need that? Do you think the leader wants to have a sword fight?"

"More like a sword vs dagger fight."

The girls started to joke about it, and the topic made Thyra frown.

One of the twins said, "I feel sorry for the leader's wife."

"What is there to feel sorry for?" The other asked, "She is not even twenty, yet she is pregnant with the leader's third child. Haven't you seen how tired she looks every morning when she returns home? She is a succubus."

"Still, she will spend her time alone, while the leader will enjoy herself with this cute boy."

However, the different girls in the group had other priorities. The muscular one came forward and put her hand under the red cloth, exclaiming, "Oh! This one is big. It could challenge the leader's sword."

Thyra was a little too surprised to see correctly whether the leader smirked as she heard those words. But she heard her say, "Remove your hand."

"See? Didn't I tell you that the leader becomes possessive whenever a cute one is involved?"

The leader ignored the comment before turning to Thyra and saying, "Come."

However, as soon as their eyes met, Thyra asked instinctively, "Are you a futanari?"


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