
2 Months Later (Small Lemon)

(A/N - What I mean by Small Lemon is there's no actual sex, just oral~)

Looking up at the my ceiling I let out a sigh as I felt a weight on my arm. Looking down to my side I saw a head of light orange hair and gently moved my hand over it, ruffling through it.

My actions got me a cute little groan and a mumbled line of '5 more minutes...'. Hearing this I smiled a little before chuckling to myself.

It had been 2 months since I'd first come to this world.

For these 2 months, I'd been training and absorbing knowledge like a man possessed. I'd learned enough about biology, genetics, and chemistry to get a degree in all three, while also having pushed my body to its limits and beyond.

Though I didn't keep it to just training my body's strength, I also ingrained in both my mind and body any martial art I could get trained in.

I realized that although my physical strength was immense and would only continue to improve, right now and even by the time of the appearance of 'THEM', it wouldn't be enough to take on a Tyrant or one of the bigger B.O.Ws. So, my answer was in the form of martial arts; to be able to use my power to a larger effect than what I'd originally have been able to.

By now I'd crammed Muay Thai, Systema, Krav Maga and mixed it all together with a special version of MMA. Why's it special? Because I used my incredible brain to bring its deadliness to the maximum it could be. Or at least try to.

It wasn't completely perfected yet - how could it be? I may have a brilliant brain but creating a martial art purely focused on killing is hard work.

But I was perfecting it with the help of Saeko. She was a massive help as she helped implement an actual insight on martial arts - and her inherent bloodlust helped as well.

Talking about Saeko, our relationship was going along steadily but there wasn't much progress I could make as there was a certain troublesome lady in the way--

My thought process was cut off as I felt a slender hand make its way under my boxers before feeling up my dick.

It moved up and down in such a way that it showed whoever's hand it was that they obviously knew their way around my genitals. Without any trouble, my cock started to harden and its outline became very clear through the blanket.

"Oh~? What's happened here~? Does someone need a little bit of my help~?❤" a sultry, albeit slightly tired, sounding voice whispered as the culprit to my hardening giggled a little.

Shaking my head slightly, I decided to play along, "Oh, indeed, I'm not sure what's happening...could you possibly have a look at it, Yuuki?" I put on a mock-worried voice as I looked at her with 'fear' in my eyes.

Her own yellow eyes glimmered with playfulness as she kicked off the blankets revealing my half-naked self and her in her 'pajamas'.

Really, all she was wearing was a tank top that barely covered her breasts. Looking at it, I could see her nipples sticking out as hard as rocks.

Seems like she's excited for our routine for when she wakes up after a night of staying over.

She sensually crawled backward, slowly tracing her hands along my sculpted muscles before reaching my boxers. Hooking her thumbs under the band, she slowly drew them down finally releasing the 'beast' and letting it slap against her face.

While she looked at it, I could almost swear she had love hearts in her eyes.

Without a word, she looked me in the eyes, still with eyes filled with a tenderness I didn't think Yuuki Miku from HOTD could have. She half-closed her eyes in...happiness? Whatever emotion it was, she did it before slowly lifting her head up and devouring my cock into her warm mouth and throat.

I felt myself shiver in pleasure as I felt the warm, moist flesh wrap tightly around my girth.

She slowly lowered herself until just under half-way before she stopped and calm back up. Then she dropped down, but a bit further than before.

This process continued; down, up, down a little further than before, before going back up.

The pleasure continued to build as she took more of my cock into her mouth and throat until finally she completely took my entire length into her mouth.

She looked up at me with upturned eyes filled with pleasure, and I could see her hands busy at work fiddling herself silly. Both of these things sent an extra batch of blood to my penis and it somehow got even harder making Yuuki let out a pleased moan, though it was quite muffled due to my dick being shoved down her throat.

I could hear the squelching of her fingering getting louder before she lifted her head up and furiously started blowing me.

Her plump lips and skillful tongue, along with the tightness of her mouth and throat make me feel full of pleasure and I slowly started thrusting myself into her mouth to meet the bobbing of her head.

I kept going until I felt myself getting to the edge. At that time, I grabbed the back of her head and heard her moan in excitement for what she knew was coming.

Ignoring the moan in case it pushed me fully over the edge before I could enjoy this to it's fullest, I brought her head down and brought my hips up to meet her soft and juicy lips.

With one big thrust, I saw Yuuki start twitching as I saw her squirt onto my covers but I didn't stop as I continued to fuck her mouth before finally, I felt the imminent build up of pressure in my groin.

And after a few powerful thrusts, I slammed it hard into her mouth and let loose my massive amount of semen down her throat and straight into her throat.

As I released myself into her, she began twitching again and a bigger stream of pussy juice squirted out of her and onto my bed.

I kept my dick firmly planted in her throat until I'd finished before I pulled myself out and she took in massive gulps of air. Though she was taking in massive gulps of air she was still lightly twitching and her juices were spreading more and more across my bed sheets.

Seeing this, I smirked and moved toward her and lifted her chin up toward me until our eyes met.

