
Transmigration in Black Clover with OP System

Unluckily enough, he first traveled through time and became Rock Lee. Because of his physical defect, he could not control chakra to perform ninjutsu. After he protested to the system, he time traveled again and became Asta, who cannot use magic..."

Nard_Nine · ファンタジー
12 Chs

Chapter 2:Sharingan

Asta:"Single Magatama Sharingan!"

"Normal effect: slow down the enemy's attack speed and improve insight!"

"Special effect: 40% chance of casting illusion, 40% chance of copying the opponent's magic!"

June clicked on the effects of the Sharingan in this world. Although it was only 40% effective in casting illusions and copying magic, it was still very exciting. The most important thing was that he could finally use ninjutsu in this world!

Coupled with the fact that he learned Taishu from Guy, once the eight gates are opened, he can beat whoever he wants!

Asta:"The next step is to earn points by killing monsters!"

The only way for alchemists to gain points in this system is to gain points from monsters, which is a very common means of upgrading.

June left the Skeleton Cave and dragged his tired body towards the church at the foot of the mountain. Today was really a fruitful day. June shook his sore arm. If only he could redeem a bottle of healing potion at this time. alright.

You must know that practicing physical skills is not the same as practicing chakra or meditating on magic power. You only need to be diligent. Practicing physical skills is the same as maintaining equipment. If you just wear it without knowing how to maintain it, your body will soon become useless. of.

He still had chakra reserves before, but now he has just accumulated a little chakra, which will dissipate in his limbs before it can be delivered to his hands.


A three-starved mountain wolf crouched down and stared at June who was walking down the mountain. When June exposed his defenseless back, the mountain wolf suddenly jumped out, still dripping with saliva. My teeth can smell the stench even from a distance!

Asta:"Youth is indeed a Konoha whirlwind!"

June twisted his waist in an incredible way, and his body instantly made a 360-degree turn, and his toes kicked hard on the mountain wolf's teeth.


The mountain wolf howled, its canine teeth flying in all directions, and its entire body was sent flying by the huge force coming from its face.


The mountain wolf hit his head on a tree trunk, shattering his skull and dying.

Asta:"What a pitiful little wolf..."

When june passed by, he had already seen this mountain wolf that seemed to be squeezed out by his companions because of his weakness. However, it seemed that he could not gain any points by killing an old, weak, sick, and disabled mountain wolf, so he was too lazy to take action. However, this mountain wolf It was no wonder that the wolf had no eyesight and rushed to his death.

"System prompt: The host kills an ordinary mountain wolf and gets 1 point!"

Asta:"Oh, that's not bad!"

June immediately exchanged the 1 point for a bottle of healing potion.

Asta:"It can be used internally and externally to treat common headaches, colds, and bruises!"

June looked at the instructions carefully. It was an all-purpose potion with low damage, and if used in the bath, it could nourish the body. It looked pretty good.

Asta:"Gudong, gudong!"

June first drank half a bottle of healing potion. It tasted a little sweet. When the potion flowed into his limbs through his stomach, June clearly felt that the injury on his finger was much better. The color changed from the scary sausage color to bluish purple, but his hand The injury to his head was obviously still not healed.

Asta:"Try it for external use!"

June poured some healing potion into the palm of his left hand, and then started rubbing his hands together.

Asta:"Hiss—I'll go, it's so sour!"

Unexpectedly, after drinking a healing potion that tasted good, it would be as painful to the eyes as if chili water was poured into the nostrils. Most people would cry for their fathers and mothers after suffering such severe pain, but June had experienced Kai after all. The man trained by the ninja Kai is very capable of handling pain!

June covered his hands and rolled all over the floor. Anyway, there was no one else around now, so who could he show off to?

Although it hurt, the effect was amazing. Soon June found that the bruises on his ten fingers were obviously much better. The color had gradually changed from purple to blue. June poured some more onto his hand while it was still hot. Almost ten fingers can be used flexibly again, but they still look a little bruised.

Asta:"very good!"

Seeing the effect of the healing potion, june nodded with satisfaction. Now he could burn his youth without any scruples. Although Asta was not lazy, he practiced very hard, such as common exercise methods, push-ups and supine. He can easily reach thousands of levels in standing up, etc., but because he has no chakra accumulation, the training intensity is still within the human range.

So Asta's current physical fitness is not enough to open the eighth gate, and even some difficult physical movements are not up to the requirements, but his current strength should easily kill some kid who just got the magic book! .