
Transmigrated Into High School DxD With The Harry Potter System! [SI]

Blake loved his normal life. He had everything he needed. Food? Check. Anime? Hell yeah! Games? He had them all! So can someone answer him away he's taking of a Loli Dragon and not trying to get a Harem In DxD of all fucking places?! --++--++--++-- Disclaimer: I write extremely casually, and purely for leisure and fun. Updates will likely be irregular, depending on when inspiration strikes and whether I can spare the time to work on this. Don't expect too much out of this, and certainly not anything close to professional quality! ...Inspired by an overconsumption of Japanese light novels, manga, and anime... expect their influence to slowly but surely take hold...

BlakeTheIntrovert · アニメ·コミックス
1 Chs

Chapter - 1: New Game!


" The view from this height is rather nice.", I said, from the rooftop of my office building. I can see many thing from up here on the rooftop, the people below me looks like an ant from this height, like the inconsequential creature they are, we are.

I was always pretending, pretending to have an emotion, to care, and to love, I have do that for far too long that I forgot how to be genuine, the façade that I have made from the tender age of six when my Mom died and it continued to influence me even to adulthood.

Empathy is not something I have, I helped people not because of the good of my heart, but because of an obligation to society, to be normal, I pretended to cry at one of my family member's funeral, when inside I simply felt, indifferent, detached.

I am now 26, I'm working on a boring work at a cubicle that took half of my day in the majority of the week, life is mundane, I'm going to work like this for the rest of this boring life, waiting for the sweet release of death.

So I start smoking, wanting my life to be shorter, I held no love for myself, but waiting for death is such a long and tedious thing to do, that now I'm sitting on this ledge on the rooftop of my office building.

Why I didn't do this sooner is beyond me, but perhaps it was because of religious restrictions that somehow latched onto me like a leech, I grew up in a religious household, but now I'm free from it, I now fully adopt nihilism into my life, 'Why keep living if your life isn't enjoyable?'.

So, I jump from this building, for at last, I'm free from the constricting chain of life and now death will greet me in its welcoming yet cold hands, for that is what I expect.

The last thing I remembered was white feathers falling down from the fly and then warmth.




My awareness came back to me when I reached Six years old, and to say I was shocked is an understatement. To be an (almost) full-grown man, die, and be reborn is not what anyone could predict would happen to them, except maybe for those who believe in reincarnation. I was not one of them. While I did believe in some kind of higher power, every concept of gods and deities seemed too numerous and diverse for any of them to be true, all created from imagination and beliefs.

Although, as I looked down at my tiny, still chubby hands, I couldn't help but think that if there truly was divinity, whatever shape or form it had, it must be mocking me. Or maybe it was a form of punishment for whatever bad things I did, to make me re-live a life from childhood to adulthood again. But for the life of me - I couldn't remember doing anything worth this cosmic joke.

However mad I was at said celestial, I was still thankful to have no memories of being a baby. Nursing, soiling myself, having no form of communication except crying and the mind-numbing boredom of doing nothing all day would certainly have killed me a second time - I was certain.

Still being a boy and human was another thing to be grateful for.


' Huh?'

Suddenly appearing out of thin air was a translucent blue screen hovering in front of my face. Next was a female monotonous voice that spoke up inside my head as I sat up on my bed.

[ 🎉Congratulations🎉! You are selected to be the First Gamer in your Multiverse. Please select your Race!

[Race] : ?

I frowned in confusion, staring at the screen dubiously. Before I could get more confused, the content on the blue screen changed.

[ Perk Gained:

[Gamer's Mind] (Passive)

– Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through. Allows a peaceful state of mind. Grants Immunity to psychological status effects.

[ Perk Gained:

[Gamer's Body] (Passive)

– Grants a body that allows for the user to live real life like a game.

Perk Gained:

[Observe] (Active)

– Provides information on the target.

Suddenly, I felt all the confusion and nervousness leaving me as the [Gamer's mind] worked its magic.

' Huh... I feel high.' Why did I feel high as fuck but super focused?

A new screen grabbed my eyes and made me throw that thought away for later.

A Race opinion, but unfortunately only Human option was there. With no other choice, I picked the Human option.

[ Race 'Human' selected.

[Class] : ? ]

There again was only one option. I clicked on 'Mage'.

[ Class 'Mage' selected.

This is your character sheet. It shows all your stats and special skills. Just think about it to go on this screen.

[ ***Character Sheet***

Name: Emrys Nurmi.

Titles: The 69th Jumper.

Race: Human.

Class: Mage.

Lvl: 1 (0/10).

MP: 1000 (10 per minute).



