
103. The last straw...

"What is the meaning of this?" Tanja's voice was enough for Thyra to understand that he wasn't happy, nor did she care.

"Your Highness, I sent knights to inform Dame Hoax about the deployment news as you had ordered. Yet, Dame Hoax had brutally murdered all the knights and soldiers." Baron Narn gave a full bow, adding, "Your Highness, you should punish Dame Hoax appropriately."

"What do you have to say about it, Dame Thyra?" Fourth Prince, Tanja, also cheeked Thyra's expression, who was wearing only a robe on her body, asking, "Why are you dressed in such an indecent thing?"

Thyra sighed, asking, "Your Highness, my soldiers and I had marched straight to reach here for more than two weeks. As soon as we reached here, we fought for three days. Today is the first time we have settled down and had a proper rest in the last three weeks."

"As soon as we pitched our tent and laid down, I received the report and came here as soon as possible. I didn't get to prepare myself."

"Even if you are tired, you should always follow ethics and manners," Pyra was as calm as always, adding, "You are a noble of this kingdom. You can't act like barbarians. I thought the noble-born lady were specially trained in ethics."

"You think so, too?" Thyra's face had every expression to show her surprise. "I thought I didn't need to act like one. After all, the messenger that Baron Narn had sent barged into my tent. They disregarded the fact that I am a noble and a lady. So, I thought we didn't need to think of those manners here."

"You are lying." Baron Narn shouted without missing a beat. "Your Highness, Dame Hoax, has brutally murdered all the messengers and is now looking for an excuse to save herself. Please, punish her, Your Highness."

"Do you have any kind of fetish to see me get punished?"

"Dame Hoax," Tanja wasn't happy with Thyra's words, "This is your last chance to explain yourself before I give my judgment."

Neither was Thyra. Thyra lazily looked at Tanja, adding, "We are in the middle of a war. And if someone, even the messenger, disregards the rule and barges into the camp without proper identification, it will be normal for anybody to regard them as enemies."

Thyra was sure they would cry out that she was lying; still, she explained. "They had refused to identify themselves, didn't listen to the warning of my guard, and barged into the tent when I was changing and pulled out their sword against me. Is that enough of a reason?"

"Your Highness, she is lying." As soon as Baron Narn said those words, Thyra burst out laughing. Narn wasn't sure what Thyra was trying to do, but Tanja wasn't happy. Tanja asked, "What is the meaning of this?"

"Nothing, Your Highness. You can go ahead and state your judgment. Anything I say will be regarded as a lie. The words of my subordinates would also regarded as lies. So, I don't see a reason to defend myself any further."

"Are you telling me that I am lying?" Baron Narn's voice started to grow.

"How can I say that? Of course, you were present and saw everything with your eyes. You even saw how I brutally murdered all of your men and tried to kill you. Luckily, you have…"

Tanja slammed his hand on the table before glaring at Thyra. Thyra could hear her voice tremble as she asked, "Dame Hoax, is this a joke to you?"

"Yes, Your Highness."

There was a deafening silence enveloping the room. It made Thyra's sigh especially loud. She looked at Tanja, adding, "Whatever punishment you want to give, do it. I don't care. Not like you will listen to me."

"Dame Hoax, please behave yourself." Pyra was trying to suppress his excitement, as Thyra was making their work easier. Still, she added, "You are in front of the fourth prince of the Ardour kingdom."

"Go fuck yourself." Thyra's words were more deafening than her last. But Thyra didn't care. It was already idiotic to stop rationing an entire army, but Thyra didn't care.

Even if she could reason with an idiot, she wasn't sure who simply wanted to condemn her. The current situation is a prime example.

They had brought her here without the presence of any other knights or Barons. There were enough signs for Thyra to understand that they just wanted to blame Thyra. And she was ready for the worst punishment he could give her without killing her.

They weren't even planning for her soldier to rest. More importantly, they forced her to walk out when she was having a good time. Even if she didn't want to accept, it was the last straw for her patience.

"Your Highness, I don't know which idiot gave you the idea to force a tired army to march when these idiots rested in the security city walls for more than a week."

"That is because your soldiers were just coming back from a mission. They are more combat-prepared than those who are resting." Pyra calmly explained.

"Are you an idiot?" Thyra frowned before she answered the question herself, "Yes, you are. In the last battle, the empire attacked us in the middle of the night. And here you are, giving me an excuse that you are not combat-ready because your soldiers have rested too much?"

"Do you think the enemy will send you an invitation before they attack? Would they wait for you to put on the armour?" Thyra smiled at Tanja, asking, "Your Highness, do you think the same? Are you sure you want to trust these guys when the enemy attacks the city?"

"What do you mean by that?" Narn shouted, "Are you saying that we will betray your Highness? We will even give our lives for the kingdom."

"Do whatever you want." Thyra didn't even want to stay here for a minute. All this nonsensical talking was making her head hurt. She walked towards the door to leave the room.

"Where do you think you are going, Dame Hoax?" Prya grabbed her shoulder, only to let her go as soon as Thyra glared at him.

Thyra said, "I know you will blame me as soon as I see you two with the Highness. And I understand that nothing I say will matter to you or your Highness. So, I'd rather be resting before leaving the city tomorrow than having a mindless chat with you guys."

"What do you mean by tomorrow? You have to leave the city tonight. Leaving tomorrow would make your presence known to the enemy, And it will be too late by the time you reach Luxor." Narn said.

"Then you go." Looking towards Tanja, Thyra added, "And if Your Highness really wants me to go to Luxor, I want Your Highness to give me a written order. Otherwise, who knows, they will accuse me of abandoning my post and joining the empire."

"Your Highness, do you think His Majesty wouldn't know of your idiotic decisions?" Tanja was so angry that Thyra could see the veins popping in his eyes, but she didn't care. "Your Highness, the first quality of a good monarch is to discern his friend from his foe."

Thyra was sure that after this, the backlash wouldn't be small. So, Thyra didn't forget to show the badge she had received from Borg, adding, "If you continue to treat me like any other nameless royal knight, I can still ask to be posted to another army, where the commander will value my worth."

Thyra wasn't sure if that could happen or not. But she had to take chances. After all, it's all about who had the better connection.

The royal courtier was the best connection she had. More importantly, no one can change the posting of a royal knight better than the royal court. Thyra can only hope that her bluff will work.