
Transmigration : Living a free life

This is the story of a girl who has transmigrated in to a different world This is the story of a girl who is heartbroken from betrayal by her close people and the story of a girl who has week interior but soft exterior. This is the journey of a girl who has finally got the love she deserved and lived a happy life. Ning xi, spent her whole life by taking revenge against the group that killed her family and lived a lonely life and died in a car accident in her real life. when she thought that she can finally escape this world and be free from all the burden and meet her family in the underworld. she suddenly felt a force that sucked her soul and found herself in a room. when she was pondering where she is she felt the vision infront of her eyes changing "she saw a beautiful nine tailed fox (Bai jue) sitting on a throne sorrounded by an aura that was breathtaking. Ning xi who was a boss CEO in her life has thought that her aura is already a great one still felt intimidated by the aura of the fox. As she was still thinking why she is here she heard the bai jue talking. she learnt that ancestors of fox clan has owed a wish from her ancestors and Bai jue is the last descendant of ninetailed fox clan who is on the end of her life. bai jue told her that it took many centuries for her to finally find the descendant of her ancestors to repay the favour that the fox clan owed and by the time she found Xu wanwan she is already dead and by using her remaining powers she bought her soul in to a different world where she can start her life again to as to repay the favour that their clan owed from many generations" P.S.:: This is my own novel and not a translation; all the characters are fictional and doesn't resemble any real life personas. please give this novel a chance, this my first novel and there may be many mistakes but i hope u all can just give it a chance and read once

Vutakuri_Vaishnavi · 都市
3 Chs

Ning xi - Before Transmigration

After coming in to the Zhao family all of the family members including father Zhao took care of her very nice but in reality they never treated her as family, they never took her to any gatherings or did arrange any welcoming ceremony. even when she wanted to attend the university Bai yin yin told her that as a princess of Zhao family she didn't need to do anything and should just enjoy her life as a princess.

After five months they match fixed her to Si family which is not as rich as Zhao family but they are also one of the best aristocratic family in city A. Si yehan acted all loving and doted her very much and he even told her that he and his family preferred house wife and so she doesnt need to study and just be a good house wife. so just for the sake of a happy family, Ning xi killed all her dreams. she loved Si yehan with all her heart and trusted Bai yinyin so much that she never saw the romantic signals between Bai yinyin and Si yehan. As the marriage date approached between them Si yehan started acting up all busy, ignored her calls and texted telling her that Si family business got a crisis when in reality he was chilling with Bai yinyin in maldives.

Two days before marriage Bai yinyin and Si yehan arranged a meeting and acted infront of Ning xi. Si yehan bowed his head to cover up the cunning look and smile on his face and told Ning xi that he cant marry her because his family is in crisis situation and he has to get the funds. Bai yinyin also keeps a sad face and tells her that Zhao family is thinking to cancel the marriage. Ning xi got panicked and started crying. Bai yinyin and Si yehan exchanged the gazes and after some time Bai yinyin opens her mouth and act as she is hesitated to tell something.

Ning xi thinks that there might be any solution and forces Bai yinyin to tell her. Bai yinyin acts like she is making a decision and tells her that "Ning xi actually there is a way for Si family crisis to overcome that is to add their funds from zhao family business to Si family but to cover up this much big amount share holders will not agree and with the amount of shares being less compared to all the share holders and to transfer the amount unanimously my mother doesn't have a complete authority. So, if u can transfer 20 percent of the shares in your hand we can solve this crisis and your and brother yehan marriage will also be done on time"

once listening this and seeing the sorrowful gaze of Si yehan Ning xi immideatly agreed but both the adulterers still acted like they are in difficult position to take. Si yehan acted like he cant take the shares but only on the insistence of Ning xi he aagreed to take the shares and promised that he will take care of her forever and pamper like a queen and said all sweet nothings. after listening to Si yehan words ning xi flew up to cloud nine and she missed the sly and cunning gazes of both of them.

On the same day Bai yinyin took her to a bar to celebrate her bachelorette party. There she spiked her drink and mixed it with aphrodisiac and sent her to a strangers room. the next morning whole media barged in to the room took photos where Ning xi is naked and published her photos. Ning xi questioned Bai yinyin fiercely and asked her why is she in a strangers room when she was with her for a drink and Bai yinyin acts pitifully and tells her "xixi you were the one who wanted to go to washroom last night and I searched for you the whole night and i didnt even know what happened to u till now"

Ning xi feels very bad that she betrayed Si yehan trust in her and she is not pure anymore and thus she doesnt deserve brother yehan anymore. Si yehan consoles her very much and tells her that he doesnt care and he still loves her and the marriage will not stop. Ning xi feels very grateful and gives the shares to Bai yinyin so she can help Si family crisis.

