
Transmigrated Into the Body Of The Prince Consort

What happens when two strangers from different world meet and had to separate again without knowing each other? The prince of wei kingdom trespasses into the Zambe sect unknowingly and was being rescued by the Zambe sect princess Ya. But destiny would soon bring these two back together as Ya is being punished by going into the human world to complete the last trial full of betrayal, love and drama to attain immortality. would she be able to accomplish this mission?and what happens if she meets the stranger that led her to all these? let's find out in "transmigrated into the body of the prince consort"

Tee_wave · ファンタジー
22 Chs

The third prince is dead!!

The next day,Mei lien and the second prince with their servant are ready to go back to the palace,The Yang family can be seen saying farewell to them

"Good bye, grandmother,mother, and father, I'll miss you," said Mei lien as she hugged her grandmother

"I'll miss you too darling," said old madam Yang as she pets Mei lien back before releasing her

"Good bye your highness," said the Yang family as they watched the couples drove off in their carriage

Now at the palace gate,the concubines can be seen waiting to greet Jun and Mei lien

"Oh, they're here," said concubine Wang excitedly while Jun and Mei lien got off the carriage

"Welcome back your highnesses," said the concubines as they bow their head in respect

"Don't stand on greetings," replied Jun as he and Mei lien made their way in with their maids carrying their stuffs

"I'll be going to my quarters now your highness," said Mei lien as she bow her head in respect before making her way to her chamber with Jing and Luli escorting her

"We really miss you your highness," said the concubines but before Jun could reply,he heard a familiar voice

"Your highness," Haoyu called excitedly rushing towards Jun

"Haoyu!!! when did you get back? Asked Jun as he gave his best friend a hug

"Not long your highness," I really miss you, said Haoyu happily

"I miss you too,Tell the kitchen staff to prepare a grand meal," said Jun to the maids before making his way to his quarters with Haoyu leaving the concubines in the yard

"I'll go and see her highness," said concubine Chun as she made her way to Mei lien quarters

"Hypocrite! said concubine Wang scornfully

Now at Mei lein chamber,she can be seen drinking tea while her maids were busy arranging her clothes

"Concubine Chun is here," said one of the guards

"Oh,let her in," replied Mei lien happily

"Good afternoon my lady," said Concubine Chun bowing in respect

"Please have a seat," said Mei lien

"Thank you your highness," said concubine Chun as she sat down

"How have you been? Asked Mei lien

"I'm good your highness,I miss you," said concubine Chun happily

"Coming from the mouth of the person who I can't remember when last she's been here since the day she gained his highness favour," said Jing scornfully

"Common Jing,What do you mean by that," Asked Mei lien angrily

"I'm sorry your highness," said Jing sadly

"Please,you two should get out," said Mei lien while Jing and Luli made an exit

"You don't have to do that your highness,what I did is also wrong," said concubine Chun

"No no no,you did nothing wrong, I'm the one at wrong here for not teaching my maids properly," said Mei lien

"It's okay your highness,I would like to retire to my quarters now,I only came to check up on you," said concubine Chun as she got up ready to leave

"Alright then,see you soon," replied Mei lien as she watched concubine Chun make an exit

Just then,Mei Zhen Maid,Xiu requested an audience from Mei Zhen

"Let her in," said Mei lien to the guards

"Good afternoon your highness, said Xiu trembling

"Afternoon, what's wrong? Asked Mei lien

"It's my lady your highness,she wants to see you," said Xiu

"Wants to see me,what for? Asked Mei lien

"She really needs you now your highness," said xiu

"Okay,Jing and Luli are not around but it's ok, let's go," said Mei lien as she grabs a jade bottle and followed xiu

Now at the third prince mansion,Mei lien is been led to the third prince chamber,he can be seen lying on his sick bed

"Where's Mei Zhen," Asked Mei lien as she sighted the third prince

"She went to prepare what his highness would eat,she wants you to stay with his highness for some time until she gets back," said Xiu

"And what about you,aren't you here? Mei lien asked confusedly

"She only trust you , I'll go and check on my lady now," said Xiu before making an exit

Mei lien is been left all alone with the third prince,soon the third prince starts to spit out blood uncontrollably as Mei lien calls for help with no response

"Stay with me third prince," said Mei lien as she held his hand

Third prince!! Mei lien yell to get his attention but to no avail.The third prince had given up the ghost

"No no no ,you have to wake up third prince," said Mei lien but soon Mei Zhen and xiu appeared before her with an imperial doctor

"Your highness," Yelled Mei Zhen as she runs towards the crown prince bed

"Let me check on him,your highness," said the imperial doctor checking his pulse

"What's wrong doctor? Asked Mei Zhen trembling

"I'm sorry your highness,but the third prince is dead," replied the imperial doctor

"What!!! What do you mean dead, please check on him again doctor," said Mei Zhen with tears rolling down her cheek

"What are you doing here? Asked Mei Zhen to Mei lien angrily

"You called for me, I'm sorry for your loss sister," said Mei lien tearfully

"Called for you? Do you really hate me this much,even if you do,why didn't you take it up on me? Why do you have to kill my husband? Asked Mei Zhen tearfully

"What!! Killed your husband? Why would I do that? Asked Mei lien

Just then ,the imperial king,queen and concubine arrived at the third prince mansion

"Long live the king," greeted the imperial physician,Mei lien and Mei Zhen

"Third prince!! my son,please look at your mother," cried the imperial concubine

"What happen to him physician? Asked the king sadly

"From the reports, he's poisoned to death your highness," said the imperial doctor sadly

Poisoned??? The tea isn't supposed to show any poison signs,I was only expecting him to say a natural death but why poison?Is it Mei lien?Mei Zhen thought

"Poisoned? Who's so audacious to poison my precious son? Cried the imperial concubine

"It's Mei lien,I saw her beside the third prince bed said Xiu leaving every one in shock

What a low life maid,you re implicating the whole Yang family by accusing Mei lien,we re all going to die,Mei Zhen thought as she trembled in fear

"What?second prince consort,what are you doing here in the first place? Asked the king angrily

"I asked Mei lien to come and see me so as to teach me embroidery today," said Mei Zhen trying to cover up the main reason why she called Mei lien

Just then the imperial physician stumbled upon a jade bottle in which he examined

"Who is the owner of this jade bottle? Asked the imperial physician

"It is mine,it was mistakenly delivered to my manor,so I decided to return it to Mei zhen since she called me today," said Mei lien

"Do you know the kind of poison that is in this bottle your highness? Asked imperial physician

"Poison? what poison? Asked the king angrily

"The third prince could have died a natural death but the poison inside this jade bottle speed up his death by poisoning him to death," said the imperial physician

"What?That slut?You eventually implicate the whole Yang family," Mei Zhen said angrily

"No ,I didn't do any of these,I only wanted to return the bottle to the right owner," Said Mei lien but was soon slapped by the imperial concubine making her fall on the floor.

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