
Transmigrated into Severus Snape with Golden Trio back in Time

Harry, Hermione and Ron are transported back in time after Bill Weasley's wedding by a Cosmic entity. Chaos was not happy with this and decided to add another player. Watch how Harry, Hermione, Ron tread in past while trying to defeat the Dark Lord whereas a college student is transmigrated into the body of a 16 year old Severus Snape. Meanwhile things are changing and the golden trio couldn't wonder if it is for better or not. I own nothing all belongs to JK Rowling. This story will contain lemons so people who uphold highest morals sorry this is for not you.

Jerry153 · 書籍·文学
93 Chs

80) Of understandings (R - 18)

"What's the matter with you?" Francesca asked instantly the moment he closed the door. They had just finished everything about their date. The moment he saw her in the factory, he had pulled her to his office. His grip was so hard, that it hurt now.

"Matter about me. I should ask that to you. What you were even thinking when you agreed with Apolline?" Severus asked angrily. His black eyes went questioningly at her. He couldn't deny and express himself there. She had purposefully and skillfully trapped him there.

Francesca looked back unfazed at him. She was surprised that he was angry about this. She had thought that he won't oppose it. Afterall men were usually seduced by lust. However his attitude now, it shocked her. He sounded so pissed off at the moment.

"You promised me. I am collecting it. You are going to have two wives. A casual fucking with a veela scares you?" She replied back neutrally.

Severus took a deep breath to calm himself down. He knew he shouldn't be so angry now. He had to discuss it peacefully. They weren't yet married, and already having arguments.

"It's not the sex that I am worried about. What about the child that I put in her womb? The child would be my blood. My blood. A child who was brought into a world due to a compromising situation. Do you even know the consequences of it?" Severus asked calmly. Voldemort was a prime example of it. This world's dynamics wasn't the same like his previous world. Magic murked up a lot of things here. He didn't think a child of his would be spared from it.

Francesca remained silent. She understood it now. He was confused about the whole thing about the future. Already he was going to have his hands full with two girls. A child from another girl would complicate things extremely.

"Well, we could keep the child. I know, I won't be having problems with Apolline's child. Even if that child is yours too." Francesca replied after moments of silence on her part.

"You are kidding right." Severus replied unimpressed. No woman would love another's child like her own. It was a universal truth.

"I am dead serious. It is the whole reason, I approached Apolline with you." Francesca replied without missing a beat.

"I don't understand." Severus said with a frown. What reason had she behind her actions. It damned shouldn't be some half baked plan.

Francesca took a deep breath. It was time to spill some secrets then.

"I heard about this surrogacy thing what muggles do. I wanted to try it once. Apolline was a suitable candidate for the whole thing. She's my cousin, she's desperate. And she's beautiful. She would accept your seed gladly." Francesca replied slowly. She didn't understand the future dynamics though. It didn't mean, that she won't be able to figure it out though.

Severus remained silent. So this was it. He doubted if Apolline would even give away her child to Francesca. She hadn't taken Apolline's permission about the whole thing yet.

"And if you have any problems, or the whole thing messes with your moral code. You can marry her. She's a veela. She would make a good wife to one of your house." Francesca urged on with a sweet smile. She knew it was time she press his buttons now.

"You're fearing that you're barren." Severus calmly replied after hearing it. He knew it now. She was purposefully doing all of this.

Francesca was surprised. She hadn't thought that he would be able to notice it. She hadn't showed any signs.

"What is it Francesca? Why are you afraid?" He asked with a frown. Her surprise was the confirmation he needed. It fit perfectly now. Everything made sense.

Francesca sighed. She was amazed and terrified at the speed which he clicked it. It was really otherworldly.

"I did a blood ritual once. The ritual prolonged my beauty. I will age, but my beauty will be spared from the consequences of ageing. Moreover every year at my birthday, my virginity will be restored automatically. I was too short sighted then. There could be possible consequences due to it. It comes with a price you know. I fear that I would be barren." Francesca confirmed slowly. She was afraid of it. What would happen if she couldn't give a child to him? The marriage contract would kill her then. She wanted a loophole to exploit. She would gladly welcome a child. Even if it's from another someone. His any child could perhaps save her from her foolish actions of the past.

