
Transmigrating In Different Worlds

Lu Qiran is an unfortunate child since her early childhood she was repeatedly abused by her mother both emotionally and physically either she kick, punch or verbally abusedher. This cause her to be gloomy, unsociable and bullied everyday she suffered torture from both at home and school. Her only escape in reality was through games she always wished that she would be like her character in the game strong, beautiful and has a lot of friends. One day after coming home from school her mother pulled to the house and started beating her she came home drunk. Her mother only stop when Lu Qiran stopped moving. 'I wish.....' (Author: I'm still new so forgive me for my bad story telling and grammar. English is not my first language. P.S. please enjoy) The image is not mine.

Lhee_Rue · LGBT+
74 Chs

Chapter 7: Back and Confession

*2 years later*

This 2 years when Shi Lu graduated from college she inherited the company. Under her rule the company expanded in less than a year making her the youngest business woman to achieve the world's best female CEO award. All employees of the Shi Company are all happy thier salaries increase, weekly they would be randomly drawn by the wheel of fate to win exciting deals like house, car, money etc. They also get previleges like 13th month pay, health care etc. Every department also have thier own snack area they can get anything they want it's free for employees only and best of all they are treated equally with no descrimination among them.

Many graduates wanted to apply when they heard the previleges and treatment given by the company. It's not easy to enter the Shi Company they are quite strict they test thier applicants seriously. Shi Lu was the one to emplement this rule and no one disagree, the company needs honest people.

Shi Lu was working for 2 years and finally she expanded the company in less than a year.

[Host..... Congratulations 90% of the plot is finished]

'Hmmm looks like it's about time to finally get my sweet revenge' said smiling

This past 2 years i was slowly invading the Hu Family from the inside with the help of thier own employees. They are people who the Hu Family have mistreated with there help i know his every move i can just monitor him through tge system but i like to do it on my own. Whenever Hu Lan produces a movie it will not last long and several complaints surface about how they treat thier actors and actresses surface in the media. But also thier food industry was already facing bankruptcy Hu Lan tried to fix but more and more problem surface. He was already tired both physically and mentally, his handsome face now has dark circles under his eyes, his hair was disheveled and he was very skinny.

Shi Lu was watching Hu Lan through the system and was satisfied. [Host the female leads plane has landed in the airport] Thana said and i only noded.

After this i can finally complete the task then i can rest.

(Chen Lou's POV)

This 2 years i was able to become a CEO, everyday i work until i was satisfied the only thing on my mind was Shi Lu is waiting for me. I was also updated on news about Shi Lu and hearing her achievement motivated me even more.

And finally after years of hard work i can now be able to match Shi Lu. I finished all my work and took a plane back home I was excited at the same time nervous.

After my plane landed i walked out the airport with my bodyguard. "Go to the Shi Company" said immediately after sitting. The driver noded then drove to the Shi Company.

A few minutes later they arrived without waiting i opened the car door and went inside immediately.

" Excuse me is CEO Shi Lu in"

"Yes miss, do you have an appointment to her" receptionist

"No, but can you call her say that Chen Lou wishes to meet her"

" Okay please wait for a bit miss" the receptionist immediately called. I was waiting patiently and deep inside I can't contain myself.

"Miss Chen the CEO is in the top floor waiting for you" said the receptionist then point at the elevator. I noded and immediately went in.

*Ding you have arrived at the top floor*

I went straight the door then took a deep breath. With my shaking hands i knock at the door. "Come in" a cold voice sounded inside then i opened the door. My heart keep a bit when i saw her sitting while reading a document, with a beating heart i went inside.

Shi Lu was wearing a white dress her hair tied into ponytail, she put on the light make up and her lips looked kissable. No one could resist the urge to make her thiers she was like a pure flower that gas not been tainted with dirt.

When i saw her my desires and love for her reach the very top that even I can't back down. I xan finally say to myself now your worthy.

"Xiao Lu I'm back" said softly then she looked at me


My heart almost stop when i saw her face she became even more perfect. My heart was beating the only thing i can think of is make her mine. Then she smiled the smile that i vowed to protect finally I can keep my vow in my heart.

"Chen Lou welcome back" she said softly i was in a daze that i didn't notice that was already infront of her.