[Comic Book Pretty]: What the name says on the tin. Regardless of where you are, you happen to fall in the top percentile looks-wise. Aphrodite stares covetously, Adonis weeeps in envy, and even Narcissus looks away from his reflection when you walk past. Be careful about Zeus shenanigans tho. In a more detailed manner -  You are beautiful or handsome. No, that is an understatement. You are more attractive than even a supermodel. Any wounds you receive will heal properly, and you won't have scars unless you want to, and even then they won't look ugly. You won't gain muscle mass as you work out unless you want to, though you'll still get stronger, faster, and gain more stamina as you work out, it just won't be visible.

[Gamer's Mind] (Passive)


Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through.

Allows a peaceful state of mind.

Immunity to mental disorder.

[Gamer's Body] (Passive).


Grants a body that allows for the user to live the real world like a game. (He receives no physical damage from attacks, only pain for a few seconds and a loss of HP).

After sleeping in a bed, it restores HP, MP and cures all status effects.

[Observe] (Active)

A skill to find the target's information. It also tells the target's max HP, max MP, and information and it reveals the remaining HP, and weaknesses and

it shows additional information like attributes, status, background, and emotions ]

I nodded to myself and then willed the screen to disappear. Apparently, now I'm a Gamer now, chosen by an Omnipotent Being for the sake of its amusement and entertainment. Though I was a bit suspicious about it. Was it God or something? Whatever, thinking about it won't help. Still, I wasn't going to look in the gift horse's mouth.

[ Next please say [Menu] ].







[You can access the [Menu] at any time to check your current number of [Skills], [Perks], [Quests], etc.]

This is helpful, I guess. Though, I have a question. How many items can I store in the [Inventory], and can it store items of any size?

[Good question. The [Inventory] can store up to an infinite amount of items. It can store anything no matter its size, as long as that thing is not a living being.]

Well, that's useful.

[To further help you during your quest, I will give you these three [Skills] to further help you survive.]

-[Skill] Granted!

-[Skill] Granted!

-[Skill] Granted!

[Unarmed Combat]—(Active)—Lv. (1/50)

Your instinctive knowledge in fighting while unarmed.


Allows mastery in hand-to-hand combat.

[ Bladed Weapon.

Mastery]—(Active)—Lv. (1/50)

Your instinctive knowledge in fighting with bladed weapons, be it swords, scythes, spears, or any weapon with a blade.


Allows mastery over bladed weapons.

[Marksmanship]—(Active)—Lv. (6/50)

Your instinctive knowledge in using ranged weapons.


Allows mastery over Ranged weapons.

Due to past experience in using ranged weapons, [Marksmanship] is already leveled up!

No surprises for that last notification here. I did some practice with guns a while back. But wow! Thanks a lot! This is truly going to help me out. But… I still don't know where I'll be going.

[ We'll talk about that once we finish here. Now please, choose a weapon.]


' Eh? Game, why is there only Wand?'

[... Didn't I tell you what kind of System I am already? ]

My eyebrows twitched,' No. No, you didn't.'

[ Well... Hello Gamer, I am System696969696969, also known as The Harry Potter System ]

' ... Well, shit '

[ Sorry, Gamer. I know I may not be the most overpowered-]

' Nah, it's not that.'

[ Eh? It's not? ]

' Nah. It's just...' I bitterly chuckled as I stared at the floating screen in front of my face,' I know like absolutely nothing about Harry Potter. Most of my so-called knowledge is from Fanfics and half a movie I seem once with this emo girl who taught things about more than my biology teacher ever taught me.'

[ So you don't care that I'm not one of those overpowered Systems? ]

I shrugged,' I honestly don't care.' I smiled,' Hey, at least I got a System, right?' Most don't have that privilege.

[... You're an odd Human, Blake ]

I chuckled hearing my real name and nodded,' I get that lot.'

Yawning, I looked around and hummed,' Hey Game.'

[ Yes, Gamer? ]

' What world am I in?'

[ Draconic Deus, also famously known as-]

' High School DxD.' I finished the sentence, and my smile froze on my face.

Well, this just got interesting.

' I'm in Kuoh Town aren't I, Game?'

[ Yep~! ]

' Just greaaat...'

And I am six years old with normal human parents who have no idea about the Supernatural World.

' Mitä helvettiä tämä on?!'

Who Turned the mode to Nightmare?!


[BlakeTheIntrovert] - If you enjoyed the chapter, I'd appreciate it if you left a review detailing your thoughts!

Any and all constructive criticism is welcome but please, keep it constructive. If you're going to flame me, I'd at least like to get something useful out of it besides the crippling blow to my ego.
