
Transmigration: I Am Now A Dimwit (BL)

Being trapped in the body of a mentally challenged person in a strange and unknown world filled with only men, was never part of the various scenarios that played in Yue Yan's mind whenever he had envisioned where his soul will go after death. But now that he was here, he told himself "No matter what, I will not let this body be trampled over again. Not while I still occupy this body". He intends to live the rest of the host body's life very well as opposed to before he had transmigrated here, come what may. But it was easier said than done. At the end, he lost his wife and two children at the hand of his own family. Join Yue Yan now known Chen Yan on his journey with his new found family and friends as they strive to attain a better life for themselves and their generations to come. EXCERPT 1: "If you want my help, you need to give me something in exchange. What are you willing to offer me in return for the favour?" "I can wash your clothes for a week?" "Don't want that." "I could cook and wash for you for a week?" "That too will be nice if only they were added to what I actually want." "What do you want? I don't really have anything else to give. " "No, you're exactly what I want.", the leader said while walking around Xu Bao, openly checking him out. "What do you mean?", Xu Bao asked in apprehension. Time is not his his side. Lives are at stake! Circling his arms around his slim waste, Yunfeng pulled him in, staring into his ocean blue eyes. Xu Bao could feel his breath on his face. He wanted to pull away from the embrace but Yunfeng held him in place. "I believe you get what I am trying to say?", he asked in a seductive voice with his nose lightly brushing against Xu Bao's ears. "Or shall I demonstrate?", he added teasingly. P. S. Please do check out my other Book as well. -- Dead End Feelings (BL). Link: http://wbnv.in/a/beiB6mw Thank You all. Have a great day.

Abbiex · LGBT+
31 Chs

19. Resolved

"Hey, I'm sorry that I didn't knock. Can I co..."

"Yes, come in.", Zicheng beckoned him a seat to sit. He stopped what he was doing. "Any problem?"

"Not really.", Yue Yan said scratching his head.

Zicheng noticed that. It's what people usually do when the feel embarrassed to asked for something.

So to urge him on he said, "OK. What is it? Do you need my help with something?". He stood up from his desk and went to sit across him. "What do you want me to do for you?".

"Erm, I need to bury my family but I cannot afford it now, is it possible to extend your generosity to lend me the money to take care of it? I promise to pay it back with interest.

You do not know me but the kindness that you and your friends have shown me tells me of your generous hearts. For which I will forever be grateful.

Can you let me add to my shamelessness now by adding to this request, if you could please help me find someone that could give me a job and accommodation?

Maybe just for a few days until I find another one please. I'm in need of a place to stay and a job that can pay me something even if it's small so I can take care of my daily necessities.

I heard all that you said earlier but I am really in need of your help with this please.

Perhaps you could ask one of your friends on my behalf? Please. Please?" Yue Yan said.

Zicheng was lost for words. He looked at Chen Yan quietly while contemplating something on his mind. Since earlier when he was conversing with him, he's been perplexed.

He doesn't understand why he keeps talking like some poor orphan without any good roots. What happened to him for these past years for him to be like this?

He knew that Chen Yan, though he was an orphan, but he was definitely not a poor one nor one without any good root.

The crown Prince had said not to fill his head with too much information nor disturb him by asking a lot of questions at a go.

He was now sure the Prince had said that because of how Yan reacts to such.

He wants to avoid that too. He had reminded him of what had happened with his small family just yesterday.

He didn't think it will be right to tell him many things now. Just like the Prince said, there will be plenty of time for that later.

And since he does not know what kind of life he has lived in those past five years, he would have to do things at Yan's own pace, in order to not make him confused or even scared.

Bringing his mind back to him, he said, "Do not worry about the burial of your family or a job to do or where you have to stay. All you have to be concerned with now is to decide how you want your life to be now moving on.

You have just lost your family and I don't think you should rush with the things you would like to do for now.

You may not remember this but all of us have been friends since childhood. Our parents were close friends and that was how we all automatically became one.

So do not worry about money issues or job or a place to stay. And please and please again, do not see us as strangers. I know it is not your fault that you can not remember us but at least, can you try and view us as your acquaintances at least?

Then maybe along the line we could become your close friends again even if you never got your past memories back? Hmm? Please?"

The stunned Yue Yan could only nod in response after getting such amazing yet pleasant insight.

'So this poor host had such great friends huh? Maybe he lost contact with them after he became mentally incapacitated.

Poor guy. He and his poor family did not deserve the harsh life they hard',Yue Yan stopped himself in his thoughts.

He did not want to dwell on the negative things. He has to stay positive now. He has to be resolved.

Zicheng continued, "I think the burial issue should be dealt with as soon as position.

It has been fifteen days since they were deposited.

Let me know when you want to proceed with that and how you want us to go about it."

"Okay. I will like to know, are there funeral homes here? I mean those that one hires to help them in dealing with such things?"

"Oh yes there are. Should we hire one? If you want we go to town and check on some of them to see which one you'd want to handle your family's burial for you.

It feels uncomfortable talking about it with you but I am really glad that you're handling this well."

"So how do we do it? Do we have to make an appointment first or do we just go there and make the enquiries first?" Yue Yan asked.

"Tsk. Appointment? For what? We're only going to make enquiries so there will be no need for making any appointments. We can just go in and see what they offer and ask them our questions.

We will then inform whichever you choose and then afterwards, we will make the appointments with them. Some may come to your end to discuss things with you if you prefer that sometimes.

So let's not worry about that. When do you want us to go and check on that? Let me know when you're ready for it.

Once again, do not worry about the finances. You have an unlimited budget just so you know.", Li Zicheng concluded.

"Why, are you now my sugar daddy?" Yue Yan jested.

"If only you want me to.", Zicheng said with a wink, and both of them bursted out laughing.