
Transmigrated Into the World KoF [DROPPED]

A high schooler guy name Zayn bolokoy got involved in a fight of two gangs. then suddenly something struck he's back and he lost consciousness for no reason. and the poor guy died from a stab of the gangster that he got mistaken as an enemy. "the fùck just happen? srsly?" and behind this is to welcome our MC into another world of fighting the KoF. (****King of Fighters****) "you dared fight me huh?" beat him to pulp "you dared act tough infront of me" pummeled him to flat "you dared called your underling's" massacre them all Lori yagami huh? your a shìt infront of me actually I'm just trying my best to write properly ahahhahah (just writing some fanfic novel as a hobby) if anyone doesn't like my fan fic you can just tell me and I'll drop it***** also I don't really own any characters here, its came from the right respectable owners from the game called(( king of fighters ))also I don't really know the story about the KoF so il just make my own plot story actually this is my first time writing novels and I'm not natives in English I'm actually a Filipino guy I'm still saving some knowledge to read some other novels to improved my writing (started at 2/26/2020)

System_LookingGuy · アニメ·コミックス
7 Chs

Food problem?

[Host the transmitting are completed]

"hehehehh now I am more confident facing this snake head on"Zayn said in excited tone

then suddenly a golden light form in the middle of he's forehead and glowed brightly but before he could reacted to this, there is still another one suddenly a tingling sensual in he's mind and abruptly all kinds of information about the technique he got from the system showing in he's mind

"Wow....this is so amazing with all of this technique I can beat that snake barehanded"Zayn said in excited tone

"Now your dead now for real!!"Zayn said in shouting towards the snake while running towards it


he then abruptly kick the snake in the head but the snake are confident in dodging he's kick because of it's agile and slippery but that alone betrayed it's own natural instinct that suddenly there are three legs formed in all directions of the snake head that the snake cannot find a way to dodge it


a crisp sound of metal crushing to a wood like

dummy, the snake got hitted in left side of it's face and abruptly landed on the right side and coiled around in the grass, that it looks like he is eating something else (because when snake eat they coiled around the body of it's prey and slowly swallow it)

But Zayn are still not finish yet, that he suddenly raised he's right legs and abruptly slam it down towards on the snake head


He killed the anaconda

Then the snake abruptly stopped moving and quite down that the shoes, of Zayn are full of blood and brains matter

[You killed the anaconda]

[Ding*Mission Kill the Anaconda][Completeled]


Eagles eye 1x

Enchanted Obsidian Spear 1x

[Host you got the eagles eye a passive skill that can increase visions do you want it to fuse on your eyes]


"Yes!! fuse it!"Zayn said in excited tone

"hah hah that was an intense battle I have there hah hah hahahahahah"Zayn said while panting very hard and then suddenly laugh

Then suddenly the anaconda body glowed that Zayn got startled by the sudden turn of event but then a robotic voice pop out of he's head then he then relaxed after seeing the texts of it

[Analyzing... Computing..... Points...]

[Ding*you received 30 points for killing the anaconda Host]

[Host you can check the Shop of the system to buy some common stuff or uncommon stuff]

"hmmm why is it only the common and uncommon seed?isn't there a legendary, epic or other category?"Zayn said in confused

[Because of Host insufficient points, here I will show you the category in the shop]

[Common]:1-10 points

[Uncommon]:10-50 points


[Very Rare]:100-200


[Ultra Epic]:500-5,000

[ Sub-Legendary]:5,000-10,000











"WOAAAHH....there are so many...and there is even a question mark on the last it means I have to uncover it on my own yosh!! I will work harder now"Zayn said in full of vigour

"Now first let's check the shop"Zayn said

[Ding*Welcome host to the shop]




(Clothes,Things, Accessories,and other etc.)

[Battle Aura/Ki]

[Passive skills]





"Fuçk even the shop has unlocked categories tsk tsk such a let down but I like it hehehehe

the more unlocked features the more fun I have to go through mwahahahhaha"Zayn said in surprised tone and then suddenly laugh

But Zayn suddenly realize something a miss in the shop there is....food there

"WTF!!!.seed this is outrage!! why do I have to hunt food or find when there is a food in the shop!"Zayn said

[Because of insufficient points Host]

"ok ok my stomach really hurts I need to check it to find some food"Zayn said


[century egg]

[Beans can]

[Coffee nuts]


[Sunflower seeds]


[Cazu marzu]

[Kopi Luwak](civet feces)






[Baby sausage poop]







"finally there is a foods that are edible that I can eat, this three but apple are my best option of all this three and all I saw are just bunch of seeds and cans and never heard foods fuçk there is even a feces there agghh... that was disgusting but apples are still..... hmmmmm I think no I want meat I'll look for more"Zayn said in paled face



[Chicken Drumsticks](raw)

"Finally there is a Drumsticks hahahahaha all hail to the almighty Zayn"Zayn exclaimed in joy

But before Zayn can celebrate he suddenly saw the raw on the left side of the Drumsticks

"OHh FUÇKK!! can you at least give me a joy of celebration fuçk! I don't want to scroll anymore my arm is tired it's more tired that jaçking off in my room in the previous world"Zayn said in hopeless

Zayn then bought 2 raw chicken drumsticks

and then buy a metal stick for grilling

After Zayn bought the drumsticks and the metal stick then he found a grilling spot with only two stones and in the middle he put a dried leaves and dried barks and lit it up using lighter for only 1 points the total cost of all of this are 6 points 1 points for lighter 3 points for a dou drumsticks and 2 points for the 2 skewer a total of 6 points