"How have you been" she asked calmly

"I missed you" i said i didn't heard what she said but i was looking at her then i heard a cute giggle from making me smile even more.

She stand up then went to hug me my head was in her chest, she was taller than me she's 1.75 while I'm 1.65. I wrap my hands around her neck while her hands are in my waist pulling me close to her. I was in a bliss then she pull out the hug.

"There now you won't miss me" said chuckling when she saw my face dejected.

"Xiao Lu can i invite you to dinner tonight" asked her softly

"Hmmm... Okay but are you not tired from your trip I'm sure you immediately came here as soon as you landed right" damn she's really on the spot

"Hmmm" i only hmmm not answering her question

*Sigh*"Well then go sleep on the sofa I'll wake you up when I'm done okay"

I only noded i went to the sofa and lay down. Then i saw her sat on her chair and continue working i smiled but i slowly went to sleep.

(Hu Lan's POV)

I was working in my office and im tired the board of directors are pressuring me and want to change me as CEO. When i inherited the company problems after problems come after another, I'm sure that we have a traitor in the company.

But after investigating i saw no one suspicious (The system manipulate every cctv and other connection in the company). I'm sure in myself that Shi Lu have something to do with the company but i don't have any evidence. Damn it i leaned on my chair tiredly.

*Knock knock knock*

"Come in" said coldly and i saw my investigator came in

"Mr. Hu Miss Chen Lou has returned" he hoarsely i widen my eyes then immediately stand up.

"Where is she" i asked hurriedly im excited after i got the news that she pass the exam and went abroad. I didn't even had the chance to confess before she left but i sent someone to give me update about her.

"Mr. Hu she and Miss Shi Lu went to SL for dinner" he said then immediately leaving my work i went to the parking lot and drove to the restaurant.

(Chen Lou's POV)

After i slept for an hour i was already in the evening so we went to the SL restaurant. I rented out the whole place just for today because I'm going to confess to her today.

We were inside the restaurant and saw her looking around.

"Did you rented out the whole restaurant" she asked softly

"Hmmm i did" shyly said then she giggled where i find it sweet as honey that's being poured to my heart.

We sat down near the window where the view is top notch then our food was immediately came in as soon as we sat down.

"My my your quite prepared you even know what i want to eat" she said playfully i only nervously smiled at her i can't say i have someone note her what she likes to eat.

She smiled at me and we started eating, we talked about our lives this two years. Remembering every moment of our day. After we were done eating the waiters signal me that everything was prepared i simply noded.

"Xiao Lu can you come with me i have a surprise" nervously said she noded and we went the place where i will confess. I put on a blind fold on her and guide her to the center filled with her favorite flower.

The room was decorated with red camellia (flower language is Your A Flame Of My Heart). The center was surrounded by red roses i let her stand on the center and took her favorite flower white jasmine (means sweet love).

"You can take off your blind fold" said softly while standing in front of her.

She took off her blind fold and saw her surprised face which is cute. "Xiao Lu there's a lot of things I want to tell you will you listen" asked gently she then smiled sweetly and noded waiting for me to continue. I took a deep breath

"Xiao Lu ever since we met i have already known that i feel something special about you. It took a while to know that I Love You, I did everything for you to notice me i was happy i became your friend" i said looking at her without missing any reaction from her, she just looked at me with a beautiful smile.

"Xiao Lu when i heard from the dean that i was accepted abroad i want to refuse for you but i know if i did that you will get mad at me so i tried to make you not make me go. Im happy you told me to go now i can now keep my vow i made to you.... Xiao Lu I Love You Will Ypu Be My Girlfriend" said softly my heart is about to explode i didn't hear her answer but instead something soft sealed my lips.

I responded by kissing her back. " Now you know my answer" she said as we part our lips my face was red like a tomato. Then handed her the flower I'm holding then hug her tightly "I love you so much" i said she hug me back.

"Do you now the flower language of my favorite flower you gave me" she asked gently while hugging me. I then think but i can't think of anything. I didn't answer

"White Jasmine means sweet love" she said then she raised my head to look at her.

She smiled then kiss me again. 'God her lips really so soft and sweet i might get addicted more than i can imagine' thought. We kiss passionately then we parted.

We went out the room when suddenly...