
Transmigrated With My Mobile Game

A normal ordinary guy suddenly found himself appeared on a weird jungle which was full of giant trees. Already know that he somehow come to another world, he began mulling over the wherabout of usual cheat system that always appear on this kind of stories. founding nothing, he became hopeless, but only surprised that his smartphone start ringing in his pocket. for some reason a familiar game loading screen appeared on the smartphone screen. the game he felt a bitter sweet about which let him meet with someone later. someone who guide him to survive in the strange Fantasy world. meeting his fated one, and go to adventure in opposite with his shut in life that he had in his previous world. "It seems my author still had some conscience left, at least he not abandoned me here to be devoured whole by the beast! Isekai without cheat is not complete Isekai franchise after all!"

Douglass · ゲーム
8 Chs

Chapter 3




I greedily inhaled the air to my lungs as I feel all over my body breaking apart.

But I could also feel my body gradually became stronger in every minutes as its beginning to recover.

"You did well on enduring the mental Pain during our training. But your physical pain resistance is worse. You need to train it better I think I must consider your training menu to fix this later"

Hearing midnight praised me about my mental Pain resistance, I couldn't help but smiling ironicly.

After all, if it was about mental Pain resistance, I had my fill of feeling heart broken, so I already experienced it many times, and become used to it somehow.

As for the physical Pain, Of course its worse.

After all, I came from a peaceful world, I can't possibly trying myself to get tortured and became immune to it right?? Do you think my family are zoldics?!! (HxH reference, please search it urself).

"I think you just need one more day to completely absorb the remaining 300BR. I don't know how strong the 2000BR is in your current world, but in mine, it was very weak, its the same as a lowest rank adventure, so please after you completely digest this, don't get a full for yourself and keep lowkey"

"Your World?? Huh? Aren't you not a player the same as me??"

"Player is it? No, I am Midnightraven, I have separated myself from the control of player. I born from his lingering will"

Hearing his explanation, I couldn't help but confused.

But if I started to make a sense for what I just experienced after coming to that strange Environment, I began to accept that anything are possible in this life.

"I don't really get it, but somewhat get the gist of it. In summarry, you are a living person right now, and not a game character that player used to create as they own avatar, right? But your character had the same appearance as me tho?"

"Do you know about the existances of pararel worlds?"

"Pararel worlds... Could it be?!"

"Exactly. My player used to be you.. Another you in pararel world to be exact"

"Then... You born from the lingering will of the other me on that world. But a will, what kind of will that he left behind for you to become this strong, after all, I am not some whale player who play and top up crazily, using it to increase my BR to ridiculous level... "

'Will, what did my other self do? To give a birth to midnight... Amber scorpion, I knew this name because it was me who the one designed the background story of my character... And... Wait?!!! Don't tell me!'


We said the source of everything exactly at the same time.

"Huh? It seems she used the same name in your World too, Night"

Night "...."



"Seeing your silence, it seems you and my used to be player made the same mistake..

Then... Bla* bla*"

After hearing that name, somehow I slowly lost on a trance state and couldn't hear what midnight said to me at the later part.

Kagehime, she is my bestfriend in the game.

We met on a cliche fatefull ecounter that often happen in a MMO.


But mine was the exploration side quest.

There is this quest which needed to be opening a locked chest. You need two player working together to open it.

At that time, I met her for the first time.

A kind soul that shine like a star illuminating the darkness of the night.

She helped me patiently, as it was my first time doing this Quest.

After this event, I just realized that we are in the same guild, so we started getting know to each other.

Days by days, our relationship became closer, and we started to understand each other better.

Our friendship became closer.

And we slowly open to each other.

If I recalled what she told me about herself at that time, I always regret that I met her too late...

She was hurt by someone, and had her heart broken.

Someone who couldn't appreciate her kindness, and exploited it to his heart content, devouring her whole.

Maybe at that time she was battered and frail from all the toxicity that ungrateful person who used to be her boyfriend did to her.

And me at that time also just overcome myself from another usual heart break.

So we don't have any intent to make our relationship became closer than what already is.

As I think that I am not ready to start falling in love again.

Thats what supposer to be. But you can't control everything in this life.

seems like the god always made a joke at me durung that time, and I became lost control of the feeling I had on her... And destroy everything.

I hurt her badly, that I start to feel I am the worst at that time. She was there with me as a friend, be by my side when I need her, but I.. I even couldn't control myself and stay at her side longer until she overcame her fragile state...

Now, when I think about it, she told me that she was not the one for me, and say sorry.

At that time, I decided to pass my will and emotion to my game character, NightRaven, and let him love her game Character, Kagehime..

I want to throw the feeling I had on her(the real person) on my alter ego, and made him love kagehime.

And when I and her trying to fix the almost broken relationship, this strange thing happen to me...

I somehow found myself in this strange Environment.

Based on what Midnight said, It seems the other me on pararel world also did the same thing as me. Maybe thts what give born to Midnight as a person.

But what happen after that? I don't know.

Just based on midnight, it seems the other me already stop playing the game.

"Hey, Night, do you hear me?"

Stoping me from my tranced state, Midnight patting my shoulder hardly. Staring me with a confused eyes.

"Ah, I am sorry... How is she, Midnight? Did the one you told me about someone you must protect is her?"

"Yes, she is Kagehime.. We are at the same situation now. Living as a living being on whale continent"

"So, she was also stop playing the game in the end... And her will, it must be... "

"Um.. She want to be free. Free more than anyone else in the world. I think her love on whale continent is very strong, thats why she was born as her own person just like me..."

"I am glad to hear that. The Kagehime who play her music freely in that world always looks so beautiful. Her white silver hair, and the Foxy slanted eyes that radiated a calmness, even tho its just a game character, it couldn't hide her serene and calming aura. I am glad, that a new kagehime coming to live, and truly be free now..."

"Agreed. Even after her player left, she still like to play her instrument somewhere in the wilds. So I must to keep an eye for her"

"Hahahah, you really did became her shadow huh? By any chance, did you two.. "

"No. I am not in that kind of relationship with her... I am completely fine at the current situation. She is my light, that was what my previous player instill to me. As a light, there must be a bigger shadow behind it, it would be better if I control that shadow, so she will be always carefree and life her life as her heart desire..."

"You are strong, I mean strong in many sense. I wish I am just as strong as you, maybe... "

Patting gently on my shoulder, Midnight reached out his hand, and pulling me to stand up from the ground.

Interupted me to finish my words.

"You will, someday. I believe you will find someone you yearn on the New world you are in right now..

But for now, you have to be stronger, and have a skill to survive first. After all, event tho the world you are in right now just a lower world, but its still Dangerous for you with your current strenght"

Hearing Midnight sentence, My body suddenly started freezing, looking at him with disbelief eyes and opened my mouth in shock.

"W-what did you say?!!!! D-did you just said I am really transmigrated here in another world?!!!! "

"Huh? I just telling you about this like a few minutes ago? Did you not paying attention?? "


Tribute to Kagehime, I wish you will get what you always dream of, and truly life freely in this world full of chains.

remember, your friend here is always support you!

Douglasscreators' thoughts