"Hmmm...you've made quite the mess of my sheets, Yuuki..." putting on a 'trouble' look, Yuuki went red before going to apologize but before she could do so, I shrugged my shoulders, "Guess I'll have to help clean up your mess, you troublesome girl..."

With this, I flipped her onto her back before quickly lowering myself until I was face to face with her puffy, and currently red pussy from all the blood flowing there.

"Wait, Ryu--!" before she could finish her sentence I dragged my tongue across the wet surface causing her to let out a cry of pure pleasure.

"Oh my god, Ryu! ❤ You're gonna make me go stupid from this pleasureeee~!❤" her hands grabbed the back of my head and pushed me into her nether regions which had started to release more liquid than before.

"Oh? There seems to be more coming out from here...better clean this part up. Can't have you wetting yourself later on the way to school..." my voice trailed off as I plunged my tongue into her wet hole.

Focusing on her pleasure, I flicked my tongue about over all her sweet spots causing her to twitch and convulse in pleasure.

"Coming, coming! I'm cumming, Ryu~!❤" with this she squirted again but I didn't stop - I wanted her body to remember the pleasure of me - I brought up my free hand and using the plenty amounts of lubrication around her pussy, I lathered my thumb up before holding it on her clit and rubbing it back and forth slowly.

She started twitching even more and started pulling my hair with enough force to tear a normal man's scalp off but again I wasn't done.

Bringing my other free hand to her ass, I started to tease her back hole.

This instantly alarmed her as she tried to escape my embrace but my hold was as tight as it could possibly be without hurting her, so she could only vocally protest.

"Nyo, don't do that! It'll drive me stupiddd~!❤" her words were slurred but I could hear the pure pleasure in her voice crying out for me to do it; so I did.

I sunk two fingers into her ass and pressed a sweet spot in both her pussy and her ass from both sides, sending a violent spasm through Yuuki's body before she wrapped her thick thighs tightly around my head and pulled at my hair as another flood of liquid went down my throat.

Taking my time to taste it, I remarked on how sweet it was; like sugary honey.

As I was tasting her sweet nectar, Yuuki was screaming in pleasure.

"Oh nyo, I'm goin' dumb~! I'm goin' dumb, so you better take responsibility, Ryuuuuu~!❤" her screams went on for so long, I was willing to bet I'd woken up my neighbors, and I wouldn't be surprised if they thought I was murdering someone.

Finally, the screaming stopped as Yuuki passed out from exhaustion. Letting out a gentle smile as I looked at her peaceful and adorable face as she slept. I slowly got up and backed out of the room - butt naked - before walking to the bathroom and doing a bath for her and me; we'd really need one before school today.

After getting the bath done, I looked over at the clock in the hallway and saw we still had an hour and a half until we had to even get ready for school so I went to my room and curled Yuuki up in my arms like some kind of baby.

By now she'd retained some of her mental faculties as she wrapped her arms around my neck and mewled into my chest about me being a dummy or an idiot.

Laughing at this, I walked to the bathroom before taking off Yuuki's tank-top and slowly lowering both of us into the bath.

I leaned back and rested as I felt Yuuki rest against me, and I thought about the biggest change:

Mine and Yuuki's relationship.

After that first night, she was incredibly insistent on spending more time at my apartment, and I had no problem with that.

In fact, she ended up spending more time at my apartment than her own house. I don't blame her, as whenever we went back to her house for a change of clothes for her, I'd hear the shouting, the arguments and the insults thrown around which with enough exposure could wear anyone mentality down.

Though as much as I asked, she'd never tell me what was happening. But I did swear to myself that if anyone in that house laid a hand on Yuuki, I'd burn that fucking mansion to the ground.

So, overall, something I did and started on a whim had become a genuine and solid relationship for me. We weren't together together but we definitely more than friends and I've gotta admit these two months have been...amazing.

The more we learned about one another the more invested we became and the more I wished I'd met her in my past life. She was a good listener and listened to me ramble on about fighting and martial arts, or even some silly chemistry equation that was troubling me.

She was quickly becoming a stable and luxurious part of my life which...worried me immensely.

What if she was turned by one of 'THEM'? Or what if she still wanted to leave with Koichi-sensei that weird freak...

For the first time in my existence, I was worried about losing something.

Kazu-jiisan was different. That old bastard, even before I knew he was a God, was someone I'd seen take on guys nearly twice his size. Even I, the battle manic psycho, didn't want to fight him seriously.

But looking at Yuuki, all I could see was...fragility...

But...I'd protect that fragility. I'd weather the mightiest fucking storm for it. Just to continue having her exist in my life, I'd fight anything, kill anything, destroy anything.

Thinking about all this, I thought of something to keep my mind away from such thoughts.

"Hey, Yuuki...?" I asked with a slightly quiet voice.

Yuuki tilted her head back and looked up at me with half-closed eyes but her yellow eyes were still as captivating as they always were.

"Mhmm, what, Ryu?" she smiled softly while she washed her body with some shampoo next to her.

