
Transmigrated Shadows

"Transmigrated Shadows" is an action-packed adventure that blends the realms of Street Fighter and the Marvel Comic Universe. Blake Bishop's journey explores the boundaries of his transmigrated abilities, as he battles The Hand's darkness with the power of Street Fighter, ultimately striving to restore balance and protect his newfound world from imminent destruction. I own the rights to the picture above. Updates for now will be *Friday-Sunday

Blu30Din · アクション
57 Chs

Chapter 8: Whispers of Retribution

Madame Gao, a woman of ancient wisdom and unfathomable power, sat in her dimly lit chamber within the Midland Circle headquarters. The flickering candlelight cast eerie shadows across her face as she awaited Gorgon's report. Her mind, a labyrinth of strategic calculations and subtle machinations, contemplated the best course of action to rid herself of this new bug in her plans—the Street Fighter.

As Gorgon entered her chamber, a sense of disappointment clung to the air like a suffocating fog. Madame Gao observed him with an unyielding gaze, her eyes piercing through his soul. She had always valued his loyalty and unwavering dedication, but failure was not something she could tolerate, especially not in the face of this new threat.

Gorgon began his report, recounting the events of his encounter with the Street Fighter and Iron Fist. Madame Gao listened intently, her sharp mind absorbing every detail. As his tale unfolded, she felt her patience wane, replaced by a simmering anger that threatened to consume her.

The Street Fighter was an anomaly—a wild card that she had not anticipated. Her plans, so carefully constructed, were now threatened by the presence of this unknown entity. But Madame Gao was not one to be easily deterred. She relished the challenge and saw it as an opportunity to assert her dominance over this new intruder.

As Gorgon finished his report, Madame Gao's voice broke the silence, icy and filled with a calculated fury. "You have disappointed me, Gorgon. Your failure has tarnished The Hand's reputation, and consequences must be met."

Gorgon's eyes widened, a flicker of fear crossing his face. He had faced Madame Gao's disappointment before, but he knew that this time, the consequences would be severe. His mind raced, trying to anticipate her next move.

Madame Gao's thoughts, however, were focused on the eradication of this newfound threat. She pondered the best method to deal with the Transmigrated Fighter—a foe who wielded the power of Street Fighter. The answers were elusive, hidden in the depths of her formidable intellect.

She contemplated schemes and strategies, each more diabolical than the last. Her mind danced with the possibilities of manipulation, infiltration, and betrayal. Madame Gao knew that to eliminate the Street Fighter, she would have to strike at their vulnerabilities, exploit their weaknesses, and dismantle the support that surrounded them.

But her thoughts were not solely occupied with the Street Fighter. Gorgon's failure lingered like a bitter taste in her mouth. Madame Gao pondered the best way to punish him for his shortcomings, to remind him and the rest of The Hand that failure was not an option under her rule.

As Gorgon stood before her, Madame Gao's voice dripped with a chilling resolve. "Your failure cannot go unpunished, Gorgon. Redemption will not come without a cost."

Gorgon's gaze dropped, the weight of his failure crushing him. He had failed his master, and he knew that he must accept whatever punishment she deemed necessary.

Madame Gao's mind churned with possibilities, each more cruel than the last. She contemplated methods of physical and psychological torment, each designed to strip away Gorgon's arrogance and leave him a hollow shell of his former self.

But as her thoughts descended into the depths of darkness, a subtle smile curled upon Madame Gao's lips. She knew that punishment alone was not enough. Gorgon's failure presented an opportunity for growth, for him to prove his loyalty and dedication once again.

With a calculated flick of her hand, Madame Gao dismissed Gorgon, his fate hanging in the balance. As he left her presence, the chamber seemed to grow colder, the shadows more menacing. Madame Gao knew that the Street Fighter and Gorgon's punishment would be intertwined, a symphony of retribution that would resonate through the halls of The Hand.

Her mind already teemed with a myriad of plans, each carefully crafted to ensure the eradication of the Street Fighter threat and the restoration of The Hand's dominance. The whispers of retribution echoed in her ears, and Madame Gao's eyes gleamed with a ruthless determination.