
More Trouble

Sneaking into the room, I looked to the other end of the room where Saeko was sitting facing away from me.

A slight squelching sound could be heard from her direction and with how I could see and hear her aggressively sniffing my blazer, I could tell what she was doing:


What a naughty senpai I have...~

Sneaking up to her, I began to hear her sounds getting louder and her shoulders were slightly shaking. I could hear her whispering my name under her breath and through my blazer.

It was incredibly arousing and if I didn't have to be by Yuuki's side right now, I would've taken full advantage of the situation in front of me.

As I was right behind her, she suddenly jolted before mewling into my jacket.

Seeing this I really wished I had a camera on me. I'd take so many goddamn pictures.

Crouching behind her, I stuck my nose behind her head before taking a deep whiff of whatever she used for shampoo.

I'm just getting even~

Before I could speak, Saeko grabbed the bokken* next to her and swung it behind her toward my throat with deadly precision but when she saw me crouching there with a smile on my face, she froze, her bokken resting a few centimeters away from my throat.

(*A/N - Bokkens are just wooden swords, they basically look like wooden katanas~)

She stayed there, frozen. One hand on her bokken and another badly hidden behind her back. Why did I say 'badly' hidden? Because I can still see it and it glistening with her juices.

Just as quickly as she froze up, she instantly went red which showed a sharp contrast to her blue eyes and purple hair. Once she'd gone red, she dropped her wooden sword and instantly covered her head with my jacket.

She basically looked like a really bad version of a classic ghost costume - a white sheet over you with two eye holes.

Laughing, I grabbed my jacket and simply tore it from her grasp. What was left was a squatting Saeko with her head down and her hair covering her face.

Without even seeing her face, I could feel the embarrassment and shame rolling off of her.

Knowing I had to break her from it in case she decided to avoid me, I laughed.

"So, what's got you so happy you have to do that with my jacket up to your nose~?" hearing what I saw Saeko looked up at me with a death glare.

Ah...did I make it worse~?

Putting my hands up, I chuckled, "Hey, I'm not judging, just curious," looking into her glaring eyes I could tell she didn't really mean it, she was just acting angry so she didn't need to feel embarrassment.

Saeko closed her eyes and let out a deep sigh of shame before sharply looking at me, "And why does it matter to you?" she seemed to be banking on this defending what little shreds of dignity she still had.

Putting my finger to my chin, I looked up and put on a mock thinking face, "Hmm...maybe it's because you were using my smell as a...catalyst, I guess?" my thinking face crumbled as I started to grin and laugh madly.

Saeko stood up and went to kick me in the face but she held herself back before gripping the bridge of her nose.

"I was just using your jacket as a cover. Nothing more--!" as she was speaking I stood up, unintentionally showing the bloodied shirt I was wearing. She instantly rushed toward me before inspecting me fore injuries. When she didn't find any signs of injuries, she looked up at me with intent eyes, "What happened?"

Realizing what she was on about I looked down and let out a casual laugh.

"Oh, this? It's not my blood," she stared at me, waiting for me to clarify, so I did, "Some people attacked Yuuki, so I stepped in and beat them bloody. Nothing else to say...On this subject, I need to cancel our spar; I need to spend time with Yuuki, she's pretty shaken up, but you're free to come along with me though, senpai," I started to take off my shirt before going to my bag and getting a clean one out.

I usually change my shirt after my spars with Saeko, so like always I brought a new one. Luckily I did so as well, I didn't think I'd get one of mine covered in splotches of blood.

Once I changed I turned to face Saeko only to see she was in front of me.

Tilting my head at her behavior she looked at me with a concerned look, "Ryu-kun...where are the people you hurt? If you did something stupid I'll help you cover it--" hearing what she said I started waving my arms back and forth in front of us while stifling a laugh.

"Saeko-senpai, I didn't kill them. I just broke a few things and left them on the roof, no biggie...but," I trailed off to draw in Saeko's attention and it worked like a charm as she leaned toward me, "...Thank you for offering to help me with such a scenario, senpai...it means a lot," I leaned forward and pecked her on her forehead.

Saeko instantly froze before furiously looking between my lips and my eyes. This trend carried on until she rapidly spun around, looking away from me.

Little did she know that I could see her reflection in the glass next to us and I could see all of the silly smile of pure happiness she had on her stunning face.

Oh senpai, if you're that happy over a kiss, I can't wait for your reaction when I give other things...~

Chuckling to myself I stuffed my jacket into my bag before picking it up and walking over to the door. When I got to the door, I turned around.

