
Transmigrated Into the World KoF [DROPPED]

A high schooler guy name Zayn bolokoy got involved in a fight of two gangs. then suddenly something struck he's back and he lost consciousness for no reason. and the poor guy died from a stab of the gangster that he got mistaken as an enemy. "the fùck just happen? srsly?" and behind this is to welcome our MC into another world of fighting the KoF. (****King of Fighters****) "you dared fight me huh?" beat him to pulp "you dared act tough infront of me" pummeled him to flat "you dared called your underling's" massacre them all Lori yagami huh? your a shìt infront of me actually I'm just trying my best to write properly ahahhahah (just writing some fanfic novel as a hobby) if anyone doesn't like my fan fic you can just tell me and I'll drop it***** also I don't really own any characters here, its came from the right respectable owners from the game called(( king of fighters ))also I don't really know the story about the KoF so il just make my own plot story actually this is my first time writing novels and I'm not natives in English I'm actually a Filipino guy I'm still saving some knowledge to read some other novels to improved my writing (started at 2/26/2020)

System_LookingGuy · アニメ·コミックス
7 Chs

A Three Petals white Flower

[Yes Host you have divine soul even all this kind of animals can't scare you]

"whoaaa..ok then let's find a food my stomach is growling more and more and it's like it's devoiding inside of my belly"


Then suddenly Zayn saw a beautiful white flower with only three petals

he suddenly plucked it off and checked the information of the flower

(white trillium)

Trillium grandiflorum is a species of flowering plant in the family Melanthiaceae.

A monocotyledonous, herbaceous perennial, the plant is native to eastern North America, from northern Quebec to the southern parts of the United States through the Appalachian Mountains into northernmost Georgia and west to Minnesota

######SUMMARY DOWN HERE#######

***(white trillium is an edible and medicinal plant for treading wounds)***

"what the....this thing is edible? seriously oh yeah!!!"Zayn said in joy

suddenly he realized something amiss

"how the fuçk this thing can even fill up my tummy it's just a flowers!!"Zayn said in outrage

Then suddenly he turn around and saw a movement in the grass then he suddenly heard a hissing sound


"ow fuçk! let's fuçking run here I don't wanna die yet I am still young and wanna enjoy my life hell no!!"Zayn said as preparing to flee

Then suddenly he heard a familiar robotic voice that startled him

[Ding*Missions Kill the anaconda]


Eagles eye (passive skill)

Enchanted Obsidian spear 1x

[Do you accept Yes/No]

[Recommend to accept the mission, for another (lucky slot 1x) to get as a bonus]

"Ow fuçk...this is why I hate systems like it's like they are forcing you to be killed ok I accept it and I still don't even have a weapon judging by that bush making large movement I can tell it's a big one. seed are you telling me to kill that snake while barehanded? wait a minute....."Zayn said in grumbling then suddenly bulging he's eyeballs out


Then finally Zayn saw that big ass snake head that are so big that are twice as large of he's head, no it was thrice of it then he saw the body of the anaconda that are 40 feet long and 20 width of it's body

"Oh hell Nooo~~! how the fuçk can I even kill this fuçking huge ass snake!! seed Help me!!"Zayn said while shouting in terror

[Host you can learn the renewal taekwondo (Manual),Judo(Manual), Taekwondo (Manual) in the inventory][Yes/No]

"Yesss!!!!! Fuck Learn it already!!!why is it now that you have to ask me when I'm on a dire situation! you should have told me earlier!"Zayn said in panic and despair

[Host you didn't tell me]

[Ok processing transmitting the manual to the host body in 30 seconds....29....28.....27]

"Tsk. it seems like I have rely on my own but how?"Zayn said while analyzing the surroundings and the snake

while Zayn is analyzing the snake and the surroundings suddenly something caught he's eyes he saw a stick with a sharp end in the left side of the anaconda just 15 meters away from it and 10 meters away from him

"(If I can get that stick I can blind that snake with poking the eyes of the snake, while doing that I can buy some time for the cool down of the transmitting but, first I have to distract the snake)"Zayn thought

Then he saw a stone pebbles and quickly picked it up after that he stared back at the snake while he slowly approaching the stick

"(Calm down calm down *exhale *inhale *exhale everything is going to be alright you have to trust your own abilities Zayn!! come one!! Move!)"Zayn said while clutching the stone and slowly approaching the stick

Then he suddenly run very fast towards the stick before the anaconda could even react of it, but before the anaconda can turn around and bite him the anaconda was welcomed by a stone pebbles and was struck in the eyes and nose, and the snake got distracted in 3 seconds but this is enough for him to get the stick

then he roll around the dirt and picked up the stick and turn around preparing to shoot something, and but then the snake are already 9 meters from him then suddenly it increased the speed of it while slithering forward to Zayn and preparing to swallow Zayn whole with the huge mouth of its that can swallow a cow whole

"heh talking about timing your dead bitçh!!!"Zayn sneered and preparing to poke the eyes of the anaconda

before the anaconda could bite Zayn,Zayn suddenly dodged from the right side and then abruptly stab the left eye of the anaconda using the stick


then the snake suddenly scream while blood is gushing in the left side of it's eyes

But before Zayn could enjoy another good news suddenly pop of he's head

[Ding*Compete Transmitting Host]