"You know, I won't hold anything against you. Even if you are found to be barren, you will still be my wife. You will have my love always." Severus replied softly. He understood it now. She wanted to save herself from the possible circumstances. Maybe she wanted a child from someone else to claim her's own. It might fool the magic of contract in her opinions. However he wasn't sure of it. Magic was not something which worked that way. There were always unseen surprises there. Surprises which would take the mickey out of anyone, that too with a sickening enthusiasm.

Francesca was a little surprised to hear that. She didn't sense any lie in his words. It was certainly baffling. Any other wizard would have simply ridiculed and sneered at her hearing that. Continuing the bloodline would have been the most important thing for them. It was a shocking thing to hear him denying that. Most men wouldn't have reacted like him.

"Why? Don't you want your name to live on?" Francesca asked. While he would have children from Narcissa. Surely he didn't want the line with her end with them.

"Having children isn't the only way to make your name live on. I might make the philosopher's stone and love for the next ten centuries." Severus replied jokingly. Kids were a pain in ass to deal with. His friends were married and had kids. He had tried to babysit them, he had failed reluctantly always. Kids were not his suit.

"Well. I would gladly tag along till the next ten centuries." Francesca replied with a genuine smile on her face. Thank God that she got lucky with Severus. Most of the witches weren't lucky to have such understanding partners.

Severus smiled at her words. He was glad that she was not so insecure anymore like earlier. Insecurity would mess things in the long run. He didn't want that.

Francesca gently pecked his cheek. His words were a genuine lift-up to her confidence. She was glad that he spoke these words. Her mother had scolded her heavily after she learned of the blood ritual. She didn't thought that beauty was worth giving up the ability to have children. With time, Francesca learnt that lesson too. Sometimes beauty wasn't worth it. Severus really looked deep beyond her beauty too. He was slowly admiring her for her qualities and good attitude, she realised.

Severus slowly placed his hands on her waist. He slowly pulled her to his embrace. He was gently warming up to the idea of sharing a bed with the Zabini heiress. Pulling her closer to him, he gently enveloped her in a passionate embrace. His hands went deeper down and gradually grabbed those big bums.

"You know. There's only one way to check the effects of the blood ritual." He said kissing her smooth neck. His lips were all too familiar with the curves and contours of her veins and skin.

Francesca squirmed under his kisses. She really enjoyed when he did that. It turned her on so badly.

"Yeah. What's it?" She asked as he softly bite her collar slightly. They were near the same height due to his posture.

"I will have to spend every minute trying to impregnate you. Won't it be a delight?" He asked with a sly smile.

Francesca laughed softly. The words did amused her. She couldn't even imagine the possibility. Before she could do so, he slowly grabbed her mouth in a searing kiss. It was his way to show that everything was okay. Francesca gently kissed him back. Perhaps she won't be against his proposed idea.

Her hands roamed downwards. It travelled slowly and sweetly towards his pelvic area. Moaning in the kiss, she slowly moved her hand down.

Severus moaned softly in her mouth. Damn! She really knew how to excite him. He felt her hands trying to move through his waistbands.

They seperated and he watched amazed as her hands went downward to unbuckle his belt. He couldn't help but be excited about her next action. He watched patiently. Her face was focused completely on the task. She had something in her mind for sure. And he knew it was especially for him.

She slowly pulled down his jeans, leaving him in his underwear. She slowly turned her wicked gaze on him then. She roamed her soft hand over his crotch. She could see that it was semi erect already. The bulge did impressed her. It certainly looked promising at this state too.

Slowly licking her lips, she slowly kissed him. Her right hand slowly went through his waistband. She claimed his lips while her hand claimed his semi erect shaft. Severus moaned softly in her mouth. It was the first time he was feeling a woman's touch on his manhood. Her touch did felt so nice and erotic to his body. He desperately wanted to do certain things, but pulled out of those thoughts painfully. There was a time for it.

Francesca kissed him slowly and sensually. She felt the muscular appendage growing in her grip. She felt him hardening and becoming fatter. Her grip faltered as she couldn't grip it perfectly. He fulfilled her whole grip in moments. It became such that her grip wasn't perfect. Only her middle finger and thumb touched now while gripping him.

They broke apart after some seconds. She could see the patience in his eyes. He was trying so hard to control himself. She was the same. This was the first time she was touching a cock in her life. She had seen pictures and heard tales. But it wasn't the same as physically doing it.

