
Chapter 17: Academy!!!

[17 days- Monday-Morning/6:30 AM]

The street is very glamorous because of the exited kids that are going to the academy. And in a certain house there was also a blond kid who is excited that he keeps bouncing around the chair while eating, and that kid was Naruto.


"Naruto!!, sit still" he said sternly looking at his excited face

"Yeah, yeah" Naruto said indifferently

"Don't yeah yeah me, and eat, or you'll be late, being a Hokage means you have to be on time"

And with that Naruto sit still and eat

Nam* nam*(eating sound)

"Ohh by the way Nii-san, why did that Anbu want?" Naruto asked curiously looking at him

"Ohhh, the Hokage want me to go and meet him"

"Jiji?, why?"

"Hmmmm, maybe to give me my hitai-ate(forehead protector)"

"Ohhh, so your really a ninja?" Naruto asked looking at me with an excited gaze

"Yup, and im super strong" he said boasting while lifting his chin.

"Ohhhh, then do you know any strong jutsu, teach me, teach me" Naruto said with adoration and excitement

"Okay, in the noon i'll teach you, hmmmmm, let's start with making your body strong, so lets train your body first, ho ho ho im gonna train you hard until you can't walk anymore, he he he" he said while laughing in a terrifying way.

Naruto gulped while sweating, but his eyes are burning in determination.

"Okay, train me hard Nii-san"

. . . . . .

-Naruto's POV-

While walking to the academy, i look around, the people are not glaring at me. I was confused, they were like scared or something.

I looked up to Nii-san to asked something but i sweat drop when i looked at his face.

He was making a scary face. He was glaring murderously while looking ahead.

His face was saying... 'Glare back, i dare you'

But instead of feeling scared, i feel warm.

I smile and hold Nii-sans hand happily, while bouncing around.

-Back to the MC-

Arriving at the academy, there are many kid's and parents that are already here.

Looking around, he saw the future friends of Naruto.

He saw Shikamaru and Choji, Ino and forehe- ahhhem, Sakura, Kiba and Akamaru, Shino and a not so emo Sasuke and lastly aawwww, a cute Hinata.

'Hmmmm, should i interfere and change the plot.....nahhh'

Crouching and looking at Naruto.

"You know what to do, right?"

"Of course Nii-san" Naruto said with mischief

"Ho ho, good, as.long don't get caught" he said while pinching Naruto's nose

'We'll i said to him, if the teacher do something to him he had my permission to prank them'

Few minutes later the Hokage arrived and begun his speech about will of fire bla bla bla, after an eternity, the speech was finally over...

"Okay im going now, you know what to do right?" He said while handing Naruto's bento

"Yup" Naruto said while grabbing the bento an then he walked following the other students.

"Haaah" he sighed and walked to the direction of Hokage tower

. . . . . .

Arriving at the office he knocked.

"Come in" said from inside

Getting in, he saw the Hokage setting on his table while smoking and Kakashi reading his.precious book.

"Hokage-sama, Kakashi..." He greeted.



Greeted by the two.

"Ummm, you called me Hokage-sama?" He said looking at the Hokage

"Ohhhh, im going to give you your hitai-ate, but i don't know what rank you are, so your going to spar someone to test your capabilities"

'Ehhhhh, no way....'

"...ummmm, okay....but who will be sparing partner"

"Maa, that would be me* Kakashi said pocketing his book and giving him his one eyed smile.







To be continued. . .


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