"So, are you coming or not, Saeko-senpai?" my voice knocked her out of her frozen state as her shoulders jumped up in shock. She took a few deep breaths before turning around with a small smile which she couldn't suppress and a light blush on her pale face.

"Yes, I want to talk to Miku-san after all," she walked up to me and passed me as she walked through the corridor and toward the infirmary. Shrugging my shoulders I could tell I'd have to deal with two angry girls at some point in the near future.

I quickly followed after Saeko before talking about simple things with her.

She seemed oddly intent on asking me how I felt when I beat those bastards up earlier. I knew where she was coming from and simply told her the truth.

"Good. I felt good when I destroyed them with my bare hands. Feeling my fist crush their noses gave me a rush. Though, they were a pretty bad fight - too boring. You're much better, senpai," nudging her arm with my shoulder she blushed a little before looking at me with relief practically pouring out of her eyes.

I could tell she was relieved that I was like her in that regard as well. You see, Saeko was attacked by a molester 4 years ago and in defense, she completely smashed the guy into the ground with some pretty brutal moves before leaving him there on the floor and bleeding out unconscious.

But the thing is, she found out she really enjoyed beating on him. The feeling of power gave her a rush.

She and I were the same - we loved fighting and hurting people we didn't like. So, that probably got me some extra brownie points. And the best part? It was from me being completely truthful about myself.

There's nothing better than acceptance from a hot girl. Well, maybe acceptance from a hot girl you like? Yeah, the latter is definitely better.

Bringing me out of my thinking, Saeko spoke, "Mhm, that's how I'd feel, and I'll give you a good fight soon, my dear kouhai~! For now, let's hurry to the infirmary!" with that she started running while smirking and showing her competitive streak was acting up.

Shaking my head I lightly kicked off the ground and caught up with her. She seemed a bit annoyed and used some weird footwork which boosted her speed quite a bit.

But again, I sped up again and caught up with her.

Even if there were any students in the hallway, they'd only see a flash currently.

Haah~ Saeko truly is brilliant for a pure human~

Anyway, with our speed, it didn't take too long for us to reach the infirmary. I opened the door and saw Shizuka sitting at her desk and Yuuki lying on her bed looking uncharacteristically fragile. But hearing the door open she quickly looked toward our direction and instantly beamed a relieved and happy smile but it froze a second later as she saw Saeko next to me.

But it quickly turned into a mischievous smile and she called out to me.

"Ryuuu~ I missed you...can you give me a hug?" she put her arms out like some child before pulling out the puppy eyes on me...

It really isn't fair...

I 'reluctantly' walked over to her before bending over and hugging her. Not too tightly as I didn't want to aggravate her bruised body and cause her pain.

She instantly clung to me like a koala and rubbed her head against my shoulder, no doubt smirking smugly at Saeko.

After the hug was coming to an end and I was pulling away, Yuuki pulled me down to sit on the bed with her. When I plopped down onto the soft fabric, Yuuki instantly maneuvered herself to sit next to and let herself lean her head against me.

I looked over at Saeko to see she wasn't jealous or envious in any regard but in fact, just went and sat on the bed next to us.

Seeing this I smirked. Saeko wouldn't get jealous over stuff like this, it's stuff like Yuuki's comment about how she can satisfy me more that gets Saeko to act up, her competitive and obsessive nature going into to overdrive once her ability is brought into question.

Yuuki started to grumble but soon let it go and started to cuddle into me as I rubbed and pat her head as one would do to a cat.

I swear I could hear her purring in contentment...

But Saeko brought us out of this moment with a calm voice.

"Ryu-kun, can you go over to another bed while I talk to this thieving vixen who's trying to steal my kouhai?" she pulled off a smile that wasn't a smile as she 'politely' asked me to move.

When I went to reply, Yuuki beat me to it.

"Yeah, Ryu, go over by Marikawa-sensei so I can talk to this stiff and overly-boring senpai who's actually trying to steal my man~" she giggled at the end but it sounded incredibly hollow.

Looking at their...I hate to say it but...Yandere-like faces, I could only think one thing:

Girls can be scary, man. I'd rather face Kazu-jiisan in a fight than deal with girls when they get like this.

Anyway, I reluctantly got up and walked over near Shizuka who was glancing at me every now and then with eyes full of questions.

I went and sat next to her desk on one of the chairs and simply watched as Yuuki and Saeko waged a surprisingly silent war on one another.