She slowly pulled out her hand from his underwear. She softly tugged the waistband of his underwear, slowly pulling down, she finally removed the final piece of clothing on his lower half.

She was a little surprised, awed and intimidated by the sight infront of her. He was hung. There were no other words to describe it. He was practically around 9 inches in length, if the length wasn't good enough. He was also thick to compliment it. His cock looked beautiful with that combination. It was perfect. Neither it was too fat, nor was it too thin. It was thick and long in a perfect proportion. He wasn't circumcised. His front covering was parted away due to her earlier actions. The head of the cock was of a mix of an angry red and light purple.

"How are you so perfect?" Francesca asked amazed. This was something which she was going to gloat over to her friends. She realised suddenly, that she really hit a jackpot with him. He was just being perfect at every turn.

"I am blessed." Severus replied proudly. He grabbed her chin and kissed her sweetly. It was the first time being nude in presence of a female. He groaned as her hand wrapped his cock and gave it a slow stroke. He moaned hungrily in her mouth. He hadn't realised how long he wanted it.

Her stroke slowly stopped as she wiped her thumb over his cock head. Taking the mushroom head in her grip, she slowly encircled her thumb over his opening. She could feel a sticky substance on her thumb. Something which confused her a little.

Once they stopped devouring the other lips, they looked into the other's eyes. Francesca slowly took him towards his chair by his cock. Once he finally settled in, she looked at his mischevious and wanting face.

Francesca slowly pulled out her top revealing her skimpy bra inside. She slowly made a show with removing her skirt too. She watched anxiously as he stroked himself lightly while watching her. His slit was leaking with something white, probably his seed, she realised.

She sauntered her way to him with the steps of a predator. Looking at him masturbating to her, the damned sight stroked her ego badly. His eyes were trained on her body as his light strokes revealed his glistening cockhead after each stroke.

"Tell me Severus? What do you want to do to me?" She asked curiously. She slowly pushed back the quill stand and the files back and settled herself on his table.

She stretched her legs wider and slowly made her thong covered pussy visible to him. Her hand moved downwards as she slightly adjusted the covering to reveal a part of her sex to him.

"Tell me Severus?" Francesca asked again. This time she slowly revealed a little more with the help of her index figure. The room was getting filled with the scent of their arousals. Both of them knew that. For Severus it was much more difficult. He had a body of super soldier at the moment. His senses were enhanced too. His nose was assaulted by the smell of her eager sex infront of his eyes.

"I want to be inside you. I want to pin you down as I make love to you." Severus admitted softly as his eyes continued to be glued at her sex. It was the first time in this life when he was having a view at a female's sex.

Francesca smiled deviously. His desires made her throb with want. She will certainly wait for him to do it after their marriage. However they had to retain their virginities till the marriage. Or more specifically she has to. The magic would cause backlash otherwise.

She slowly got up from the table. Looking at his eyes directly, they gazed into the other's soul. Francesca slowly kneeled down infront of his sitting form.

"I am to remain a virgin till our marriage, honey." She commented with a mischievous smile. Slowly grabbing her thighs, she adjusted herself perfectly. Slowly grabbing his cock, she looked at him with a lusty gaze.

"It doesn't mean that we can't fool around though." Francesca continued as she stroked him slightly with her hands. She slowly jerked his cock with her soft hands while maintaining eye contact with him.

They stared into each other's souls as Francesca's hands slowly stroked his cock. Severus groaned in pleasure as she jerked him slowly. His new life was really awesome. He got multiple women to make love, that too without paying them money. Whores and prostitutes were okay. But one couldn't bring them into his personal life. However he got three beautiful ladies for himself. Moreover he was going to spend the rest of his life with them. It wasn't a bad option for sure. He would have to make them get along with each other. Not an easy task, but something which would still be doable.

He closed his eyes a little as he lost himself in the pleasure. He knew from her surface thoughts, that it was her first time doing something like this. Yet, she was actually doing it well.

Francesca was please when she saw his eyes dropping down in pleasure. It was really a boost to her ego.

"You do this thinking of me?" She asked curiously as she gently pulled one of her hand back. She jerked him off him with her right hand while she waited anxiously for her answer.