Picking up some shampoo, I motioned for her to lean her head forward. Then I poured some onto her head and started properly rubbing it in. She let out a content sigh and simply went lax, letting me do what I wanted.

"Do you, I don't know, wanna go out around town after school today or something?" for some reason I felt my heart clench up a little when I asked this. Why? Am I afraid of her rejection? Does it really mean that much to me...Oh man, this is worse than I thought.

While my thought process was going on I felt Yuuki go solid like a statue before she started stuttering.

"A-are you asking me out on a d-d-date, Ryu?" I could hear a weird tone in her voice before I leaned over and looked at her face.

Surprisingly I was a blissful smile on her face and her eyes had gone dazed.

Seeing this, I replied.

"Yeah, I guess I am, Yuuki," she realized I was looking at her face and she quickly turned her head away before turning back with a more casual face. Though I could see her facial muscles struggling to hold her smile back.

Thank god for my enhanced eyesight.

Looking over at me, she nodded, "I-I'm cool with that, Ryu...I'll just need to go back home and get changed after school, o-okay?" she instantly went back to washing her body, so I went back to washing her hair with a smile on my face.

An hour later, we were both done in the bath, had gotten dressed and were ready to head out to school.

On the way Yuuki hugged my arm like most times we went out and we talked about some gossip Yuuki had heard and laughed about parts before we moved onto other nonsense talks that just let us enjoy each other's company and voices.

And before we knew it we were at school, but when we arrived we were both slightly perplexed; there was a crowd of people surrounding the gate. Mainly boys and they seemed to be lining up to do something.

Looking to Yuuki she shrugged her shoulders saying she was just as confused as me. Wondering what was happening I got closer before seeing what was happening and sighing. I began to push my way through the crowd.

A few people went to turn around and have a go at me but seeing me, they instantly went pale and moved out of the way by another few feet.

After a while of pushing, I'd made my way to the person being surrounded and saw a tall, purple-haired girl.

I felt Yuuki tighten her grip around my arm, purposefully burying my arm deeper into her cleavage as she felt threatened by the existence in front of one another.

Yes, the person in front of me was Saeko Busujima, someone ranked higher on Morita's list of hot girls than her. (For reference Saeko is 1st place while Yuuki is the 2nd place).

"Busujima-senpai...what are you doing and why is there a crowd surrounding you?" I asked with a slightly exasperated voice.

Saeko looked at me and smiled with a radiant smile, nearly making blood spurt from all of the boys' noses surrounding us.

"I'm here waiting for my favorite kouhai, and when others heard of this, all the second and first-years kept coming up to me asking they were my favorite but I denied them flat out be~cause~" she poked me in the chest with her finger and I swear I felt killing intent from Yuuki, "you're my favorite kouhai!" and now I can feel killing intent from everyone surrounding me.

Why'd you have to do this, senpai?

As if hearing my thoughts, Saeko went to grab my hand, presumably to lead me to the Kendo Club room but before she could, Yuuki stepped in between us.

"Who do you think you are to grab, Ryu's hand so casually?" Yuuki's voice had a harsh edge to it, one I'd never heard before, and moving to the side, I swear she has Yandere eyes going on.

Everyone around me started whispering stuff like 'lucky bastard' 'playboy' and the like but I'm not lucky! Sure, a playboy! But having a possible Yandere isn't lucky at all!

Oblivious to my mental panic, the girls continued their stare off before Saeko chuckled with her hand over her mouth and slightly condescending eyes.

"I'm his senpai, and we have a spar to do today. We've fought more times than I can count so I can be as casual as I want with, R-Ryu-kun," Saeko stuttered at the end of her sentence when she said--

Wait. Ryu-kun? When did she start calling me my first name?

But Saeko carried on, "So, who do you think you are to be hugging his arm like the way you were, Miku-san?" hearing what she said, Yuuki actually looked proud.

She wouldn't just blurt out that we have sex, right?...right?

"Well, as a matter of fact, I 'fight' a lot with Ryu as well and I don't think you satisfy him the way I do," hearing this, I instantly stood between them before anything happened and something regretful was said.

"Okay, okay, Senpai, Yuuki, calm down, okay?" both girls glared at me but I ignored it and looked to Yuuki, "Okay, now Yuuki, I do need to go and have a spar with Busujima-senpai, I promised her but we're still going on our date later, right?" she seemed annoyed but when the date was mentioned she perked up instantly and nodded, "Good, now I'll see you later," I bent down slightly and brought her toward me and kissed her.

She was seemingly scared of Saeko stealing me away, so I had to provide some kind of assurance. Though I hadn't dropped my plans of a harem, I wouldn't let any of the girls feel excluded by the others.

Yuuki let herself drift into the kiss and seemed enthralled by my tongue as she kept sucking on it. But a cough from behind me broke us out of her trance and we separated to see a stunned crowd and a rather angry/annoyed Saeko.

Seeing this face on Saeko, Yuuki smiled smugly/triumphantly before walking off toward her classroom.

I turned back to Saeko who just 'Hmph'd and walked off, so I sighed before following her.

Making a harem is hard...