
Transmigrated Into the World KoF [DROPPED]

A high schooler guy name Zayn bolokoy got involved in a fight of two gangs. then suddenly something struck he's back and he lost consciousness for no reason. and the poor guy died from a stab of the gangster that he got mistaken as an enemy. "the fùck just happen? srsly?" and behind this is to welcome our MC into another world of fighting the KoF. (****King of Fighters****) "you dared fight me huh?" beat him to pulp "you dared act tough infront of me" pummeled him to flat "you dared called your underling's" massacre them all Lori yagami huh? your a shìt infront of me actually I'm just trying my best to write properly ahahhahah (just writing some fanfic novel as a hobby) if anyone doesn't like my fan fic you can just tell me and I'll drop it***** also I don't really own any characters here, its came from the right respectable owners from the game called(( king of fighters ))also I don't really know the story about the KoF so il just make my own plot story actually this is my first time writing novels and I'm not natives in English I'm actually a Filipino guy I'm still saving some knowledge to read some other novels to improved my writing (started at 2/26/2020)

System_LookingGuy · アニメ·コミックス
7 Chs


Early in the morning

*Chirp *Chirp *Chirp


"what a lovely morning *Inhale *exhale, since no one who lives here, this is now my turf anyone who trespass here in my territory,I'l kill them, just joking ahahaha l'm not really a bloodthirsty person but im actually a good person hahahahah"Zayn said in happy tone

Then Zayn realized something,the missions that are given by seed to find a shelter and to find food and water supplies,then he asked seed

"seed did you forgot the missions? I think I already completed it?"Zayn said in confused

[Ding* Host you haven't completed the Mission or the Sub-Missions that I given to you yesterday]

"What the..."Zayn said in speechless

"But I have completed it, look I have already found my shelter here,and I can just buy food and water in the shop so why? isn't it still not completed?Zayn said in confusion

[Host this is not a shelter because it doesn't have a roof or a wall, as for the food and water you must find it on your own capabilities , and not rely on the shop]

"ugghh... yeah it makes sense but I already like it here on the tree I can just sleep here like a shinobi in the Naruto,as for the animals and bugs,I am not really worry about this problem, I have Animals repellent so I' don't have to worry about animals and bugs"Zayn said in downcasted tone

[Since Host like sleeping in this tree why don't you build your own tree house]

"whaat!!? yess!! that's it hahahahaha I will build my own tree house hahahhaha why, didn't I thought of this before?, such an idiot of me, I am really an idiot"Zayn said excited tone and said

"but where can i find the materials? such a pain in the ass, seed can I buy the materials on the shop?"Zayn said in expectant

[Yes, Host you can buy the materials in the shop,but I have to warning you to not spend it on useless things such as powers tools and etc.you can find on the shop, or you will regret it later, so I recommend you to buy this following items]

[Ding*] [Total Host points:12]

Pack of Nails 1x (100). * 2 points

Claw hammer 1x *0.5 points

chainsaw 1x (Fuel capacity 500 ml)*2 Points

Fuel gasoline (2000 ML ) *4 points

Old oil lamp 1x *0.5 points

Pot 2x *1 points

Plate 5x *1 points

Cups 5x *1 points

[Total Cost of : 12 points ]

"Wow seed your calculations really are convenient it's like my remaining points are really.....or is it just a coincidence?"Zayn said shock

[Host it is not coincidence,but I just did arrange the materials,and also this is not the full materials of the things I recommend, so I just recommended the most useful one to you Host]

"makes sense *nod *nod ok buy them all seed, since I have a chainsaw then I have to cut my own wood such a pain in the ass *sigh since it cames to this way then I have no choice but to do it,Yosh!! let's cut some wood kekekeke"Zayn said in dejected then become full of vigour that are ready working all night

"ok let me see first the chainsaw"Zayn said in curious then he thought of the inventory


Pack of Nails 1x (100)

Claw hammer 1x

chainsaw 1x (Fuel capacity 500 ml)

Fuel (2000 ML )

Old oil lamp 1x

Pot 2x

Plate 5x

Cups 5x

Metalic skewers 2x

Lighter 1x

5 different kinds of spice for grilling

Enchanted Obsidian Spear 1x

[Host do you want to use the chainsaw?]

"Yes"Zayn thought in he's mind

Then a chainsaw with a color red suddenly appeared infront of Zayn then Zayn involuntarily reached the chainsaw and grabbed it

"Heheheheh let's see first where should I test this"Zayn said in Happy tone then looked around the surroundings then,he found a tree with a gigantic body in the Jungle he then rushed down towards it

Then finally he arrived at the Monstrous tree he first checked the surroundings then, after there is no problem he then Click the "ON" then pulled the starting trigger/handle


"hehehe it works,I think this tree will take me 5 hours to fully cut it down "Zayn said

"ok let's start it come to daddy!! I will not stop until I'm exhausted haaaaaa!! *Brrrrrrr *Vrrmmmmmm I'm not done yet haaaaaa!!! *Vrrmmmmmm"Zayn said in determined

After 15 Minutes you can see a boy there panting very hard because of exhaustion

"Damn that was very hard my hands are numb now, because of the hard bark of this tree,also the chainsaw is very unstable that I have to use force to penetrate it"Zayn said in exhausted face and in frustrated

"welp I am thirsty let's buy some water in the shop let's see"Zayn said in happy tone

Then Zayn suddenly realized that he already spent all the points and nothing are left

"Oww fuck....I'm Fucked up now.."Zayn said in paled face