"No." Severus replied. He wasn't going to admit that he had jerked off to her memory some times.

"Don't you find me attractive?" Francesca asked a little disappointed. It showed in her actions too. Her stroking slowed a little as she looked at him intently.

"I didn't want to degrade you like that." Severus replied looking at her. It was a lie, but she wasn't going to know it.

"Ohh." Francesca spoke taken aback by the answer. She hadn't thought so. He maintained a respect for her. It was really good to hear from his mouth.

She brought out her other hand back and gently cupped his balls. She scratched at the heavy ballsack lightly. They were quite big in her opinion though.

"You have really big balls! Though I shouldn't be surprised. My man fought a dragon." Francesca commented mischievously. She felt his cock twitch at her actions with his balls.

"Your man." Severus commented amusedly. He was really getting horny with her words. He was sitting on his boss chair while Francesca kneeled below eagerly and jerked him off. The sight alone was enough to jerk off excitedly on her face.

"Yes. My man." Francesca affirmed proudly with a smile. She slowly leaned forward and teasingly gave a lick from the bottom to his head. Once she reached the head of his cock, she slowly enveloped the cockhead within her soft lips.

It was beyond comprehension now for him. Severus suddenly felt like a King. The sight of her mouth wrapped around his cockhead was enough to sent his whole body jolting into pleasure. His cock throbbed eagerly in her grip as she sucked on his top.

He tasted a little salty, Francesca thought inwardly. Perhaps it was his sweat down there, she concluded. The scent of his cock was intoxicating for her. Coupled with the point black range with it, it only assaulted her senses more eagerly. She liked the musky scent though. He was also big. There was no way she could take him all in. She would have her throat stretched to brim if she even tried it. Perhaps 5 or 6 inches would be the most she could go.

She slowly opened her mouth wider and gently took him in. It was easier said than done though. He was massive and she was an amateur. Her attempts only made it worse.

"Don't push yourself hard love. Just do what you can do. We have a lifetime to practise more." Severus softly spoke up. He grabbed her chin in his left and slowly pulled out his cock with his right.

His cock slowly appeared outside with a mix of her saliva and spit smeared around it. He gently placed the cockhead on her mouth and slowly smeared it in Francesca's lips like a lipstick. He watched proudly as she nodded and gently wrapped her lips around his mushroom head.

Severus moaned slightly. Francesca took the easy approach and slowly wrapped her hands around his meaty shaft. Using her hands she slowly jerked him while her tongue circled his cockhead and teased him in her mouth.

Severus moaned as the girl slowly used her mouth and hands in a well manner. He was already reaching with the experience of their first time. He was already too horny with everything going on. He knew, he won't last long under this assault.

The damp mouth, the swirling way of her tongue and lips around his cock. Her hands stroking him and playing with his balls. Everything was making him insane with pleasure. He had been really blind to not to this earlier with her.

"I am going to cum." Severus warned as he felt his impending release. Francesca released his cock from his mouth and eagerly waited for it. Severus hurriedly pushed back the chair and stood up immediately. He took his cock and started to jerk it furiously. He could feel it coming.

"Cum in my face." Francesca urged as she looked at his eyes. She moved her face a little forward to his cock to receive it. She had heard that boys loved it, when they were allowed to do so.

Severus was all too happy to oblige. He loved that she was doing this for him. He groaned furiously as he released the first jet of his thick seed onto her nose. The stream continued from his cock, the second hit her squarely on temple. The third, fourth, fifth and sixth hit her on cheeks, lips and eyebrows.

When he finally finished stroking, he looked at her face. He felt a sickening pleasure seeing his cum all over her own face. It was such a primal feeling that he couldn't describe in his own words.

"You cum lot." Francesca commented pleased. She was awed by the amount of cum he shot at her face. It was so much.

Severus smiled embarrassingly. It wasn't his fault that his body generated that much cum after the rituals and potions.

Francesca scooted the cum with her fingers and slowly applied them back on his cock. Severus watched curiously as she did so. Once she finished scooting all the cum and applying it on his cock, she winked at him.

He watched amazed as she took his semi erect cock smeared with his cum inside her mouth. She slowly bobbed her mouth on him while her tongue lapped over his cock. She was cleaning and sucking him off at the same time.

Severus could only lay back and enjoy it. He didn't want to do anything other than it either.

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