I could listen in but...that'd be rude. It'd also ruin the fun of trying to lip-read what they were saying.

My fun was ruined when I heard Shizuka speak up next to me.

"What did you do to get so covered in blood, Mr...?" Shizuka went to reprimand me but realized she didn't know me so she trailed off awkwardly.

Grinning at her slightly ditzy behavior, I replied without missing a beat, "My name's Ryu Hattori, Marikawa-sensei, and I don't know what you're talking about~" smiling at her I played the innocent role.

She groaned a little before pouting, "Hattori-sannn! Why are you acting oblivious?!" she whined and looked incredibly cute as such a buxom woman acting like a child.

Tilting my head, I put on a 'confused' face, "I really don't know what you're referring to, Marikawa-sensei?"

Again, she let out a whining noise before glaring at me.

"Now you listen here, mister, you need to tell me where those people you hurt are because I need to assess the damage and possibly call an ambulance for them!" she let out a small shout before pointing her finger at me, "So, Hattori-san, tell me where they are!"

Dropping my facade, I looked Shizuka dead in the eye causing her to flinch when my callous ice blue eyes locked onto her hazel ones.

"Let's say I did hurt these people...I'd say they deserved it after they hurt someone precious to me. I'd say they don't deserve your concern, and neither do they deserve any kind of medical help - they got what scum like them deserved," grinning slightly evilly, I let out a low chuckle, "But if I were a betting boy, I'd say they're somewhere most people wouldn't find them for a while: the--"

I was cut off by someone charging into the infirmary before half-shouting in Shizuka's direction.

"On the roof...haa...haa...there are 5 students grievously injured up there...we've got to get them down here so you can see if we need to call for ambulances to take them to the hospital!" the teacher was breathless as he spoke at Shizuka.

All Shizuka could do was look worriedly toward me before she looked back to the teacher, "Okay, bring them here, sensei," with this the sensei ran off with a couple of other teachers behind him.

Shizuka looked questioningly at me but I pretended to be innocent as I comically put my hands in my pocket, looked away and whistled an upbeat tune.

Saeko and Yuuki were distracted by the news but they already knew what I'd done, so the shock was much less when compared to other people.

Minutes later, the first two 'victims' entered the infirmary:

The first one I punched who now has a crushed nose and needs some serious dental work, and the one I slammed into the ground and consequently rearranged his face.

Seeing their injuries I got three different looks.

Shizuka: Fear and slight disbelief a student could do this

Yuuki: Gratitude and a weird pride, as if she was a gangsta's wife

Saeko: barely hidden admiration for my 'work' with much more deeply hidden lust...This girl is a tad crazy...luckily I'm just as bad~

After this, the other 3 were carried in and even before she looked at them in detail, Shizuka instantly told one of the teachers to call an ambulance while she tried to stabilize their conditions.

Shizuka didn't seem to know how to comprehend that I could have done this with my bare hands like the bloody hands I had earlier told her. They seemed like they were beaten by a big brute with a metal baseball bat.

She'd done her best with resetting bones where she could but she was only a high school nurse who was training and studying to be a doctor; there was a limit to her skills.

Even then, she'd done a miracle on all five of the dickheads in front of me.

It didn't take long for multiple men dressed in uniform to rush into the infirmary with multiple stretchers.

They looked at the injured boys in front of them with horrified looks.

It wasn't the worst they have seen, but it was done in a high school - somewhere some of them had sent their kids! And this kind of stuff was happening? It seemed to scare them to the very core.

Though I'm sure if someone (me) explained to them what they were doing before they were broken, they wouldn't hold such sympathy and horror. They might even spit on the bastards.

The men started to take the injured out of the infirmary and toward the ambulances.

Before long they had cleared out of the injured and were gone, the teachers left as well, not seeing anything suspicious with me, Saeko or Yuuki. Though they did ask what happened to Yuuki, I used my outstanding charisma to say she was pushed down the stairs and they believed me.

After they left Shizuka turned to me with a reprimanding look.

"Why did you do that to them, Hattori-san?!" she walked up to me and near shouted in my face. Not over anger, weirdly enough, but over concern, "You could ruin your entire life if you go around hurting people like that! Please, try not to do things like this anymore..." she looked down at me with teary eyes.

Looking away from her and her sincere face, I looked over at Saeko and Yuuki who had gone back to having their cold war.

I was stuck between a rock and a hard place.