
Transmigration: I Am Now A Dimwit (BL)

Being trapped in the body of a mentally challenged person in a strange and unknown world filled with only men, was never part of the various scenarios that played in Yue Yan's mind whenever he had envisioned where his soul will go after death. But now that he was here, he told himself "No matter what, I will not let this body be trampled over again. Not while I still occupy this body". He intends to live the rest of the host body's life very well as opposed to before he had transmigrated here, come what may. But it was easier said than done. At the end, he lost his wife and two children at the hand of his own family. Join Yue Yan now known Chen Yan on his journey with his new found family and friends as they strive to attain a better life for themselves and their generations to come. EXCERPT 1: "If you want my help, you need to give me something in exchange. What are you willing to offer me in return for the favour?" "I can wash your clothes for a week?" "Don't want that." "I could cook and wash for you for a week?" "That too will be nice if only they were added to what I actually want." "What do you want? I don't really have anything else to give. " "No, you're exactly what I want.", the leader said while walking around Xu Bao, openly checking him out. "What do you mean?", Xu Bao asked in apprehension. Time is not his his side. Lives are at stake! Circling his arms around his slim waste, Yunfeng pulled him in, staring into his ocean blue eyes. Xu Bao could feel his breath on his face. He wanted to pull away from the embrace but Yunfeng held him in place. "I believe you get what I am trying to say?", he asked in a seductive voice with his nose lightly brushing against Xu Bao's ears. "Or shall I demonstrate?", he added teasingly. P. S. Please do check out my other Book as well. -- Dead End Feelings (BL). Link: http://wbnv.in/a/beiB6mw Thank You all. Have a great day.

Abbiex · LGBT+
31 Chs

11. No. Yes.

Cough. Cough.

"Oh you're awake. Here, have this." The crown may offed a cup of water to Chen Yan.

Yue Yan took the cup of water from the hand that was trying to put it on his mouth as if he wanted to feed him. "I can hold it myself. No need to feed it to me." he said quite annoyed as took the cup of water from the Prince.

For whatever reason that he was annoyed, even he does not know that yet. "Where am I and who are you? Where is my family?

Yue Yan said as he tried to get up from the bed but he fell and landed on the stranger who sat beside him.

The smaller figure tried to get him to sit back on the bed and was successful at last. "Your body is still weak. Just rest for now. The physician will be here soon." Shi Benyou, the crown Prince said.

"You're awake, how are doing?" Xu Bao asked as he came in. He looked at the other may beside the bed and wondered if he perhaps knew the man. "Do you know each other?", he asked.

"No.", Chen Yan said.

"Yes." Shi Benyou said.

They both turned to look at the other. "Yes? I know you? How please? For I have no recollection of that." Chen Yan stated.

In fact he indeed does not remember the crown Prince at all, because the memories from the original host body that he got just the few days of his life in this world were all from only five years ago.

He doesn't know anything about Chen Yan before then. That was why he still doesn't get why his supposed family could do that to him.

"Yes, we used to know each other but that was until five years ago. Now it seems that you have forgotten all about that.

I'll be leaving for now.", the crown Prince said and indeed left without even informing Yunfeng of his departure.

He did not want anyone to see the tears that threatened to fall off his eyes onto his cheeks.

Yue Yan turned to the other man, "Do I happen to know you too?"

"No." Xu Bao said while shaking his head. "I don't know you and I also don't think you know me. I just found you on the road."

"On the road? How? Where? And where are my family? Were they not with me when you found me? Are they okay?", Chen Yan asked frantically.

Xu Bao did not know how to answer Yue Yan's questions.

He had drawn the scenarios in his head how he was going to answer those same questions since it was expected but he could not find any better approach.

He got saved when Li Yunfeng and the physician walked in.

As usual the man kept asking those same questions but all they gave was for him to rest and get better before any such talk.

Li Yunfeng seems to have handled him better than he could. The man was sedated and he fell back asleep.

"Where did the visitor that was here earlier go?", Yunfeng asked.

"He said he was leaving but I think he wanted to cry in secret. His eyes were moistened with tears. I pretended to have not seen it, otherwise he would've been embarrassed. How is he related to this man?", Xu Bao asked at the end.

"Let's talk about that later. How is your mama doing now?"

"He's doing great. He ate half of the food I served him today. Thank you."

Li Yunfeng drew closer to him and held his thin waist with both hands with a sinister look plaster on his face while smiling.

Xu Bao tried to pry his hands away but Yunfeng pulled him to himself. He brought his lips to Xu Bao's own but left it at that for a while before he released his hold.

"I wanted to ask if you could wait for me to finish with caring for the sick man before I fulfilled my end of the deal please?", Xu Bao asked.

"About that, forget it. Take it as charity if you want.", Yunfeng said.

"And why would you do that?" Bao asked

"Why? Were you looking forward to get laid with me?" Yunfeng teased.

"What? What nonsense are you spewing out of your mouth?" Bao asked trying to hide his embarrassed face.

"Then just forget it. I never intended to go through with it. It was just a joke." Yunfeng said.

Xu Bao could not tell why he felt somewhat disappointed. He has been apprehensive whenever he thought about the deal they had made and wished he had not agreed to it.

So why was he feeling kind of bummed when he was told to forget it? He felt quite annoyed thinking about it.

"Why, is it because I am not as experienced as those you get with?" he asked in a jovial tone trying hard to play it cool.

"No. Not really.", Yunfeng answered.

"But I don't want your help for free either." Bao said. And immediately smashed his soft succulent lips against Yunfeng's hard ones and sloppily kissed him.

Yunfeng held his two hands, putting some distance between them. "Don't force yourself too much. You do not have to pay me back anything."

"You just don't want to do it with me because I'm not good, is that it? I can learn, can't I? Were you always good from the start?

Or is that classy may that I met here your lover? Is that why you changed your mind?",

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Calm down. Nobody is my anything. Okay?", Yunfeng said as he hugged him back and put Bao's head on his chest while they were both still standing alone in the living.

"Then sleep with me." Xu Bao said.

"I would have, without any hesitation under a different circumstance but not like this. Let's drop the matter for now okay? Hm?", he said.

Bao reluctantly nodded in agreement.

Yunfeng sighed. He pulled him along as he went into the living room and sat on a mat spread on the floor by the wall.

He leaned his back against the wall and spread wide his legs asking Xu Bao to sit in the space in-between them.

Bao did as told and leaned his back on Yunfeng's chest as he to circless his hands around his small waist and intertwined their fingers.

They sat there silently without saying much and before long, they had both drifted off to sleep.

Guess the events since last night had drained them.