Both Zhao family and Si family are very angry on Ning xi. Father Zhao slaps Ning xi and tells her due to her the whole family has to face the humiliation and now Zhao famiily owes Si family. He berates her telling her that due to her that whole family name got ruined and the whole family called her names such as slut, whore etc

once the transfer of shares is done Si yehan calls ning xi and tells her that his family is not agreeing for the marriage as now her being naked with other man on bed is rotating like a wild fire on internet and also the stock prices are going down constantly. He told her that the only option now to save the both families is the marriage between me and Bai yinyin. He explained to Ning xi that except to this thing there is no other situation to solve the whole family members and promises her that he and Bai yinyin are marrying only for the company sake and once the situation is in control they will get a divorce and he will marry Ning xi again. As a fool as always Ning xi believed his words and agreed for the marriage.

The next day there is a big fire in Zhao family and the whole face and skin of Ning xi burnt even though she got saved she transformed from being the beautiful girl in city A to ugliest girl in city A. when the police investigated the reason behind the fear and concluded that the fire started from Bai yinyin room and is started by Ning xi but she didnt thought that the whole place will be burned down and she will also get caught in the fire and get injured. police confirmed this with CCTV proof and fingerprint evidence. Both Bai yinyin and Si yehan acted as they are disappointed with her and they berated her for being this much despicable, cunning and black hearted.

Bai yinyin told "Ning xi if you hate me and brother yehan getting married this much you can just tell us we would have stopped this marriage. is there a need for u to go through this much to destroy my face and kill me ?? Is this the repayment for all the love and affection i gave you." and starts crying badly.

No one believed Ning xi how much ever she explained that she didnt do this and the court has imprisoned her for intentional murder charges for 10 years

when she is in jail both si yehan and Bai yinyin comes with their marriage certificate to show Ning xi. Ning xi once agian tries to convince her that its not her who did the crime and asks si yehan to help her get out of this prison but bai yinyin slaps her in the face the next moment.

Ning xi is shocked and looks at Bai yinyin as she listened to her words "Oh Ning xi!!!! how much of a fool can you be. you didnt even realised till now the situation you are in. As today is mine and brother yehans marriage day i will be a good person and tell you." she glares at Ning xi and tells her "Ning xi this is the whole plan that brother yehan and i have plotted to get the 20% shares present in your hand. what does a country bumpkin like you deserve to have these much percentage shares and when I the princess doesn't have anything. This why the first day when we got the information we already fixed that those shares belong to me and after seeing you being more beautiful than me i decided to destroy you. It is me who has destroyed your innocence and it is also me who called whole media to record your pictures"

Ning xi is utterly shocked to hear this and sees the Si yehan face which is filled with mocking smile and disgusted look in his eyes and with a shaking voice and trembling hand Ning xi points at Bai yinyin and asks " Si yehan is what this person here told correct ?? did you love only for the shares in my hands. Were all the moments we shared between us are all of them just false. ??"

Si yehan then tells her "Oh Ning xi, how did u even thought of me loving you. Bai yinyin and I, we were both childhood sweet hearts. the whole city knows this except you and even your family also knows. how did u even thought that i will marry a country bumpkin like you. you disgust me!! that's why i never touched you but you thought i was giving u respect and that's why i didn't touched you. hahaha... no one is bigger fool than you. you dont even deserve to be the shoe under my yinyin foot. Enjoy your time in prison"

Ning xi looks at their backs and smile mockingly towards herself for believing and trusting them with all their heart. she owes that she will take revenge for herself onces she is out of here.

After 10 years when Ning xi came out of prision, she went directly to Zhao family house by carrying a gasoline in her hands. After staying for ten years in prison she is now well versed in all kind of rough works and fighting. by avoiding all CCTV spots she entered in to the bedroom she was familiar with and set the whole building fire. She herself saw with her own eyes how both of the adulterers dies screaming in pain. she also died in the same fire with them.

Growing up in an orphanage as a sweet little sister to becoming a person who is framed and imprisoned in jail, Ning xi has lot of grievances. After getting released from the prison she has only one goal in her life "REVENGE". After coming out from jail she killed all those people who has made her life along with herself. when she thought everything is done and she felt relief as she felt her soul leaving her body.