
Transmigration: I Am Now A Dimwit (BL)

Being trapped in the body of a mentally challenged person in a strange and unknown world filled with only men, was never part of the various scenarios that played in Yue Yan's mind whenever he had envisioned where his soul will go after death. But now that he was here, he told himself "No matter what, I will not let this body be trampled over again. Not while I still occupy this body". He intends to live the rest of the host body's life very well as opposed to before he had transmigrated here, come what may. But it was easier said than done. At the end, he lost his wife and two children at the hand of his own family. Join Yue Yan now known Chen Yan on his journey with his new found family and friends as they strive to attain a better life for themselves and their generations to come. EXCERPT 1: "If you want my help, you need to give me something in exchange. What are you willing to offer me in return for the favour?" "I can wash your clothes for a week?" "Don't want that." "I could cook and wash for you for a week?" "That too will be nice if only they were added to what I actually want." "What do you want? I don't really have anything else to give. " "No, you're exactly what I want.", the leader said while walking around Xu Bao, openly checking him out. "What do you mean?", Xu Bao asked in apprehension. Time is not his his side. Lives are at stake! Circling his arms around his slim waste, Yunfeng pulled him in, staring into his ocean blue eyes. Xu Bao could feel his breath on his face. He wanted to pull away from the embrace but Yunfeng held him in place. "I believe you get what I am trying to say?", he asked in a seductive voice with his nose lightly brushing against Xu Bao's ears. "Or shall I demonstrate?", he added teasingly. P. S. Please do check out my other Book as well. -- Dead End Feelings (BL). Link: http://wbnv.in/a/beiB6mw Thank You all. Have a great day.

Abbiex · LGBT+
31 Chs

30. Our Folly...7

"Are we there yet, mom?" Chen Yan shouted to his mom. He is the coachman and has been driving his mom for hours.

He was accompanying him to go and check the deed to some land that was bequeated to his mom when Chen Yen's grandpa died.

Yan never knew his mom has relatives that live that far off. As the first son, he thought it was only right that he accompanied his mom to check out the property.

They had hired the cart that Yan was riding because his mom says the place is very far.

"We're here." His mom, Chen Yen exclaimed from inside so Yan stopped the cart.

He got off first before stretching forth his hand to assist his mom out of the vehicle.

"Son, we will have to leave the cart here and walk the rest of our way up to where the land is. The road from here is quite rough." Chen Yen said to his adopted son.

"Mama, why did you want to see the land itself before we go for the deeds to it? Wouldn't it have been better if we went for the documents first before inspecting the piece of land?

What if we're wrong with the location. I mean, it seems to be too deep into the forrest and we haven't seen any farms or farmers on our way since we started walking.

Is it even a good idea to continue going further? The land is quite hilly. What of your legs? Will you be okay?"

Yan asked after they had two walked for over an hour minutes and still counting. His mama is the one giving the directions since he doesn't know the place.

At first they met some farmers and hunters on their way when they were riding the cart, but he hasn't spotted a single soul except for them since they got off the cart and started to walk.

"You're right, but it doesn't change anything to see the land first. Let's keep going, we'll get there soon."

Yan didn't say anything for the rest of their walk, except to occasionally check on his mama if he is alright.

"We're here!" Chen Yen exclaimed once they reached the top of a hill.

"Is this the place? How?" Yan was sure his mom has made a mistake. The land surrounding them did not seem fertile enough for agriculture nor is it even close to people for construction.

The place seems more like just any part of the abandoned forrest. It had no trace of humans even coming around.

"Yes. This is the place. The very place that I want you to see. Come here, my son. Come look at something." Chen beckoned his adopted son to come to where he stood at the edge of the cliff.

"Mama, isn't it dangerous to stand at this part? Let's move back, away from the edge please." Yan asked once he got to where Chen Yen is.

"Then how will I show you the thing I wanted you to see? It is down the cliff. Just get closer. This place isn't as dangerous as you think. "


"Where is it mom? I can see the peonies." Yan asks in a kneeling position while straining his eyes to see the supposed peonies that have grown along that side eof the cliff and the valley.

"Keep looking, you'll see them." Chen said before giving his son a hard push from behind.

The surprise action made Yan lose his balance on the ground, and was about to fall down the cliff but his hands instinctively held onto a protruding piece of a rock on the side of the hill. Not that far off from the top.

"Mom, help me...?" Yan who thought what had happened was a mistake on his mom's part hopefully pleas.

He tightens his hold on the long rock while waiting for his mom to stretch forth a hand for him to take it.

That way, he could easily change his position and gain access to the top of the cliff, without exerting too much force on his poor mother.

Chen Yen sat at the edge of the cliff and steps onto Yan's hands that were holding onto the large for dear life.

"You stupid fool. If you had listened to me when I told you not to write the exams, I wouldn't have felt the need to do this.

I liked you very much for you have been a good son to us, but I will not allow you to be a threat for me and my family..."

"Mama. What. Are you...talking about? Am I not a part of the family?" Yan's arms were getting weaker. He was losing his strength to keep holding on tight.

"Bhahaha...what? You, a part of this family?" Chen Yen laughed loudly. He felt so liberated knowing that he's about to be rid of all his worries.

"You were never a part of this family and never would you have ever been. If even your own parents didn't want you, how then do you expect to us, who do not relate to you in anyway, to accept you?"

Yan was too shocked and confused upon hearing this but It was too late. His weak arms lets go of the rock and his screams as summersalted down into the valley could be he heard.

Feeling quite free and happy, Chen Yen turned to leave the place once he could no longer hear of his adopted son's screams.

"Ah. I can finally breathe. No need to fear that cursed child who continued to get on my nerves. I had to be so careful around him, in order not to anger my husband.

Now I won't need to do that anymore. Me and my husband will no longer need his permission before we can spend our own money. Ah! How annoying that was.

But I still need to put my emotions in order. I can't have my husband catching me that I have anything to do with this."

Chen Yan said to himself as he made his way down the hill, thinking of how he would act in order not to be caught as the culprit for his adopted son's misfortune.