
Transmigration in Black Clover with OP System

Unluckily enough, he first traveled through time and became Rock Lee. Because of his physical defect, he could not control chakra to perform ninjutsu. After he protested to the system, he time traveled again and became Asta, who cannot use magic..."

Nard_Nine · ファンタジー
12 Chs

Chapter 11:The Charm of Physical Skills

"Asta, it's not like what you said. There must be a reason why he doesn't teach!"

Naxiu was the first to stand up and defend Tao. In the past, he would have been angry at most about such things, but he would never stand up to express his opinions.

But from the moment he decided to practice martial arts with Asta, he found that he had changed!

Become sharper and no longer hide yourself in thick eggshells and feel sorry for yourself like before!

Instead, he dared to stand up fearlessly like a man!

"You guys really don't know what to say. Have you forgotten who saved you?"

A butcher who had closed his eyes for a long time opened his eyes and roared: "Is this the way you look when facing your savior!"


Many villagers were so ashamed that they did not dare to say anything more at the moment. They took their children and left here.

"Can I ask why?"

The butcher asked sheepishly before he left, unable to resist his son's stubbornness.

"Because, the people I teach are all dignified men with consciousness! Not some people who learn physical skills because they are curious and fun, and can be used as a vassal of magic! And, who! Allow you to insult physical skills? Let you look at it with contempt and ridicule!"

After June finished speaking word by word, his eyes became sharp, and a breathtaking breath began to leak out of his body. This was the breath of a powerful warrior! This is a breath that makes people shiver!

All the villagers lowered their heads under June gaze, and their eyes gradually changed from arrogance to awe!

At this moment, not only did the villagers shut up, but even the people in the church looked at June with admiration!

"Is this kind of aura still the Asta I know?"

The nuns, fathers, Laika, Naxiu, and even Yuno, who had always had no doubt about Asta's ability, began to question it, because the strength June was showing now was stronger than the aura of any big shot they had ever seen. Be strong!

"Brother Asta, I don't look down on taijutsu, I really want to learn it!"

A little fat man said stubbornly.

"Me too!"

Another child spoke.

"If you really want to learn, before the sun rises tomorrow, bring your awareness to the devil's head in the back mountain to find me!"

June calmed down his momentum. The devil's head in the back mountain had always been a nightmare for these children. If these children were really enlightened, he wouldn't mind teaching them a thing or two.

The next day, a total of seven children, including Naxiu, arrived at the Demon skull before dawn.

June naturally did not hesitate to teach. He carefully watched each child's physical fitness, and then formulated a set of training guidelines for each child. From then on, everyone in the village could see June every day. He led a group of monkeys in skirts to exercise while standing on their heads around the village.

"Asta, recently I have seen you cutting down trees to build houses from time to time. If possible, I would like to ask you to repair a fence in our village so that wild boars will not run into the village."

One day when June and others were training, the head of Haji Village suddenly came over and said.

"Repairing the fence? It's not impossible."

June nodded and said, father and the others also live in this village after all. It would be good to make the village safer, but it is obviously impossible for him to do it for free!

The village chief is a mature man. When he saw June pondering, he immediately said: "For this reason, the village has decided that no matter how hard life will be in the future, enough food and assistance will be provided to the church within five years!"

"make a deal!"

June snapped his fingers. Repairing the fence was a piece of cake for him. Although Haji Village was not small, it was not as big as he imagined. Even if he was alone, a week would be enough. But now that he has With seven skinned monkeys, repairing the fence is naturally a form of practice!

"Children, these trees look crooked and not round at all. Pan them!"

June pointed to a large tree that was more than ten meters high.


Naxiu and others were also unambiguous. They were more dedicated than lumberjacks with their axes. The big tree they hugged together was chopped down in a short time.

"Very good. Our task this time is to repair the fence, so we don't need finishing. We just need to sharpen one end."

"Also, how many times have I said that cutting down trees is the same as cutting down people!"

"If you want to make a full blow, you must first exert force from your two calves. When the force between the legs reaches the waist, it will then pass through the rotation axis of the waist, and finally slash out through the arm. In this way, you Only those who use their waist and arm strength can exert more power than those who only use their waist and arm strength. Only in this way can a person cut with all his strength!"

While June was practicing, he also closely observed the movements of each child and gave some pointers from time to time. Although these casual experiences may sound simple and easy to understand, they are the crystallization of the wisdom of the ancients. If not, If people point it out, these children will never understand these principles in their lifetime.

Naxiu and others exerted force according to the method described by June.The waist did not move at first, and then the legs suddenly exerted force. Driven by the leg muscles, the whole body seemed to fly. At this time, the waist seemed to stretch like a civet cat. , a burst of softness naturally broke out. When the strength of the legs and waist reached the arms, every child felt as if a beast was about to rush out of his body. The strength was unprecedentedly huge!


When the ax hit the tree trunk, the arms of Naxiu and others immediately became sore and numb. Some children were even shocked by the rebounding force and fell to the ground. However, the effect was significant. When the ax went down, it penetrated three points into the tree. It felt five times better than before. The ax cuts even deeper!

"When you explode with all your strength, you must know how to unload it, so that you can protect yourself from being hurt by the force you explode. The trick to unloading force is to be loose and heavy. When you are a beginner, you can submerge the ax into the trunk of the tree. Go forward, loosen the handle of the axe, and prevent the backlash of power from the source."

"After you become proficient, you can hold the handle of the axe, and take advantage of the rebounded force to exert force a second time. This is called releasing force and then borrowing force at the same time. Only in this way can you continue to explode!"

As June narrated, he picked up an ax and began to teach by words and deeds.

He chose a big tree that was as thick as the arms of three adults. He pressed the soles of his feet tightly to the ground. Then his two calves tightened instantly. A huge force rose from his legs, and then he twisted his waist. The force is transferred to the shoulders, and finally transferred to the ax through the arms.


The ax hit the tree trunk hard, leaving nearly a fifth of the tree trunk broken!

However, it was not over yet. When the ax sank into the trunk, part of the force was absorbed by the trunk, but part of the force was reflected back to the ax. When June noticed a huge reaction force coming back from the ax, he immediately Taking advantage of the situation to lift the axe, most of the rebounded force not only did not hurt June, but helped him pull out the axe and lift it again!

When the ax drew a semicircle in the air, June legs exerted force again, driving the ax to chop into the tree again. Repeatedly, the chop became more and more vigorous, just like a perpetual motion machine. In less than six axes, a hard wooden tree was struck. The big tree was chopped down by June!


All the children took a breath because they clearly noticed that June was cutting faster and faster!

You must know that they are most powerful when they chop down the tree for the first time, and their strength will drop a lot when they chop down the tree for the second time. But June did the opposite, and the more he chopped, the stronger he became!

"This is the charm of borrowing power!"

June spoke.

At this moment, all the children's eyes shone brightly, and they realized that physical skills actually have such charm!
